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About Zipper

  • Birthday 08/05/1976

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  • Location
    Vancouver, BC

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Brian is right, even for me I started with the extra high which was about 24mg or higher, I'm down to the 18mg and noticed I was vaping more for a while until I'm now used to it. But as far as the amount of nicotine ingested....I'm foggy on it also. All I know is I feel a ton better in my lungs and how I feel day to day.
  2. Thanks for the good info, my wife is finding she is getting a pretty satisfied consistency with her "KIT" however for me, cause I smoked a little more and bigger drags than her, I find the consistency does drop after about an hour on my 510. Good thing it came with the 2 batteries etc. So I'm interested in more info of the right step up for me to get a longer life as I'm puffing on this thing allot throughout the day. I'm on Day 4 of no smoking which rocks! and I don't wanna even consider crapping out. Hopefully I don't have to order a whole new model of E-Cig?? Just a better battery unit as you said?? Cheers bro.
  3. Wow, again you guys are so fantastic. Thanks for the responses. Yes the juice I've got looks relatively thick when dripping it on.I believe it's a 26mg nic. So I guess I can Dilute the bottles I've got?? I'd like to do that properly, maybe buy the same flavor from the store here at a mid-range 16mg and add to the bottle? And on that, I tried ordering some funky new flavors but I received a shipping address error to my place. Weird cause it says they ship to Canada and I'm in Vancouver BC. So I'm lost. I emailed the site admin and hope to hear back. I'm just loving this!! And after only 24hrs now!! I'm feeling so free from the stinky ashtray!! I'm only 34 and smoking since 18. I thought I was nuts but my lunch tasted so good today! Could my tastebuds already be improving? WOW!
  4. Well, I'm happy to say, I'm almost at my 24hr mark of being smoke free!! From the great advice I received here and being able to change my order. I finally did receive my 510 and one for my wife. Awesome KIT and everything I need. Now Question...(yes one is a n00b) 1. What is PV and VG you guys refer to?? 2. All my liquids I ordered are High and Extra high but don't have the amount of mg of Nicotine on them (imported from Shen-Zen China), I am getting a little dizzy buzzed feeling after vaping allot and so is my wife I've read it's normal but adjustments on the mg?? Or dilute it?? 3. Of course I forgot my 3rd question LOL. Cheers guys....other than the buzz and slight dizzy feeling, loving my first official 22hrs my wife and I are smoke free.
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