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Everything posted by SkepticByTrade
On my way out the door: Dust, pet hair, all that stuff I deal with everyday in my house-no problem. The only moving part to fire is the atomizer stem. It is easy to use. No button per say, just push on the atty and it fires. You are moving the atty onto the battery positive post. When you release the atty, it stops. Simple mechanics. This thing is tough. It is gonna be here a long time. Too bad we don't have the attys yet that will last. You can also use it at 6 volts, but I find so far that the 3.6 is fine. No button, no wires, just plain old metal pipe and and the atty stem. Pretty neat. I find that Atmos gets the order out quickly. It worried me that I did not see a warranty. When I got the mod, I know why. Does not need one. It's a beast. I don't go for looks. I am strictly function oriented. When I want a smoke, I want a smoke.
Just a really quick review on the Copper. I have been vaping since April 2009. Have not been in the forums a lot, since I don't have much down time. But, this is important and hopefully will help some fellow vapors. I got my Copper about a week ago. Could not resist anything that screams indestructible. Gotta love that claim--- Well, so far it is. I vape using a 14500 battery in it. Wow. It is fun and feels great in my hand. I love the weight (I love my big Silverado, too), makes me feel serious. This thing can kick a mule's butt on dependability. I put my two month old 510 on it and it is amazing the vapor I am getting. My own tinkered juice is acting like a star too. I know the mods all do the same thing. They let us have longer battery life and smoother vaping without the hit and miss of the OEM batteries that come with the kits and whatnot. But, the difference is the construction. This will be working when everthing else is hitting the junk drawer for parts. Oh crap, just knocked it off the cabinet onto the tile covering a concrete slab. Broke the mouthpiece of the 510. That's what I get for bragging. Guess it did not matter. Picked it up and checked to make sure I did not crack a tile. New cartridge. Dang, it works just like before and I did not crack the tile. Okay, you all, proof is in the pudding. I think I want another, just because. Gotta run, pizza is done.
I found a good cartridge beef up. I bought a sheet of felt from the craft dept at Wal-mart. 32 cents for a 9x12 sheet that is perfect material for fiber substitute. I cut a thin strip, rolled it up loosely and stuffed it into the cartridge. It holds plenty of juice and toughens up the pull. If you do this, make sure that you using a skinny strip that does not get too close to the atomizer coil. Not recommended if your face is flammable.
Vacker, Ouch. I am not in it for a quick fix. I want to promote but refuse to do so if I don't have enough factual info at hand. I guess I am serious, $500 in first two weeks and I have not purchased all the extras yet. But, I will not buy batteries, etc. for my family until I know they will not be stranded without while waiting for backups. That is unacceptable. I ordered my e-cigs and had them within five business days, free priority mail. Faster for sis and mom in Texas. I want the best for them and within reason, cost is not an issue. Their well-being is. As for all the others, I have been doing Q&A the best I can. Will I promote one product? How can I? I don't have facts. I can only say how much I like my product, that it is more expensive than most I have looked up, but it is shipped quickly and the response from the vendor has been great so far. I would really like to be able to tell them to buy the $49.95 one and it will do just as well as this one I have. But I guess I will just have to buy one and see for myself. Personal experience is really the best teacher after all, ya think? Thanks for being a reality check for me. I suppose we don't need all the help we can get. More e-smokers does not equate to power, in numbers anyway. I am really wanting some help here. I got 30 years on the tobacco train. Not proud of it, but it is what it is. Maybe that is over. Let's hope.
I don't mind. I am a tax auditor. Working towards certified fraud examiner, but I have not been able to get motivation to take the exam. Too lazy right now. Besides, all those letters after the name costs a lot of money and time to maintain. Geez, I wanna get my e-cigs in order first!
Thanks for the suggestions. Just wanted to let you guys know, I fixed the problem. I modified the mini and now it vapes like a champ! Good, dry pull now and have increased the volume of liquid held by the cartridge. Too cool! I did not have to tape the holes or punch out the cartridge. It is almost as good as the penstyle now.
Thanks for the info. I like quantifying-it makes comparison easier. When I tell people what I am using they are amazed and most (smokers) around me are wanting to try them. I e-mail my site links to them and give the tips I have gathered but almost every one of them want numbers. I can temper that enthusiam with reality if I have some relatively decent facts that are number-based. So, thanks once again for the info. I am glad to hear that the atomizers are going to hang on for a while......batteries I expect to die sooner rather than later. It's all good here. Toodles.
I am reading all kinds of reviews. How many days are these products being used? Are the reviews based on light up and first smoke? I am still new to the forums and am not quite sure of the parameters of the product usage. I like the review about the Dietsmoker product. Good vapor, etc. Will you let us know how it is doing a week from now, a month? I have been using one atomizer for two weeks. It is still kicking butt. Is that the norm? What is the life expectancy? I read where some have been through 3 atomizers in 6 weeks. That averages 1 per couple of weeks. I just got my first one broken in good! Okay, so I am a little analytic-it comes with the job. I don't expect a whole lot for $100 bucks but would like to determine if my atomizer is holding its own. It is hard to compare apples and oranges. But give me a couple of numbers and I can go to town. Please help me, I crave details and context!
Okay, that identifies it, I guess. The 901 looks like my penstyle and the super mini looks like the other. I guess I will just continue to work on the thing. Maybe I will get it broken in sooner or later. Oh, by the way, are you a big S King fan? The reference is to the gunslinger series, right? Thanks for your help.
Oops, the coil is about 3/10ths long. Geez, I am such a girl, soory.
You got me by the short hairs. I have no clue. Just a mini. Atomizer is separate from the cartridge. The atomizer coil is about 3cm long. The atomizer is about 2 cm. The atomoizer is male and the battery is female. Does that help?
I was wondering what the experiences are with the minis. My husband chose to try it since it looked more like a real cig. I don't have a problem with appearances myself and am using the penstyle. I am trying to help him break in the mini, yuck, and it is taking forever to run the battery down for conditioning. It pulls too easy but the vapor is good. I am sucking juice from the cartridge. So, what am I doing wrong? Is the style so different that you have to re-learn smoking after the penstyle? Can I add batting or whatever to thicken the pull? Maybe I am just pulling too hard? Any suggestions can only help. Thanks bunches!