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Wenchy69 got a reaction from MatthewCJ in Do You Ever Feel Like An Analog And What Do You Do When You Want One
Don't beat yourself up! Smoking has/had a HUGE hold on all of us. I know people who don't vape and gave up the sticks years ago and even now they say they feel like a smoke every now and then. I guess we still have vaping to 'get us through', so to speak.
When I first began vaping, I was EXTREMELY proud and amazed at the fact that I immediately dropped from a very heavy smoker, down to just 2 a day. The very first one in the morning and the last one at night. I never felt like one through the day at all. Then I fell off the vaping wagon for various reasons and went back to the horrid things full time for a few months.
This time around, whilst I am enjoying vaping (when it just works!), I have not managed to get myself down to those 2 sticks a day. I still have an analogue more often than I'd rather and I am very disappointed in myself. But I have figured that if I push on I will kick these horrible nasty critters eventually and that's my goal.
Geez, you are doing far better than me, so just pat yourself on the back and remember these cravings will come and go for years perhaps. Ignore the little buggers and show them you are stronger than they are.
Wenchy69 got a reaction from Kingbtheone in Do You Ever Feel Like An Analog And What Do You Do When You Want One
Don't beat yourself up! Smoking has/had a HUGE hold on all of us. I know people who don't vape and gave up the sticks years ago and even now they say they feel like a smoke every now and then. I guess we still have vaping to 'get us through', so to speak.
When I first began vaping, I was EXTREMELY proud and amazed at the fact that I immediately dropped from a very heavy smoker, down to just 2 a day. The very first one in the morning and the last one at night. I never felt like one through the day at all. Then I fell off the vaping wagon for various reasons and went back to the horrid things full time for a few months.
This time around, whilst I am enjoying vaping (when it just works!), I have not managed to get myself down to those 2 sticks a day. I still have an analogue more often than I'd rather and I am very disappointed in myself. But I have figured that if I push on I will kick these horrible nasty critters eventually and that's my goal.
Geez, you are doing far better than me, so just pat yourself on the back and remember these cravings will come and go for years perhaps. Ignore the little buggers and show them you are stronger than they are.
Wenchy69 got a reaction from KaYoTiiC in My Friend Vapes Too Much
LOL! Looks like you've been well and truly told!
I agree... who are you to judge? Heck.... you SNIFF juice? Ummmm, who has the real problem here?
Wenchy69 reacted to savanahrose in My Friend Vapes Too Much
I have a very dear old friend who vapes way too much. Her cousin got her into Vapor 4 Life and it just is not working for her.
She was visiting me recently and I noticed how much she vaped, not 4 minutes went by before she had that ecig in her mouth again. She looked like a junkie on crack. Her batteries are always depleted and she waits until she runs out before she loads up her cartridges (I counted over 25 of them). She had 4 batteries when she came here then lost two of them at another friends house. Well she finally got back to my house and had to use my Riva.
I may use mine 2-4 times a day. I have never really run my battery until it died completely, nor do I run out of juice within the hour that she used it before running out of juice.
I told her that she needs to up her mgs of nicotine but she said that she does not. Currently she is using 18 mg but I think she should be using a higher dosage. Am I correct in this?
The one good thing came out of it is that she loves my Riva and realizes that Vapor 4 life is not working for her. I currently have the riva 750 but I think she needs the big mama.. I forgot the number but hopefully I can get it for her for christmas.
Wenchy69 reacted to kitsune in Mad Panic!
Talks of bans is not new, (doesn't mean it can't happen), but it is a very difficult thing to control in the days of internet.
This is a link for some DIY basics My link. This can help you at least get started.
My link check out wordup. They sell 0-100mg nicotine liquids in premixed flavors or unflavored. The strength you choose depends on your comfort level handling nicotine.
What strength do you plan to mix to??
Word up also has PG and VG.
Flavorings you will always be able to get as they are primarily used for candy or baking.
Liquids last approx 2 years--so won't help to have a 5 year supply. but at least a year or 2 would give you time to play with 0 nic or find another way to get nicotine (there will be a way)
I did experiment with making my own 0 nic and found in a pinch I could make do with it--the key to throat hit is menthol.
we have all been at this point of panic with all the threats of bans and controls......While I try not to panic, I do love my backups
Wenchy69 reacted to TroopX in Sweet Vapes
You're not alone wenchy. I actually couldn't taste them either. I have pretty dead taste buds too. ...I really wanted to~
Wenchy69 got a reaction from TroopX in Sweet Vapes
I know so many of you guys are mad crazy Sweep Vapes fans, which is why I bit the bullet and placed an order. Vanilla Custard, Starbuckets Latte and Blueberry Shortcake were my choices. Can't say I'm feeling the love for any of them. Really disappointed to be honest. I am one of those who has dead taste buds, so really thought that given the rave reviews here, Sweet Vapes might put me in heaven.
My absolute all time fav vape is Ms T's Vanilla Custard.... can't get enough of that stuff. It's just that there always seems to be issues with placing orders on her site. Have to always end up emailing what I want. Something to do with being an O/S customer apparently.
Anyway, I was SO hoping that the Sweet Vapes Vanilla Custard would be as good as Ms T's. Not so. It certainly smells very similar, but the flavour is just not there. I even ordered double flavour. Grrr! So annoyed at my stupid taste buds!!!
I am in no way bagging Sweet Vapes! The shipping was great, considering we had 5 days of Easter holidays here. Prices Ok, and Dayna was lovely to do business with. No complaints there whatsoever.
I know a couple of you have rotten taste buds like myself. Nanna I think is one? Can anyone recommend a truly sweet/strong flavour?
Also, I very rarely see any Ms T fans around. Anyone out there?
Wenchy69 reacted to asleep in Sweet Vapes
Hey Wenchy69, I understand exactly what your going through, we all go through this, people just intrepid taste differently. I've worked my way from vendor to vendor looking for the perfect combo of taste, and carto life; even though almost everyone agrees that PG is the only way to go with a carto, not all PG is clean enough to really enjoy that way IMO and my taste in juice is almost who I am, none of my friends who have tried my all day round up like it, NONE but it's my sweet spot, and I have a ton of "good" juices in my toolbox I'll never vape. It just takes some searching, you'll find it. My advice, do exactly what your doing, explore vendors that others have had great success with, and order small samples of things you know you'd like, before experimenting. Best of luck, there is a lot of vendor, which is a great thing for finding the vendor with a similar palate to yours.
Wenchy69 reacted to fran1959 in Sweet Vapes
I am a Ms. t fan, I know you have to wait for her juice, but every time I try something else I still keep going back to her site. What I do is since it takes so long, after I find something I like I order 2 bottles of it at once. For some reason, that is the juice I can taste most. Also VT juice is very good, have you tried them?
Another good thing about Ms. T is she will make any mg. you want, for me 18 isn;t enough 24 is too strong, so I order 21 now and it's just right.
Wenchy69 got a reaction from cheshyl in Sweet Vapes
I know so many of you guys are mad crazy Sweep Vapes fans, which is why I bit the bullet and placed an order. Vanilla Custard, Starbuckets Latte and Blueberry Shortcake were my choices. Can't say I'm feeling the love for any of them. Really disappointed to be honest. I am one of those who has dead taste buds, so really thought that given the rave reviews here, Sweet Vapes might put me in heaven.
My absolute all time fav vape is Ms T's Vanilla Custard.... can't get enough of that stuff. It's just that there always seems to be issues with placing orders on her site. Have to always end up emailing what I want. Something to do with being an O/S customer apparently.
Anyway, I was SO hoping that the Sweet Vapes Vanilla Custard would be as good as Ms T's. Not so. It certainly smells very similar, but the flavour is just not there. I even ordered double flavour. Grrr! So annoyed at my stupid taste buds!!!
I am in no way bagging Sweet Vapes! The shipping was great, considering we had 5 days of Easter holidays here. Prices Ok, and Dayna was lovely to do business with. No complaints there whatsoever.
I know a couple of you have rotten taste buds like myself. Nanna I think is one? Can anyone recommend a truly sweet/strong flavour?
Also, I very rarely see any Ms T fans around. Anyone out there?
Wenchy69 got a reaction from AimeeG in Sweet Vapes
I know so many of you guys are mad crazy Sweep Vapes fans, which is why I bit the bullet and placed an order. Vanilla Custard, Starbuckets Latte and Blueberry Shortcake were my choices. Can't say I'm feeling the love for any of them. Really disappointed to be honest. I am one of those who has dead taste buds, so really thought that given the rave reviews here, Sweet Vapes might put me in heaven.
My absolute all time fav vape is Ms T's Vanilla Custard.... can't get enough of that stuff. It's just that there always seems to be issues with placing orders on her site. Have to always end up emailing what I want. Something to do with being an O/S customer apparently.
Anyway, I was SO hoping that the Sweet Vapes Vanilla Custard would be as good as Ms T's. Not so. It certainly smells very similar, but the flavour is just not there. I even ordered double flavour. Grrr! So annoyed at my stupid taste buds!!!
I am in no way bagging Sweet Vapes! The shipping was great, considering we had 5 days of Easter holidays here. Prices Ok, and Dayna was lovely to do business with. No complaints there whatsoever.
I know a couple of you have rotten taste buds like myself. Nanna I think is one? Can anyone recommend a truly sweet/strong flavour?
Also, I very rarely see any Ms T fans around. Anyone out there?
Wenchy69 got a reaction from KaYoTiiC in Sweet Vapes
I know so many of you guys are mad crazy Sweep Vapes fans, which is why I bit the bullet and placed an order. Vanilla Custard, Starbuckets Latte and Blueberry Shortcake were my choices. Can't say I'm feeling the love for any of them. Really disappointed to be honest. I am one of those who has dead taste buds, so really thought that given the rave reviews here, Sweet Vapes might put me in heaven.
My absolute all time fav vape is Ms T's Vanilla Custard.... can't get enough of that stuff. It's just that there always seems to be issues with placing orders on her site. Have to always end up emailing what I want. Something to do with being an O/S customer apparently.
Anyway, I was SO hoping that the Sweet Vapes Vanilla Custard would be as good as Ms T's. Not so. It certainly smells very similar, but the flavour is just not there. I even ordered double flavour. Grrr! So annoyed at my stupid taste buds!!!
I am in no way bagging Sweet Vapes! The shipping was great, considering we had 5 days of Easter holidays here. Prices Ok, and Dayna was lovely to do business with. No complaints there whatsoever.
I know a couple of you have rotten taste buds like myself. Nanna I think is one? Can anyone recommend a truly sweet/strong flavour?
Also, I very rarely see any Ms T fans around. Anyone out there?