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Everything posted by LaceyUnderall

  1. I do watch that. It is my brainless entertainment. At first, I thought that was just the dynamics of their relationship because he did appear to just let that type of stuff happen. And with 8 freaking kids... I can only imagine that life is difficult! However, going back and seeing some of the old episodes, she is kinda mean. I mean, I get that she is probably stressed out... but... if I ever talked to my man the way she does sometimes... I would be knocked off of the little pedestal he puts me on quite quickly. But I don't think I would ever talk to him like that anyways because well... you just don't talk to people like that. I hope for their kids and the lives they started out building together, they can work through their issues. If you go into it with, Well a divorce will fix everything, then it will. If it isn't an option ever, then you just see the lows as that, fix your issues and become a better couple in the long run. /marriage counseling thoughts for today
  2. You are too funny. Maybe I am getting old (just turned 32) and being part of the "MTV generation", I hadn't even noticed that MTV was still on! LOL. I graduated to TLC, Discovery Channel, and of course Dexter! I like to watch programming on history, science and serial killers. Go figure
  3. It's funny you mention the 60's because I probably should have been a teen in the 60's. Not even a twinkle in Dad's eye... however, after reading a lot about the 60's and all of the progress made, this is really just the next step in that evolution and as history repeats itself, we are due for another. I just hope my generation gets off of their arses and does what needs to be done. I cannot stress enough the importance of everyone writing letters, contacting their elected officials, peacefully standing up for their rights... and when it is time, painting their yard signs, duct taping that yardstick to it and finding their way to peacefully demonstrate that they will no longer take this complete and utter lack of respect... because that is what it is. Officials telling us that we are so stupid, let's just parent you, even though you are an adult. As someone just finding their real understanding of American politics, it seems that we major in the minors way too much. Last night on the Daily Show, Stewart made a great comment regarding the gentleman who walked into the Holocaust Museum and opened fire: "We can't shield the world from crazy". And for a government to think that they can protect all of us by taking everything away, well that just leads to a mad group of rational people and that is worse (for the government) than a mad group of crazy people!
  4. The good thing about situations like this, is it wakes a lot of people up. I am certainly awake. I have always voted. Always participated... but now, I am trying to really participate. Many of us non-military forget that because we don't necessarily choose to fight for our country in uniform, doesn't mean that we aren't still responsible for fighting for our country. What Washington and Franklin would probably ask you back: What are you going to do about it? Are you going to sit there and let your colors run or are you going speak out and make a change? They would certainly insist on the consideration of a revolution.
  5. "Things can kill you so keep that in mind... you fearless know-it-alls!" Classic.
  6. Waiting patiently for show #5. (taps foot over and over and over)
  7. There is no doubt that tobacco should have some regulation. But I feel that giving regulation to the FDA is a serious mis-step. First, the FDA already has enough on their plate that they simply cannot keep up with. Their very own scientists were screaming foul not 12 months ago (which seems to have been brushed under the rug). Claiming that profit has become more of a concern than actual science. What has happened over the past few years, with the US manufactured food supply becoming tainted and the drugs that have been approved that probably shouldn't have been, the "FDA Approval" stamp has become very diluted and many Americans are simply not having trust in this agency. Secondly, and probably my biggest concern, is that the FDA is not an agency made up of elected officials, but appointed and that means, they literally can do whatever they see fit, without having to account to the people. This concerns me because they have a direct affect on the free market and as we are seeing with this tobacco bill, aka "The Philip Morris Protection Act" or "The PM Monopoly Act of 2009", legislation like this, which is a ruse, can be devastating to the free market. When/If this passes Obama's desk, it will be very interesting to see the fall out, how long it takes, and what exactly the FDA decides to enforce and who they go after first.
  8. James is a great guy and does a lot for the industry so if you are in the UK... definitely give him a shot! Also, what really stuck out to me in this interview was the discussion of PG as being well known to kill airborne flu and bacteria. Here are some links to some interesting reading... (one is pretty old... but an interesting read) http://www.ajph.org/cgi/reprint/34/6/578.pdf http://jem.rupress.org/cgi/content/abstract/75/6/593
  9. For those of you non-nicotine puffers... Have you tried Tasty Puff? I know... I know... it is flavoring for tobacco but it works Fabulously in an ecig. There is this flavor "chronic" and it doesn't taste anything like it sounds... but it is good. If you want a really good fruity flavor... "Banana" Woodensaint & Chris: Suggestion for "cheesecake"... Lorann's cheesecake flavoring. Add about 6-7 drops to 15ml unflavored liquid and yummy. Really yummy. I suppose you could add it to a tobacco flavor to see how that works.
  10. Ginny's response to "Oh the Children" was hysterical. That's how ridiculous it is! The wave of the arms was great. Seriously though, I hope I never get interviewed regarding selling to children. I would be a bit more ridiculous than Ginny I think. I certainly do not (sell to kids) and most of the suppliers I know would never give a drag off of their ecig to a minor, let alone sell one to them.
  11. Don't get me wrong... I completely agree. I don't think any government agency has any right to take "morals" into perspective. "Morals" vary from one person to another and well... we know which moral system seems to have the most money in the US. Allowing the government to have "morals" leads to infringement on rights, and we see that quite often when it comes to Gay Rights, Reproductive Rights, Smokers Rights, etc. But... the fact is that they do so we have to be prepared with the best possible argument when it comes to that fight and well... a petition is a good start and 9500 people, may be small, but hard to ignore. (hopefully) PS... How are you up? Have you not gone to bed? Good lord.
  12. Ginny Seville emailed this to us and well... it is worth sharing because she is awesome and did such a great job!
  13. I know that several consumers emailed two members of the FDA and cc'd the Senate HELP Committee staffers with a link or a pdf to the petition as well as noting their own personal use of the ecig. Just to ensure that the FDA did in fact know there was such a petition. Of all I knew who emailed, they did receive a response back from one of the FDA ladies noting she had in fact received the petition. It might not "make" public policy, but they are definitely aware that there are at least (at the time) 8500 people willing to stand behind the ecig. I am sure you saw at one point on ECF the discussions back and forth regarding the FDA banning a drug that was here well before the FDA... and that drug was used for terminally ill patients on their death beds? Well after banning, some physicians solicited the FDA saying that this drug was used in serious cases and the removal of the drug would result in a very very painful death for all of those involved. There were far less than 8500 people involved in that one... but the FDA did reverse it's ban and is allowing the drug to stay available until something better comes along. (with approval of course) There was also an instance with PlanB (the morning after pill) where the FDA determined, against the advisory boards suggestions, that adolescent women could not in fact make the decision to use PlanB in an adult way, so therefor, requiring it to be RX to those under 18. In this instance, they used social aspects to determine if "kids" would use it as a form of birthcontrol, rather than a last measure due to a possible "accidental" conception. http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/PostmarketDrugSafetyInformationforPatientsandProviders/ucm109795.htm Even though I fall into the philosophy that the FDA has in fact overstepped their jurisdiction in stopping the ecig (now, only for those who don't make health claims that is), somewhere in my gut, I have to believe there are rational people within the FDA who will take into consideration the 8500+ people who would be greatly devastated by the removal of the ecig. It will be interesting if/when a tobacco bill comes into law and Phillip Morris is sitting on that advisory board.
  14. Krakkan - 9466 as of today! I can't believe it! That's awesome! There are some who believe a petition will do nothing... but I disagree! The FDA does have the power to look at social and moral issues when deciding on whether to remove a product from the market or give it a grace period until either something better or proper testing comes along. No matter what happens, it will be nice that we will have this in our pocket with 10,000 people (and I think it will get there and beyond) who have come forward with their stories and support. It really does say a lot. If I haven't told ya before JD... this was an awesome idea. PS: If you haven't signed it... Whatcha waiting for?
  15. For those of you who are interested, the Electronic Cigarette Association (ECA) has started their newsletter, The Daily Digest, offering some good articles on smoking and obviously the electronic cigarette. Some background on the ECA: Back in March, 12 suppliers got together in Chicago to form the ECA. Currently, the main goal is to fight for the rights of the ecig to have open supply lines and possible carve-outs in bills like the Waxman bill and the Kennedy bill which are making their way through Congress. Being that this product is so new and as many smokers have found, a great alternative to tobacco cigs, it is kind of a harsh reality to just remove it from the market. Always on the table is the ability of the ECA to work with the FDA so that smokers can have this option as a reality. To give the ecig a voice on the Hill, Policy Impact www.policyimpact.com has been hired. Where suppliers are concerned, participating members will be asked not to make any health claims, quit smoking claims etc. Eventually, there will also be a regulatory system for the manufacturers so that suppliers can focus on what they need to and that is customer service and providing good product to consumers. If you are interested in signing up for the newsletter, please visit www.ecassoc.org and you will see on the right hand side a place to sign up. There is no obligation, just access to news. At the ECA website, you will also find further information as to what the ECA is working towards, a video message from the President of the ECA, Former Congressman Matt Salmon, and a whole lot more. And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. While I am not an "official spokesperson" for the ECA, I am very involved and keep a close eye on what is happening so if I don't have an answer, I can certainly get one!
  16. very cool. No LED. I like that. Hard to believe that cigarettes, which were openly given out to soldiers back in the day as a form of comfort, could actually be detrimental to their safety.
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