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Everything posted by woodensaint

  1. I use cartomizers mostly, but I have just gotten my first tank atomizer and some G4 cartomizers. I am getting monster volume from the tanks, but all I taste is the primer. The G4 were primer free and taste is pretty good, though vapor volume is lower.
  2. Got my G4 cartomizers today. It has literally been ten minutes and I have already modified one of my spare eGo Cones to fit. It really tightens up the draw nicely and that seems to help bring out the flavor better. No leaks yet but it is still early. I can tell though that if I don't grip it firmly at the base when putting it on the battery that I am going to twist the glue loose. The second one did not initially wick properly, but I resolved this by blowing into into it through the rubber mouth piece. There must have been an air bubble in the cavity that allows the liquid to drain to the atomizer. The modified cone also fits too snugly on the second unit,it appears to be the result of a manufacturing error as it appears to be slightly off center, which maybe why it did not wick straight out of the box. A small amount of liquid from over filling was easily removed form the center air tube with a 20 guage syringe. I think that I will store them vertically to prevent more air from becoming trapped in the small cavity between the tank and atomizer. Another advantage to the G4 is that you can quickly refill or fill them without removing them from your battery.
  3. I plan on using it on an eGO anyway, so it is nice to know it works with it, I have a spare cone so I am not afraid of taking a dremel to it. I figured they would probably leak, as it seems to be common among the clearomizers. Despite the G4 name, (I am assuming it stands for generation 4), it is really a gen 1 product. I imagine there will be a g5 or a g4 rev 2 sooner or later once all the issues with them are widely known. I figure the more ppl, who try them the quicker we can out the problems and resolve them.
  4. Good promotional piece for e-cigs in general, but a softball story. There should have been someone from the FDA there, for a good grilling. I suppose they are afraid that having an open conversation about e-cigs would expose them for the tobacco/pharma stooges that they are.
  5. Ordered some G4 cartomizers last night. Tried ordering some before from Unsmoke, but something was wrong with their payment system. Anyway I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts on them. Especially anyone who has had experience with them. They look about like a Vortex only threaded for the 510. No wick, no batting, sounds promising, but I expect it to have similar problems to the clearomizers such as leaking and cracking and possibly a shorter life span of the coil.
  6. I know two other people who vape, one is a co-worker who i convinced to buy and ego and now he loves it and the other is his wife.
  7. I can't stop laughing.
  8. Have a good one, being that there are so few left.
  9. Thanks folks, I didn't expect so many ideas so quickly. Any one of them will be a great help.
  10. Unlike my first foray into vaping, I decided to get a bunch of different sample flavors. Being excited to try them all I filled my cartomizers, but now it is a taste and guess game. I spent quite a bit of time today tasting and then marking the cart condom but the ink is already coming off. Any help with this would be great.
  11. Just streamed some stuff from netflix, a BBC mini-serial based on Neil Gaiman novel called Neverwhere. The netflix streaming library has grown by leaps and bounds since I last used it. I don't have the best speeds in the world, but it seemed fairly satisfactory.
  12. Right now I am using Johnson Creek Original Tobacco, but if anyone comes up with a cheesecake flavor it is all over.
  13. Today I replaced one of my 510 cartridge fill with a very soft multipurpose sponge. Using scissors I cut it slightly shorter than the existing poly fill material and Pushed it a bit lower down in the cartridge so it doesn't actually touch the atomizer. This material has a lot less mass and wicks very well. I can put much more fluid in the cart by compressing the sponge with a paperclip allowing the sponge to expand and compressing it again and repeat, and am getting massive hits and a longer cartridge life. With the sponge pushed lower than the original filler I am also not getting the burned fill taste on longer draws and since I don't know what material the sponge is, that is probably a good thing.
  14. Definately let me know how it works for you. Right now I don't worry much about running out of juice, but I have been home most of the day so I'm really worried about having power on the go, I am planning on picking up some extra batteries as well. I'm not getting much of a throat hit, but I am blaming that on the lousey chineese juice I got with my 401, the carts that came with the 510 seem better but not by much. I have ordered some Johnson Creek juice about a week ago, but they seem pretty backed up at the moment so i think I will have to keep vaping this stuff for a week or so. I have been thinking about getting 510 for my dad too, he has been smoking for 40 some years and I think if I can get the right e-cig, juice combination I can get him to switch. I think it would be a heck of a lot better, I've only been doing it about two weeks and I have almost eleminated my dependancey on analogs.
  15. Ok so I caved in and bought a 510, couldn't afford to do it, but you know how that goes, sure a few of us have turned over couch cushions look for analog money at one point or another. Came in yesterday, charged the first battery a full 8 as instructed, hit it for 20 minutes, charged it for an additional hour. After the first twenty minutes I was hooked, this thing is amazing. I seriously had a hard time putting it back on the charger and going back to my 401. Not only is the volume much greater but it almost inhales for you. In my case, anyway the vapor is a bit warmer than ambient air so it feels much more like smoking an analog. It came with high carts, which I thought nothing of as I have been using high nic juice in the 401, but have been smoking light analogs for the last ten years. I actually got a bit of a buzz, which I didn't expect, don't think I will be needing high nic juice anymore, since I won't need to hit it as hard. The size will be a bit getting used to and I can see some problems might arise with the button on the manual battery in my pocket, so I can see myself getting either a case or a PCC soon. Now that both batteries have been charged the M401 is going back into the box and playing backup. I can now see why everyone loves this little unit, it really is a powerhouse.
  16. I am still trying to figure out how to download the mp3 file that is in the source code on level 6. I know that the clue is in the source code, I can see an mp3 file but I don't hear one on the page, so I figure the clue is in that file.
  17. Well my fridge looks pretty disgusting, so uhm, yeah I guess that is pretty accurate.
  18. When she was with the Cranberries she kept her hair cropped pretty short, had it died blond for quite awhile, and had some strange makeup, all those distractions sort of hid that she really was a pretty girl, thouh she is the sort who looks better when she added a few years and a few pounds, pretty tiny too, don't know how tall she is but it can't be much.
  19. This video is a couple years old now, but I swear that the Cranberries former singer/front(wo)man looks more than a bit like Courtney Cox.
  20. The world is full of jackasses and it seems that all of them are for prohibition of one thing or another.
  21. I stream some of my favorite shows from Fox.com as well. I have used Crackle, but their selection seems kind of random and a bit small.
  22. Thanks again sorry about the trouble.
  23. Thanks a lot Chris was trying to figure it out and just gave up.
  24. If you cut the colored plastic sleeve off of the M401 atomizer it helps cool it a bit faster as well. It looks nice with the plastic on it, but it acts a bit like insulation and cools much faster once the brass is exposed.
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