-When you start noticing the "draw" becoming more and more like sucking a thick milkshake thru a straw, it's time to blow out the atty. This is a sign the atty is getting flooded and soon, it will start leaking out of the holes near where the atty attaches to the battery. By sucking on the cart when the "draw" gets harder, you are just pulling more and more juice into the atty and leaking is not far away. Personally, I blow from the top where the cart plugs in.
I am an Ego-t owner as well for 4 weeks now. I am new too vaping and fairly happy with the ego-t not having anything else to compare it to except for a 510 intro kit from Direct e-cig.
I just found this post and from personnel experience believe you are spot on with your tips & tricks.
Could you clarify a few things for me?
#1 I have heard that blowing out the Atty from the battery side is better or works just as well, what’s your take?
#2 Is the LR Atty the way to go with the Tank?
#3 Is the 80/20 mix the best way to go?
#4 Do you find Vaping with the Ego-T better while using the pass thru as opposed to off the pass thru? And would a 1000 mah battery or pass thru vape better?
I thank you in advance for your time and response.