Hey there again. I want to give my Month of Feedback on the Screwdriver!!!!!!!!!! JUST WHAT I NEEDED AND WANTED! The only comment I have that it takes a few weeks to get here and I accidentally put the WRONG zip code in so I had to track the darn thing down myself.....of course the PO said it would be directed "properly" despite the incorrect zip code, but low and behold, me GOING POSTAL and to several post offices, found it at the another post office. They (the Co) thankfully give you tracking info. I am me after all. Take my left kidney, I need this thing.
The intitial juice taistes like dirt. But it does the trick. I went online immediately to find my flavor, but found it was not available. Hence, I made other inquiries as to good juice reviews and a couple in the us. I ordered a couple but have found you need to renew them constantly and I'm sure they are killing my atomizers. This I need help on. Don't need the cig flavor any more, like the lighter things....after all, I wanted to get off the cigs....why not have a new flavor? I think most people find this out within 2 weeks.....yuk> There are so many flavors out there...Why am I doing this? Because I LIKE TO SMOKE and I can't do it any more. It's my..........well........breath of fresh air, to recindle my mind.....take the stress off.......
So, I recommend it, however, If you are paranoid like me for the present, ORDER A SECOND FOR A BACKUP. It rolls easily (only flaw I find - perfectly designed. I mean that. Just should have had one slightly flat edge - oh jimminy cricket, that's a girl comment.) and although it is my "gold" it did roll off the darn table and I freaked. Still functional. Oh yeah...I FREAKED!!!!! TWO WEEKS? Start a store in the US... I'll volunteer! That is my recommendation.
So, my question is this......how do you know when the batteries go dead? other than loss of vapor? Is there a meter? And any recommendations about good juice - again, I have been over the internet and it is boggeling.
YOU HAVE GIVEN ME SOUND ADVICE AND HONEST OPINIONS. I THANK YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW FOR THAT. I AM NOT SMOKING AND WILL NEVER AGAIN. Thank you again for your prompt responses and if I can repay you in any way, I will be happy to. It means that much to me.