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Everything posted by jakemje

  1. How do you know if you have a bad atty? And this is going to sound weird, but does vaportalk send out used or reconditioned items? Due to my wall charger didn't work, and there was liquid inside the bag of my atty before I opened it. But from watching the vids on YouTube, I am not getting anywhere near the vapor as they are.
  2. Yes I did. But still not as much as I thought
  3. Is that a common problem? I don't get hardly any vapor even getting it straight off the charger and with a fresh drop on the atty
  4. Is the Mega Atty for the EGO that vaportalk sales, a LR atty? I am new at this, and I am a 2ppd smoker, but when I smoke, I can smoke a 100 as fast if not faster than someone smoking a reg. So I like alot of smoke and the reg atty on the ego I got isnt doing it for me. If it is not a LR atty, where and what would I need to get?
  5. So the atomizer and empty tip do not come with it? Or just the empty tip doesn't? I see it comes with the carts, but those ate the ore filled ones correct and can't be used for dripping?
  6. I get the idea of how it works, but if I want to drip, and I get the eGo kit, what else do I need to get to drip with this? I have seen alot of vids online about this, but no "step-by-step" of what you need and how to do it. They are more directed towards people that have been doing it for a while. Any help would be great.
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