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    Tempe, AZ

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  1. My Pleasure!
  2. LOL like Smilin' Bob!? My stage name will be Monstrous Matt...... "My wife used to hate the way I smelled when I had just finished a cigarette. Now I can't get her to stop shoving my e-cig in my mouth. I get my nicotine, without all of the flaccid side effects of cigarettes."
  3. What will they come up with next? Now they need a late night special full of attractive females to help push it!
  4. That's true godling. I didn't think of that aspect of it.
  5. I can imagine that the only reason a supplier will not ship to an APO address is because it takes some extra paperwork that needs to be filled out. You have to fill customs paperwork out just like if you were shipping internationally. So some might not want to deal with this paperwork. I can't think of any other reason other than FedEx and UPS will not ship to an APO. But most suppliers use USPS anyway...so this can't be the reason. You have to look at it this way though. The few minutes it takes to fill out that paperwork is nothing compared to the hell some of these guys are going through for us and our country. I thank you guys (military personnel) so very much for what you guys do day in and day out. My girlfriend's little brother is in the Army, in Afghanistan right now, I can't even imagine what he has to deal with over there. I can't thank you guys enough. We are more than happy to ship to an APO. Any military personnel that would like to order from us, please make sure to e-mail us before you order so that we can generate a unique military discount coupon code for you.
  6. It's sad and upsetting. I am still on the search for someone that will offer it without hurting quality, it's tough to find. The response I get is that it is unsafe to vape. I guess I can see that a little...it can't be good for you to pump that high of a nicotine content into you all day long. But I am all for the mixers and cutters. The guys and gals that like to cut their liquid down need the 36mg stuff. The only plus I see out of the 36mg going away is that it might make it easier to convince the FDA. I can only imagine what the FDA would say. "Wait, wait, wait! There is 36mg of nicotine for every ml of liquid in this bottle. You know you could easily kill a small child with this right?". Ha ha or something to that extent at least. If e-liquid is regulated in the future, I can imagine even 24mg would disappear. Enjoy the ride....
  7. That's a really cool idea. I like it. It's kinda like a mullet....ok ok no it's not like a mullet at all. But hear me out. Mullet - Business in front, party in the back. Your e-cig holder - Classy in the day time, party when the lights go off..... Yeah now you see it....just like a mullet hahaha!!
  8. I still can't put mine down....the rest of my PVs are now collecting dust. Although I did order a ScrewDriver last week....guess I will have to see how much use my 510 gets when it comes in.
  9. I think that everyone goes through the phase of wanting an e-cig that looks just like a real cigarette at the beginning though. That was extremely important to me when I started vaping. No matter what anyone said, all I cared about was that it looked like a cigarette. Then you find out that usually...the more it looks like a cigarette...the more power it lacks. You try something else...like the 510 as you mentioned...and you never look back. But how are you ever supposed to realize the true beauty of a 510 without having a dud first haha!
  10. That is unreal! I can't believe he felt the need to tase her. You can see how easy he shoved her around. At that age I can imagine you could break more than a few bones from the fall after the tase too. Unreal....
  11. I would say the M401 or M402. The M402 being closer to the size and weight of a regular cigarette. I think this e-cig hits closest to the way a regular cigarette hits. It's light, so you can hold it in your mouth like a cigarette. Plus if Ronnie is looking for the look of a cigarette, I think the brown cartridge that comes with the white M402 looks more like the color and texture of a cigarette. Not safety orange and hard plastic like the 901. My 2 cents..
  12. That has to be some crazy wind to throw a huge plane like that around. Imagine how amazing of a pilot you have to be to pull that off. I used to fly little cessnas and never experienced anything like that! A pilot once told me that landing on an aircraft carrier is like trying to land on a postage stamp....no thanks!
  13. No I have never seen that before. What a great idea. If it works like it is supposed to it would be amazing! You will have to let us know how it works! I hope someone has tried these before, I would really like to know how well they work.
  14. Happy Birthday Sean!! Cheers!! Here's a Jager Bomb for you! Since you are in Havasu....I don't want all the beers Vacker gave you to get warm...so I will go ahead and accept them in your name.
  15. It seemed to me like when I used carts on the 510 I had a short period I had to get through every time I put a new cart on where the atomizer seemed flooded. I had to take a good 5 drags to get past it before I got a real good amount of vapor. I don't ever have that problem with dripping. Anyone else notice this with the 510 carts or am I just crazy?
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