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DarthVaper last won the day on April 28 2013

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    Albany, NY

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  1. I get my nicotine liquid, flavorings and lab equipment from RTS Vapes and they've always been great. I used to buy PG and VG from them but I found them cheaper on Amazon with my Prime Membership, so that's where I get them now.
  2. Thanks for this tip! Wish I'd known this months ago. Just tried it and you're right! Unfortunately, DiscountVapers doesn't stock coils for the GS-Air at a higher resistance than 1.5 Ohm, so I'm stuck with those unless anyone knows of another supplier.
  3. Tell me about it, Tam! I have a 1.2 Ohm coil on it and I have to set it at its absolute lowest wattage (currently 6.4 watts) for it to be anything other than burnt. I ruined three brand new coils on it last night. They each just burnt up the first time I fired it at 11 Watts. I also own the 50 Watt and I have no complaints. I went ahead and bought 5 new GS-Air coils just now, and threw in the iStick Mini because it was only 19.99. We'll see how well it works when I get it, but I'm still in the market.
  4. Hi folks, In the market for a good mini device to carry around with me. I'm not looking for sub-ohm. And I'd like to go as inexpensive as possible with the best quality. My eLeaf iTaste 20W has been so unreliable since I bought it early this year. Now it's not holding a charge for long at all. I've been using the GS-Air tank on it with 1.2 Ohm coils. Many thanks in advance!
  5. Hi folks, In the market for a good mini device to carry around with me. I'm not looking for sub-ohm. And I'd like to go as inexpensive as possible with the best quality. My eLeaf iTaste 20W has been so unreliable since I bought it early this year. Now it's not holding a charge for long at all. I've been using the GS-Air tank on it with 1.2 Ohm coils. Many thanks in advance!
  6. Switched to 50/50, 3 mg juice and it's working great at near 30 watts. Thanks again for all the advice. I'm part of the club!
  7. Many thanks for restating this information and advice, Earthling.Will be reducing the nicotine and re-balancing the mix to 50/50.
  8. So that begs the question: If I reduce my nicotine level to 2 or 3 mg/ml yet I'm sub-ohm vaping, am I really reducing my nicotine intake? Has this been discussed elsewhere on the forum?
  9. Excellent advice, Earthling. I failed to mention I'm vaping 6 mg in both instances. My main reason for going sub-ohm was to further dial down my nicotine intake. Seems paradoxical that I'd be absorbing more nic by sub-ohming a lower mg content, but it makes sense the way you put it. I'll brew up some 50/50 at 3 mg and post back.
  10. I've been vaping for over 6 1/2 years. Early on, I jumped at every new device. The last few years, I've been waiting a while (quite a while) before buying a new vaping rig. I made the leap to sub-ohm vaping a week and a half ago. I upgraded from a 20W eLeaf with an eLeaf GSAir and a 1.5 Ohm atomizer to a 50W eLeaf with a Joyetech Delta II and a 0.5 Ohm atomizer. I use my own homemade e-liquid at 70/30 PG/VG. After adjusting the wattage upward to 30W, I totally barbecued my tonsils. I had a sore throat for three days, during which time I went back to my previous rig. I have no allergy to PG or VG (I would've known by now). No, it's the heat and my habit of regular usage. (I don't want to say I chain vape, because I don't, but I use my e-cig frequently). Sore throat went away with Advil and salt water gargling. I'm back to trying out the sub-ohm rig, but now I'm vaping at 20 watts and spacing the time of my draws out. No problems, but no big clouds either. So what happened to me? What am I missing? Can I be one of the cool sub-ohm kids or what?
  11. Interesting feedback on this. Was hoping that when I bought something for a low price I wasn't getting something cheap but it looks like I did. Still I am happy with the device so far and I can always buy some higher Ohm dual coils for it. Kanger discontinued their 2.0 Ohm duals but they can still be had (until they run out) at Discount Vaper. Rixter, I guess I should've gone with your recommendation and purchased the Smok Xpro M50. Next time . . .
  12. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I decided to go with logan108's recommendation and get the eLeaf iStick from right here at the Vapor Talk Store. I also added a new Evod "Glass" clearomizer. So far, I am very happy with this device, although I wasn't pleased with the 1.5 Ohm atomizer that came with the Evod. Even with the eLeaf set to 3.0 Volts, it still created a burnt taste, and the volts don't go any lower than that! I just don't get this lower Ohm business, I guess. I swapped in a 1.8 Ohm dual coil and can vape it at 3.1 Volts comfortably. I guess it'll save me on battery life! Thanks again, everyone.
  13. Hi all, long time forum veteran Darth Vaper here. Sorry I haven't been on the forums so much lately. I kinda settled into a groove with my Vamo v.5, my Kanger AeroTech tank and making my own eliquid. I haven't been keeping up with the new tech at all. The Vamo is working just fine for me, but it's too big and awkward to carry around when I go out. I have been using, (and don't laugh) eGo 900 mAh batteries (no, not even the VV ones) and an Evod BCC when I'm out and about. But the eGo batts are starting to get old and not hold much charge anymore. I'm looking for suggestions for a nice mod that fits well in the hand, is easy to use while driving and fits discreetly in a jacket pocket. The battery can be built-in or take protected batteries, doesn't matter. I generally like the EVOD tank, so something that would work with it or a similar tank is what I want. Not really into the whole sub-ohm thing as I don't understand it. I want something that's pretty low-maintenance, too - I haven't gotten into rebuildable atomizers, although I expect it's the next step (I mean hey, I'm already making my own juice!). I love this forum because you guys/gals always give great suggestions. I look forward to reading them! In other news, March 3rd will mark SIX YEARS since I last smoked an old stinky! I feel like I owe my life to the invention of e-cigarettes, because I never thought I'd be able to quit tobacco. Cheers all!
  14. Ditto on the Silenus, that's a nice looking mod.
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