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Everything posted by Blakeab84

  1. Let me reword that... Liquids that you vape now 'may' taste different later down the road as you get your taste buds back to normal. Also, when you get a new liquid, vape it a few days on and off before you really decide if you like it or not. I've noticed that liquids I don't like, I can come back and vape them at a later date and love them.
  2. To be honest with you, your taste buds aren't back to being normal yet. Things that taste bad now will taste better as you go and things that taste good may taste bad later. Don't rely on them for doing reviews just yet. Give it some time. Good luck and vape on.
  3. Seems like a cool idea.
  4. To be honest, I had the phlegm for about 2-3 weeks once I quit smoking and I also experienced a case of the dull head and I even made threads/topics on VaporTalk asking questions just like you are. After 2-3 weeks you'll finally start to get rid of all those chemicals you've inhaled for so long. Once you get your ego, get on cam with me in the VaporTalk Chat and lets have a vape battle. lol **** im so corny.
  5. Haha - #jeffismakingfunnies @frosting - Be sure to keep in touch with us and let us know how it goes and your first thoughts. It's always cool to see someone make the change no matter what electronic cigarette they decide to go with.
  6. coughjeffsuckscough - Yea, Jeff's right.
  7. Being you are on limited funds at the moment, in my opinion I would say go with a Riva, which uses an ego battery and performs the same as well with the only downfall of slightly less quality. I've been vaping for about 5 months now and I've used a Riva and 510-E the whole time with no problems. I hope you find what you're looking for and make a smooth change.
  8. #markworkswithhardwood
  9. Got a hash tag that you think is just f*cking awesome? Let's see it! This is the hash tag I've grown to love: #BirdDogCrush <3 BirdDog
  10. When you clean your atomizers, usually a simple blow out should be fine. Just blow through the atomizer itself and that'll get it back going if it's gunked up and stuff. As for an atomizer that has been ran dry multiple times and you've burned the wick, might as well trash it if you don't want to get into anything extensive like dewicking. Getting used to e-cigs shouldn't be much of a problem as I've seen many make the change easily. You're still getting the nicotine, you just need to face that you'll need to detach yourself from the actual knowing. You may tend to have a few small issues such as having a ugh feeling due to getting away from the other chemicals in analog cigaettes that you've also become addicted to that e-cigs don't contain. If you're having a few problems at first, it's fine. Not everyones experience at first is perfect. It's all about learning and just going with it. No matter how many of these small problems you might have (which is common for noobs), it is nothing compared to living a much healthier lifestyle for not only yourself but for your family as well. Enjoy and don't give up. vape on!
  11. Get rid of the cartridges and stick to direct dripping. Search "Drip Tips".
  12. I have to agree with this. You can't go wrong with fruit and that touch of koolada or menthol.
  13. It's like you've pulled the words right outta my mouth.
  14. Pretty interesting. I couldn't even imagine how long it would take someone to make/edit something like that. Nice share!
  15. Pretty cool Chris. Thanks for the share!
  16. Congrats! 2 years smoke free? YOU ARE THE MAN! I bet the things you've learned the experiences you've had are priceless. Great job man.
  17. Fruit/Candy Flavors and Beverage Flavors are awesome.
  18. Agreed, nice find Troop. What more will it take to make them feel different though? No matter what is done or proven, I think it won't change the way some of them feel. It seems almost as if they are dead set on electronic cigarettes being the worst thing.
  19. Scared the police are going to come and get you? No worries, I've got a wooden door!
  20. Good eye! I've added a button to it for quick access to VaporTalk.
  21. Some of you know by now that I made GuideToVaping a little while back and I really wanted to add news to my site, but I felt that e-cig isn't enough and doesn't give enough drama. Who doesn't like to read about the latest drama and news, right? Welp, I've decided to write news that is happening here locally in our vaping community. Whether it's about the latest happenings with VaporTalk to MaryAnn's midnight fantasies. If it's news about us, it's for us! Read about the latest drama, updates, changes and information about your local vaping community. Latest Local E-Cig News: VaporTalk Has A New Face... - http://guidetovaping.com/2011/07/vaportalk-has-a-new-face/ NOTE: You are not subject to reply on GuideToVaping, but I encourage you to reply to this thread with your thoughts!
  22. Just when I thought things were about to get exciting. Nice share!
  23. Welcome to VaporTalk! See ya around
  24. Funny that you posted this... I watched a documentary on 'drones' just yesterday on netflix. Pretty amazing stuff they're doing. They were saying that there is a DIY forum for it and you can make some of them for as little as $30. Very nice share!
  25. I'm not able to edit my post, so I'll just make this reply with an image of the 510-N.
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