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Everything posted by Cheriepye

  1. Boy did this make me mad! Those two people were literally lying thru their teeth! I vape e-cigs from Premium Electronic Cigarettes. They had me agree that I was NOT under 18 and if I was someone was gonna be in trouble. The kiosks in the mall ask if you're under 18 as well. Premium does not advertise themselves as a smoking cessation product. In fact, none of the e-cigs I researched said they were. You can check web pages and they can break down what is in their product compared to a regular cigarette. I know Premium does this. These people did ZERO research. If I can figure it out, so can they. Vote these people out! Cherie
  2. I also voted against this bill. Said I was 12th out of 12 and I "made a big push to the pie chart." Anything to get money.
  3. Just letting folks know I've been away because we have a massive fire in our town. If you've heard of the "Las Conchas" fire in New Mexico, that's where I am. We're fine, dealing with all the smoke. Didn't know where else to post this. We've been thru this before with the Cerro Grande fire in 2000. Cherie
  4. Right from the start I told everyone that I vape a different brand. Didn't try and change anyone's mind or shove my particular "brand" down anyone's throat. Everyone here has treated me with kindness and respect and friendship. The tips they offer, though not for my brand, do help me out and they provide a lot of useful information. I thank everyone for accepting me the way they have. This really is a great place to be. Cherie
  5. ROFL! I love it! Cherie
  6. Good for you Sharon! I think you did a great job. I always defend vaping when asked. Also, a nice plug for Vapor Talk! Cherie
  7. I guess I should have also said that my teeth are doing fine. When I was a kid we always used Colgate but when I got out on my own I started using Crest for some reason. I was also one of the original "Crest Kids" who were tested in school. Only other thing I do is use that Act fluoride treatment. Vaping hasn't made my teeth hurt but that Colgate Total is something else. Cherie
  8. I also take meds for depression and I'm bi-polar. I haven't noticed any ill effects and I'm also vaping 0mg. Cherie
  9. I have been inhaling my vape the same way I did analogs. I haven't had any sore throat yet. I have been having a bit of heartburn lately and I've been vaping for about 2 months. I have acid reflux and I'm taking medication for it, but the feeling is not the same. As far as juice goes, I think we all have our own tastes. Cherie
  10. Awww Beans... you perk up a gray day. Cherie
  11. That's what my meds do to me now, but I need them to manage my life. Cherie
  12. I also had a hysterectomy before I started menopause. I was 40. I've had migraines since I was 17. I started smoking when I was 11. Even now after all these years I'm still getting them, even with vaping. I think it is a very misunderstood territory. Due to some of the meds I take, I've never been prescribed Imitrex either. Cherie
  13. Oh... my... goodness! I didn't know there were MAOI's in cigarettes. That could have set something off with my antidepressants. I'm not supposed to be taking MAOI's. Boy am I glad I found e-cigs! Cherie
  14. Drat! I should have weighed myself before I started vaping. This is a very interesting topic. I don't feel like I've gained weight. Cherie
  15. I use a 0mg "menthol" carto already. It helps with my stress. Cherie
  16. What about the nicotine from tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant? Cherie
  17. I don't see how they can regulate them like tobacco if they contain no tobacco. Cherie
  18. I think I'm missing something. Electronic cigarettes don't have any tobacco. Can someone tell me what I'm missing? Cherie
  19. I thought the system we were already using delivered nicotine in a safe manner. No second hand smoke and nothing burning. These people are nuts. I'm with Sharon. No one is sticking me with something I don't know about. C'mon, nicotine "vaccinations?" Cherie
  20. Are you really using condoms and if you are is it part of vaping or am I just silly crazy??
  21. I had a bad carto one and it tasted like burning pine needles. Cherie
  22. Did you really say condoms? Cherie
  23. owutaqt.. I'm one of the newbies and I'm glad to meet you and hear you're getting better! Cherie
  24. I agree, but it sure tasted like a cold raw potato...lol Cherie
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