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Everything posted by hurrycaine3000

  1. a lot of good suggestions. I guess I saw one with an actual brass one to match the brass caps, and with the black tube, and black cart, it looks pretty nice, and I usually think mods look kind of silly. Oh well, I guess. I think I might try the gold aluminum one though, it looks like it might actually be pretty close. I am curious though "Snubber" can't the brass be polished back to it's luster, and if you don't like yours, any interest in selling it? I'm looking for one for a 510, and even more unlikely to find, a 306.
  2. I all, it's been awhile, but I had a question, and I figured if any place had the answer it'd be here. I've been trying to find a place to get real brass drip tips. I know that super T used to carry them, but they no longer do. I just ordered a black Buzz pro (my first mod) with brass top and bottom caps, and think it would look great with a matching tip. So does anybody still make these things, or am I out of luck?
  3. That's what I was afraid of. I guess it is kind of subjective. I know I've had some of my LR atty's be great, and others just way too harsh, and tasteless. due to the excessive heat burning up any flavor.
  4. so I heard one person say to go with the 1.5 ohm for my ego 600mA, but the last poster said they are using the 1.5 and loving it. I don't care too much about the battery life, I'm going for best performance here. I have two ego passthrough batteries, so I keeps them pretty topped off anyway. I'm definetly getting one of the two, just want to make sure I get the best one for my device.
  5. http://www.avidvaper...0-Atomizer.html Just wondering if anyone has used or heard anything about this 306/510 hybrid. I am thinking about ordering one to try it for my ego, but am not sure if I should get the 1.5 or 2.5 ohm. I've been having an issue with some of the LR 306 atty's I've been using burning up all the flavor in my juices. they produce a lot of vapor but they taste burn, while regular atty's just don't seem to have enough kick. any thoughts? suggestions? I'm currently using a 510 tank on an ego battery, and am hating it, but don't have any option until I figure out what I want to get next. update: oh yeah, this is the original post I heard about them in. http://www.ecigology.com/what-is-the-best-510-atomizer-i-have-ever-used/
  6. I try to clean my atty's every couple of days. I just put them in a mug, and pour boiling water on them. let them soak a few minutes, and then blow out the excess water, and I'm ready to go. tends to really clean up the flavor pretty well.
  7. Just wondering if anyone has tried vaping whilst having strep throat. I want my nicotine, but am scared of what the vapor may do to my throat.
  8. Just wanted to give a quick update on two things. One, a little steel wool will take that black rubbery stuff right off. and two, if you accidentally drop your ego battery in a sink full of water , it will still work, and without even letting it dry out. though I'm not suggesting you try this, I was pretty happy to find out it still worked. So I now have a very shiny, stainless steel ego, and I have to say. I kinda like it. Almost forgot, If your going to attempt this, make sure you dampen the steel wool a little, so as not to scratch up the nice stainless under the rubber.
  9. Doh! proceed with caution. I don't know if it was just the atty's time, but my boge 306 barely vapes at all after doing this. it actually works ok when almost dry, but tastes awful, and as soon as I top it off it's can't heat up one drop of liguid, so doesn't work. This probably isn't the case with a standard atty (should have tried that first), but if your using a 306 you may have problems.
  10. Is this common. the black keeps peeling off of my ego. I'm thinking I'm just gonna try peeling it all off and getting a stainless cone. Is the battery just all stainless steel underneath the rubber. sucks, the thing is only a few weeks old. are any of the other colors not made out of that rubbery material. I like the feel, but would trade it for a black powder coated or painted one. It just seems it would be more hassle free, like when I accidentaly over fill my atty while dripping.
  11. I own the safe cig, and you do have options. you can refill them via, the condum method, or buy empty carts for a 4081. they are compatible. I did notice however, that you don't get as good of a seal between the battery and the cart which can cause some problems. the best results I got were from refilling, but then you're stuck with the leftover taste of the stock cart juice. honestly I fought it, and fought it, but eventually I listened to the people here, and ventured away from an ecig that looks like a cig, and I haven't been happier. I started with a joye tech 510-t kit, but just wasn't getting the flavor I craved. I tried low resistance cartomizers, and that seemed to help quite a bit, but until I bought my ego pass through, and a boge 306 attomizer, and drip tip, I didn't know what I was missing. It is the best I've tried, but that's me. I know how it feels to have bought into the hype about the safe cig, and blu cig. I'll admit that the safe cig is miles ahead of the blu cig, but it is way overpriced, and in my opinion not worth it. I still have mine, but have used it once in the past month, and went right back to my Ego. If you need to stick with what you have for now, like I did after spending all that lout, try out some 4081 carts, or what I did was gently squeeze the mouth end of the stock carts with some pliers to break the glue seal around the top of the carts. you'll hear the seal break. then just take a paper clip or something, and pop off the white cap. now you can refill the cart easily on the go, or rinse it out and let it dry to get the factory juice flavor out. I'm at work and typing kind of fast, so if I missed anything or can help you our, just PM me, and I'll be happy to assist. good luck, hope this helps you out a bit.
  12. interesting. I hadn't thought of that. I recently switched to a wider mouth cone for better air flow, and am liking the result thus far.
  13. I agree that you don't neeeeeed the cone. it is purely cosmetic, but I like the way it looks. you may too. I did find this http://www.heaven-gifts.com/product-296.html It comes with cones, and drip tips, so you can try that out with no extra expense. as well as some other goodies. the button protector is something I wish I had when I'm at work and it's knocking around in my pocket. I've seen these kits at this price with nothing but the batt's, atty', and cones. I think it's a pretty great deal, and I may have to pick one up for long trips, and because I'm addicted to spending money on e-cig stuff.
  14. try direct dripping on your atty. Packs that extra kick I need when I feel a craving like that. I didn't get that nicotine rush from vaping until I purchased a 306 atty, and drip tip for my ego. does the trick for me anyway. I barely use my carts anymore, except when driving, and even then...
  15. I have to agree with the majority and say, go with the eGo. I have only been vaping a short relative while, but have spent literally hundreds of dollars only to find out that I could've spent about 50 bucks and have been good to go. I've gone through Blu cigs, Safe cigs, and 0084 from lalla boutiques, a 510 tank system, and now only use my eGo. I bought a passthrough eGo for twenty bucks, and have barely looked at the rest of the stuff mentioned above since. You really just can't beat the value, and battery, and compatibility. You'll get over the difference in feel pretty quickly, but I had to make my own mistakes and not listen to the people on this forum, before I finally broke down and gave the eGo a try. good luck.
  16. I sure hope so
  17. Wal-mart sells e-cigs?
  18. I too now use an eGo passthrough, but with a boge 306 atty, and LR carts for going out. first thing I've used since I quit real cigs, that gives me the satisfaction. a week ago I would have recommended a 510 because it's closer to the size of a cigarette, and before that a safe cig(way over priced) but if I'd listened to the people here I would have started with the right thing right off the bat, and saved about 200 bucks. I personally don't like the tank systems because I don't feel like you get enough flavor and throat hit, especially once I tried direct dripping with the 306, but some people seem to like the milder sensation. I'd go with the ego and be done with it. good luck.
  19. Yeah, I picked it up over the weekend, along with the 306 Atty, and some LR cartos. Loving every minute of it. And I practically hit it every minute. I paid a little more than what I've seen them for online, but I love being able to pick stuff up a play with it before I buy it, and he's really accommodating. He spent about two hours talking with me about all of the stuff he has, and what's out there, and he's even gonna pickup some 4081 empty carts for me for my safe cig, so that's not a total loss. I still like it in certain situations, but its pretty much the ego all the way.
  20. Hey, we quit smoking the same hour, according to you banner. cool.
  21. Just wanted to mention to anyone having trouble quitting the analogs, get the banner under my post. I didn't create it or anything, but it's really helping me stay off the analogs. the e-cigs obviously the main ingredient in that equation, but the banner just reminds me how long I've been able to go without one, and motivates me to keep it going. Seeing the numbers get bigger and bigger is really gratifying. You hate to have to reset it to zero. Just click on the banner, put in the info, and copy and paste it to you signature in your profile. cheers!
  22. I was smoking a little less than a pack a day when I started vaping. Now, I too vape constantly. especially now that I have this eGo passthrough. I always have power so I'm always vaping. and when i'm not near a computer I have my eGo, and a 510 with me just in case. atleast we're not chain smoking nasty cigarettes. that would be grounds for concern. I also have fallen asleep with mine in hand, and it's the first thing I look for when I wake up. I also have a wife who quit smoking 5 years ago, and a four year old daughter, so not having to go outside anymore to get my nic fix sold me. Happy vaping.
  23. Both of those things sound amazing. I may have to get one of these to test out.
  24. I've been at it about as long as you, and just went from the joye 510-T to and eGo with boge 306 with drip tip, and boge cartos. I'm loving them. I still occasionally use the 510, but the vapor and flavor from the eGo setups is just so much better. Also It has a passthrough built in. Gives me the option to charge and vape at the same time. works out pretty nicely.
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