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Everything posted by DarthVaper

  1. Wow, great review! I'm with Chris - - I want me one of those!
  2. That thing would be good in a bar fight, though.
  3. Gosh, and so easy to conceal! I'd like to know how this guy drives a car while vaping this thing!
  4. 'Coupla things: -Are you using the carts that came with the 510? If so, they're hard to like. And, if you're new to it, you may be burning some of the cart fibers in the atomizer. That will taste unbelievably wretched. -The atomizer in a 510 is really powerful. In my experience, if it doesn't have enough juice to work with, it's going to taste really burnt. Not to mention that it will kill your atomizer much quicker. Many folks here, if they use a cartridge, will used purchased e-liquid and add it to a rinsed out and dried cartridge (the fiber comes right out with tweezers, rinse it with water, dry it with paper towels, saturate it with juice and stick it back in) AND put a drop or two on the atomizer before vaping. If you get the burnt taste after a while, time for more juice! Other folks, myself and our hosts Chris and Sean included, don't mess with the cartridges at all. Just pull the stuffing out and chuck it, then replace the empty mouthpiece after putting two or three drops of juice on the atomizer. Granted, this probably means re-dripping every few minutes when it starts to have that burnt taste, but I find carts more of a pain to deal with. -Juice strength is critical. If you're using low nicotine juice, you'll have to vape continuously to get a good "hit." I found it easier to get off cigarettes using a high strength juice. Hope this helps and you have better luck!
  5. Anything at all? Okay: Loganberry. They make juice out of it and when I lived in Western New York I really grew to like it. Damn tasty stuff.
  6. Found an e-cig piece from the Boston Globe. A semi-positive take on e-cigs but contained this interesting bit: (Emphasis added by me) Here's the link: Where there's e-smoke. . .
  7. No! That's not normal. Vaping cart fiber is about the most disgusting taste you can have in your mouth. If you know of a worse one, I don't want to know about it! Many seasoned vapers do away with the cart fiber entirely and simply drip a drop or two directly on the atomizer. I've been doing this for months and have noticed no difference in atomizer life. It's simply easier. (Although dripping and driving might get you into an accident. Pull over first! ) Once you get the cart fiber out and drip, that nasty flavor should go away in a couple drags. Then you can enjoy all the 510 has to offer. Good luck!
  8. Not to defend the insurance companies, but I imagine their research probably tells them that if you're using a nicotine delivery device, you're much more likely than a non-smoker to reach for a tobacco product in a pinch. I think in ten years or so of e-cigs being around, this may change. But as for now, we're not going to get much leniency from insurance companies. I have a strong dislike of insurance companies, but all the same I bought a life insurance policy after a dear friend of mine passed away while still quite young. He had insurance, and it helped his family immensely in a very difficult time.
  9. Thanks for the review! I've found it very difficult to know where to spend my money, while still wanting to try new flavors and items. Your review was very helpful! Black Tea sounds interesting; I may give it a try!
  10. I agree with you Chris - I wouldn't have been able to quit without the high-test nic liquid.
  11. Hey, that's really cool! So WalMart is a pretty big place and the staff are often clueless about where some items are kept (not their fault - I feel for them), therefore my question is: Where in the store can I find "Glow in the Dark AirSoft Tracers". Toy Department?
  12. Great review, and lucky you to be tapped to sample! I too like the Tennessee Cured; out of their sampler pack, it was my favorite. Glad to hear they're going to be amping up the flavor for their product.
  13. My first Yeti atomizer lasted about a month, then the draw got really hard and the vapor production was poor. I tried boiling the thing for a minute then blowing it out and letting it dry overnight, but it didn't help much at all. My advice: toss it. It appears the great vapor comes at a price - - short atomizer life.
  14. Mitch, I gotta add my kudos too. What you're thinking of doing for your employees is the coolest thing I've heard in a long time. The country needs more employers with your spirit. I'm going to agree with StringDancer on the penstyle, even though I'm a big advocate of the Yeti now. The penstyle is a good, reliable choice for transitioning off of analogs, and can probably be had in bulk for a good price. Maybe you could find a Florida-area dealer who would not only be willing to supply you at first, but also come down to your place of business and give a quick tutorial on how to use e-cigs for your employees? I'm sure if you posted it here, perhaps like a contest or something, some seller would jump at the chance!
  15. Hey, congratulations rik! That's awesome news! As for comparisons, I have a 510 now and also an RN-4072, which is a penstyle virtually identical to the 801. Short answer: The 510 kicks the penstyle's butt in terms of vapor production. Really. We're talking like twice the vapor here. But as you may have read, in terms of battery life, the 510 is way behind the penstyle. That's the tradeoff. Personally, I'd rather have massive vapor.
  16. Congratulations on your purchase; sounds like you got a good deal! I've had the 510 for a little over a month now, and here are my thoughts: - When it says "3 hour" battery time, my experience is that this bears a loose resemblance to actually using the battery. That is, I've never had a battery go dead from just sitting around. But in actual practice, I maybe get two hours of vaping out of my 510 battery. - I was a pack/day 100's smoker before e-cigs, and my habits have definitely changed. I used to go outside every hour or so when I smoked analogs. Now that I don't have to go outside, I vape about every half-hour when I'm busy, and about every 10-15 minutes when I'm just watching TV or surfing the net. But you're right, the activity just isn't the same. Now, rather than smoking for five minutes straight, when I vape I take two or three drags off the 510 then put it down. If I feel like vaping continuously, I just put in some zero-nic liquid. (Otherwise it's 36 mg., but I'm working my way down to the 24 mg.) All in all, I'm probably taking in more nicotine through the intermittent vaping method, and because I use the 36 mg. liquid because of the throat hit I get from it. After enjoying the act of smoking for twenty years while being variably conscious of the harm it was doing to me, I feel set free with e-cigs to enjoy vaping without the anxiety. As for getting a black e-cig, I think you're doing right. Who wants to be mistaken for a smoker, now that you're on e-cigs and off the cancer sticks? You can whip out your e-cig and take a drag almost anywhere and barely anyone bats an eye! I loved FloridaKracker's story about going to Disney and Epcot, before and after e-cigs. Good luck with the 510, I know you're gonna love it!
  17. For the record, it didn't' work so well. Yes a lot of gunk came out of it after boiling, but after letting it dry and re-coating the atomizer with e-liquid, it still vaped poorly. Only about a quarter of the vapor I get from the new atomizer, and I had to work to get that much. Oh well, it was worth a shot.
  18. Trying to remove the atomizer from the tube might be possible, but you'll probably need a blowtorch! Seriously, I've never heard of anyone doing this and having the atomizer live to tell the tale. On the topic of cleaning atomizers, I've found widespread uncertainty. My attempts to run water through one resulted in a total atomizer death. Others have recommended a variety of methods to clean these things, some successful, some not. There is general agreement that removing the atomizer from the battery and blowing into it from the battery end (make sure you have paper towels handy) is a good way to clean out some gunk, and will probably extend the life of the atomizer. (Make sure to drip some juice on the atomizer before you try to vape again) Beyond that, I don't know. Today, I attempted to use the boiling water technique on my Yeti atomizer (which was so clogged after a month's use that I could barely get a decent vape off it anymore, and it heated up like crazy every time). I just dropped it in a pan of boiling water for exactly one minute, then blew it out when it cooled. (lotta gunk came out) I'm going to let it air dry overnight and give it a try tomorrow. I'll post back.
  19. My wife is a high school teacher, and her school (which is pretty large) farms their school lunch program out to a private firm, Sodexho. They serve the most incredible array of junk food imaginable. They even have machines which vend Starbuck's espresso drinks and other such sh*t. They even have a Slushie machine IN THE LUNCHROOM. All part of the contract with the school As a consequence, the high school kids are totally jacked on sugar and caffeine when they come back from lunch, making them totally unmanageable. Then an hour later they go comatose from the crash, making them totally unreachable. At least when the government was subsidizing the school lunches, they had to serve something remotely healthy. Now that it's private firms, they serve what the kids want to buy. There's a good bit on this in Morgan Spurlock's movie, SuperSize Me!. I agree with Christopher: no wonder so many kids are fat and diabetic and ADHD and you-name-it.
  20. No more than 2 drops at a time. Otherwise it leaks out where the atomizer joins the battery. I just switched to a new atomizer after nearly a month on the original. What a difference! My Yeti is back! I hadn't realized how clogged the thing was until I put on the new one; was having a really hard draw and not much vapor production. I never cleaned the atomizer, blew it out or anything, so it's my fault. But hey, atomizers aren't supposed to last forever. Also, I was shopping around for some replacement atomizers and batteries for my Yeti, and of course, everyone's out of stock. I was going to buy two of each, then I thought, "Why not just buy a new Yeti starter kit?" After adding it up, it's actually cheaper to buy a new kit. (I bought from Rob at Altsmoke.com)
  21. Two weeks with my 501 and still loving it. The vapor output is just superlative. I vape this thing so much I'm always charging one of the batteries!
  22. It's a great e-cig, ain't it? I've put all my other e-cigs away for the past week; I don't think they're coming out again soon.
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