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Everything posted by Nana2b

  1. More to think about...I've had PG tobacco & vanilla--coughed & coughed and Vanilla VG --coughed & coughed...didn't notice if I had dry throat with any of the 3 due to all the coughing but it's something to keep in mind. Thank you Jon
  2. Sweet-vapes seems to be a fav for a lot of people on the forum. I've got to check them out to see what custom blends they can think of for my issues. I'll try the Chat room too thanks Lazy. Jon I do think it's not being used to it along with the VG/PG, & learning curve issues. I'm a stubborn Yankee I want this to work Yesterday! I'm not giving up!
  3. Thanks Lazy & johns, I appreciate everyone's help. I'll be shopping around online for juices. I live in Mass. diving distance to Salem where potions & such are common...but no e-cig retailers which is too bad. Checking all this stuff out in person would be great for someone with this problem...custom blends etc. I'll keep tying to find my answer.
  4. I had unrealistic expectations when I started this quest for a Nic delivery system that allowed for the hand to mouth habit as well. I'll be researching other set ups that allow me to more flexible with juices etc. I don't know if I'll ever be able to inhale through my nose tho... do I just blow the smoke back out & sniff it in? 'cause I tried that & it didn't work.
  5. Thanks GPurv & TroopX, This isn't going to be the walk in the park I envisioned when I first saw an e-cig used by Katherine Heigl on Letterman. My reaction was "where do I get one of those? my cigarette days are over!"...oh well
  6. That may be an option. I'd have to get manual batteries first, right now mine are auto.
  7. I'm using a Vapor4Life kit with cartomizers. I haven't tried dripping. I was hoping to keep it simple but I think I'm not going to be able to do that. I drink a lot of water & decaf coffee..(caffeine is dehydrating & makes me jittery) My throat doesn't burn..it did with PG. the Vanilla flavor is strong & pleasant, not harsh or burnt tasting. As for technique I've watched all the videos, read all your great tutorials, followed threads for newbies, even stood in front of the mirror to make sure I'm dragging slowly enough, taking it into my mouth first then inhaling. The coughing happens as soon as I inhale. If I take less in sometimes I don't cough until I exhale. It's really frustrating to read all the success stories & here I am still stuck at "go". i appreciate this forum & all of you for trying to help me.
  8. Hi again. Well I got all my new goodies from V4L(KR808D) including VG vanilla juice 11mg plus 8mg as a freebie. I decided to try the 8 mg first and here I go again Coughing, coughing, etc. I switched from PG to VG after research & advice from the forum. I've watched all the videos, read all your great tutorials, followed threads for newbies, even stood in front of the mirror to make sure I'm dragging slowly enough, taking it into my mouth then inhaling. The coughing happens as soon as I inhale. If I take less in sometimes I don't cough until I exhale. This is my 3rd kit the 1st 2 were PG I know there's a learning curve but how long did you all cough? It is entirely possible that I'm too dumb to vape!
  9. No Fran no refund on juice. Adding Walmart VG to the PG already in the carts? Another new door opens. I'll remember that...Thanx This pink one has a crystal LED..very fancy Why do my replies to replies never end up in the box with the original reply? (say that 5 times fast)
  10. Thank you all for your help. My concern with being able to return any kit is due to the coughing & throat irritation I had with my 2 PG kits-before I found you helpful people - If I have the same issues with VG I want to be able to get my $$ back. The V4L customer service has been very good answering my questions quickly. They also have all those girly pink batteries LOL.
  11. V4L has a lot of good reviews as does the ProSmoke & both of them responded quickly to my questions through customer service so I'm debating.
  12. I noticed in another thread someone vaped V4L. I am considering either Prosmoke or V4L because they are VG based. I know most of you like the ego & maybe someday I'll get to that point. But because I'm sensitive to PG and want a money back guarantee (30days)I thinking of trying one of these. I don't understand why all the ego,riva etc. starter kits are non-refundable, considered consumable products. I understand carts & liquids but I don't know of anyone who consumes batteries on a regular basis. Just my thoughts...Anyone here ever use V4L or Prosmoke? Thanks everyone
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