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Everything posted by bripod

  1. Yep, it's all about money... taxes talk... health doesn't! Where does the solution come from? Don't look to the politicians....
  2. Got my 510 from Eastmall and have had not probs to speak of... ( damn fast shipping too ) I did splurge for the 2 extra batts and a pass thru... Just wish the carts were bigger... I've dripped on a few attys and had probs within a few days of doing so... I stick to filling carts and have had no noticeable drop in vapor production... and no funny taste either... trying to cut away the filling to make room for more juice... seems to be helping... Need to make a 10ml continuous bottle feed for these guys and I'd be good to go!
  3. Yeah! Gimme one that size with some 24mg juice in that TANK of a supply and I'm good for the day!
  4. Currently I'm vaping a mix of: 2 parts - JC Tennessee Cured (VG 24mg) 2 parts - Pure Smoker Apple (PG 24 mg) 1 parts - Pure Smoker Riskee (PG 24mg) very nice blend. Almost like Apple Pipe Tobacco. peace
  5. Ordered 2 batts and attys for my DSE103 (love that little guy!) from them the Sunday before Memorial Day and got them today.... was delivered yesterday but I was at work and could not sign for them... pretty fast shipping if you ask me... package was labeled "Spare Parts" peace
  6. Hey Guys, What are the dimensions of the stick portion of this baby? not incl the mouthpiece...
  7. I think all of their kits are DIY...
  8. Great review guys. Like the blue screen too! Chris, interested in a cheap herbal vaporizer for all you 'other' needs? peace!
  9. Hello all, Got my Peanut Butter Cup Juice in today from http://www.juicyliquid.com and thought I'd share my thoughts. First off, this is sold as a DIY kit. My package contained: 1- 27ml Dropper bottle of 18mg VG Juice 1- 5.5ml dropper bottle of Peanut Butter Cup flavoring 1- 0.7ml plastic pipette 1- 2ml clear glass jar with stopper cork all packed securely with bubble wrap in USPS Priority box my shipment took a little longer to get here than I expected but to my surprise, they threw in a few extras and apologized for the delay in writing. According to their website, the 'base' ratio of juice to flavoring is 9:1 So, I added 3.5ml to the 27ml of juice and shook well... (added the .5ml just for a little extra kick...) Please note that when I purchased this kit from http://www.juicyliquid.com they stated that they were reformulating this flavor to be more 'milk chocolate' in nature, so I got one of the last 'early editions' After vaping this stuff for a few, the vapor production is quite nice. Can't tell any difference from most other juices I own. The flavor is more like a Peanut Butter Brownie... like a darker cooked chocolate flavor... now, don't get me wrong... I could eat my weight in Peanut Butter Brownies... All-in-all I'm a fan of this flav and am glad I got a chance to own a first run... I'll even grab a bottle of the 'refined' batch and give it a vape too... when it becomes available... like most others, I feel http://www.juicyliquid.com has become a victim to customs also... no stock to speak of... Oh well, look for the new run if you like Reeses, maybe it'll be closer... and maybe they will get more stock soon... peace,
  10. Well after using this device for an evening... it works, but not like all of you think it might... no real vapor production to speak of, so you 'smoke-heads' will not go for it... increased flavor!, used lower nic level but don't think it really made much of a diff.... same amount of juice lasted about the same amount of time... It's a bit more cumbersome to fiddle with the hose and the wadding...and the box gets rather hot on the outside... Oh well, it was a thought... maybe I'll donate this to one of my 'head' friends...
  11. Well all, My Herbal Vaporizer came in the mail today and although I'm still trying to pin down the exact temp for smoke juice... it is working! and the flavor is INCREDIBLE... this might be a result of finding the temp for the flavoring oils... but I do feel my nicotine... I started with a wad of polyfil and put in about 10 drops of JC Chocolate Almond and set the vap up to 270F and I'm getting good nicotine and flavor... but not alot of vapor on exhale... which really doesn't bother me... the unit I got cost me 37.50 off ebay (complete) and it seems to be a fairly robust unit... I'll provide more info as I get it... How this might be of use to us... peace,
  12. also www.liquidxpress.com is offering VG here again, I have not dealt with them yet... They Have Dr Pepper flav!
  13. Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, An Atomizer is a simple coil... just like a light bulb... This thing is so simple that its... well, simple! Atomizer.bmp As you can see, the coil is connected to the center post and threads of the battery end... When you draw on the Ecig and activate the pressure switch, the battery energizes the circuit allowing the vapor to be produced... So, how could we tell if our circuit is broken? If we connect the leads from a continuity meter to the threads and to the center post we should be able to tell! And in fact we can... If your atomizer is good it will have continuity... No continuity and you have a broken circuit (or broken RED path) and therefore your atomizer is just a fond but painful memory of vaping days gone by... Tried a new and suspicious atomizer last night... the suspicious atomizer is no longer suspicious... it's on the block to be cut open... Hope this helps you determine if your atomizer is dead or not... PS. DO NOT TRY TO USE A LITTLE LIGHT BULB AND BATTERIES TO MAKE A TEST CIRCUIT! IF YOU EXCEED THE VOLTAGE FOR THE COIL-WIRE, YOU WILL END UP BURNING OUT YOUR ATOMIZER! EVEN IF IT WAS IN FACT GOOD... ONLY USE A TEST METER!
  14. Interesting read but alot of 'mis-info' contained... for example... There is not 'tiny pump' located in the atomizer...
  15. Is this a Manual Pass thru?
  16. Off hand, does anyone know who carries or has in stock Manual Batts or Manual USB Passthrus for the DSE801? Thanks!
  17. You drippers kill me man! LOL! I can only think of saving my gear! Yeah, guess I can still take the drudgery of filling carts...
  18. Just wanted to post that I had made an order for some atomizers and a usb pass thru for my 801 from Vaporguys and man are they quick to ship! Thanks all at Vaporguys! I'm thrilled with the usb passthru... and it's always nice to have 3 fresh atomizers... These guys get a thumbs up from me! I'm also looking at manual batts... can any of you tell me your experience with them? Any info would be cool... I kinda want to think that they might be the best way to go as far as not getting juice in them... your thoughts? Beuller? Beuller?
  19. It's really sad that money rules this world the way it does...
  20. Just ordered a bottle of VG P-Nut Butter Cup... will letcha know how it vapes...
  21. Yeah, my buddy at work thinks I might be able to make a "cloud" with a herbal-vaporizer... I'm really gonna take it easy on the nicotine with this unit when I get it... Maybe it can ease the pain the rest of my gear is feeling... Will update when I can...
  22. Chris, What battery types are you looking for?
  23. I have NOT dealt with this company but I did notice that they also sell VG... and they have P-nut Butter Cup!?!?!?! http://www.juicyliquid.com/store/
  24. I'm always thinking... (which in itself is a dangerous thing) and I've heard some of my friends who are 'heads' talking about herbal vaporizers... I've been looking at them and think that it may be possible to use smoke juice in one with no modification except packing the 'bowl' with wool... I picked up a cheap one on ebay and it should be in later this week... I'll give a report on what happens... could be a good 'at home' fix to save wear and tear on your ecig gear... I'm gonna test the temps on a DSE103 at work this week to see what I find out...
  25. Does anyone know the temp of the atomizer when it's in use? What temp does it take to vaporize smoke juice?
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