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  • Birthday 02/19/1957

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  1. i ordered harley flavor.. I'll let you know how it is..
  2. Aren't they great.. I got the tornado and its just one of the best made.. Y they waited so long to come out with them is beyond me.. I am getting 8 to 10 hours a batt.. i bought 2 kits so i can use 2 different flavors.. Enjoy .. I know i am..
  3. You can file a complaint and get your money back. thats how it works.. So if you paid for overnight and it takes more than 24 hours from when it was recieved at ups then you get it back.. Go to contact us at dietsmokes and tell him .. He will have to file the claim.. And you get it back.. I have done it before with other sites..
  4. I use the APC power pack.. Works great and lasts a long time.. I think it works better than useing the usb port on my pc.. You can get them on ebay.. There around 20.00. Not bad for freedom of use.. ANYWERE
  5. Hi, To all that love your pv pt you can make it mobile with a APC mobile power pack.. Works great.. So when your going out or just running around the house it works great. Take the PV PT and enjoy..
  6. Buford you make me smile.. Please do more reviews..
  7. My problem is I just want more..
  8. I have a APC usb power pack.. Dam thing lasts for 2 days.. Love it.. Got it off of ebay for 22 bucks.....
  9. 3 different .. Red Bull 24 -- Camel 24 ---- cola 36 .. Lets see the redbull is from eastmall, cola I made. Camel is dietsmokes niclid...
  10. Ive had mine 6 weeks now and it is still crankin... I also clean them once a week.. The 2 joye510s are working good.. The dura C -- the white atomizer is good but the black one went south. Janty is sending a new one.. So it is all good...
  11. Usually 1 to 3 drops. Thats if i am using 24 mg juice.. Gives a nice kick.. 36 MG 1 drop..
  12. Your going to love your 510.. I have 4 of them.. They really crank.. Get some spare batts.. And juice.. as far as pen styles go I have the Kissbox classic and now the Crome Crusader.. The CC is the best so far.. It reallly cranks.. Easy draw.. Hugh carts..Clouds of vapers...
  13. When I smoked the others I smoked 2 to 3 packs a day.. I use around 15 to 20 ml a week.. Depends on the nic MG.. High will last longer.. light nic MG will use more.. You have to play around with it at first and see just how much you will be useing...
  14. hi, Try Dietsmokes.com.... He has all the goodies you want . Plus review vidio clips to show the product..
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