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Everything posted by kaerbear

  1. Got some Rum and Coke juice made by nobacco as a free gift in my order from vapor4life. Filled up my old cart (after watching a couple videos on the forums about filling and cleaning your cartomizers) with it and started vapin' away. It's actually really good too! Nice and sweet with a definite coke and rum flavor, I'm lovin' it, to tell you the truth. (It helps that my favorite drink is also Rum and Coke) I give it an 8 1/2 out of 10.
  2. Definitely, THANKS
  3. Thanks for the video, it was a lot of help!
  4. I just wanted to confirm that the cig2o is a kr-808d1. I bought some cartos from vapor4life and they work perfectly. Oh yea, they hooked it up with two bottles of free juice! I thought that was pretty cool anyways I thought I'd let people know just in case they were wondering the same thing I was. Have a great day!!!
  5. I live in Texas and was wondering if anyone has heard anything about bans here. I did some google searching and found nothing. I just wanted to be positive. I'll also be trying to help with other state bans as much as possible.
  6. Thanks for the quick answers and thank you for welcoming me!! Seems like a great bunch of people here I plan on hanging around as much as possible.
  7. I'm a newb to e-cigs and I got a couple questions. I have an Cig2o brang e-cig I bought from my local smoke shop for $11. Thru some browsing and google searches I have found out it is basically a KR-808D1, I think. Can someone confirm this? But I also have questions about the drip tips you can buy. I wanted to get THESE but I don't know IF they will work or HOW they work? Can I just screw them in and drip my juice into them? Sorry for my ignorance but I would appreciate any help I can get. TY
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