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bmwjen got a reaction from ancientpuffer in I Want An E-Cig That Hits Hard!
Get a Reo grand, put an ikenvape 306LR atty on that baby & you'll feel the hit all the way through your body:)
nuf said.....
bmwjen reacted to Christopher in Vp Turbo.......dead After 2 Weeks.
hmmm yea I would check it anyway. But honestly if it was the center pole the unit would normally still light up. Basically the center pole is the positive current and the outside (everything else) is the ground. When that piece is pushed to far down, it hits the outer rim. This of course creates a small short and the unit shuts down.
As for the support, July 9th is a long time. It shouldn't take that long to answer you. Have you checked your spam folders?
You should! If just for the fact that we're all awesome (and we never sleep)
bmwjen reacted to DAYVAPE in Lab Results/ Lipid Panel After 6 Months Vaping
So, I have had to get multiple blood tests done this past year due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other wacky numbers. I was even on blood pressure meds and cholesterol lowering drugs for the past few years as well (while I was smoking analogs). Well, I just went to the Doc yesterday and went over my most recent labs... and found that EVERYTHING is back down into the 'normal' ranges! The fact that my blood pressure and cholesterol are normal now w/o any meds for the past few months is quite a relief... even with my heavy vaping habit! Unfortunately, I can't say one way or another, what effects vaping has had on these results . Either way, I'm going to keep doing exactly what I've been doing lately... because evidently chain-vaping 12mg nicotine ALL DAY long isn't increasing my BP at all!
MORAL OF MY STORY: Quitting smoking is obviously one of the best things we can do for our overall health... and for me, my vaping has not affected me in a negative way at all, so I will continue to KEEP ON VAPING!
bmwjen reacted to dlbald in Hi! (Awkward Intro Post)
Hiya Bug. I just joined this forum too. Good to see you here.
bmwjen reacted to CDATundra in New Here, But Not New To Vaping
Hi Jen, I have seen you somewhere else. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
bmwjen reacted to Gitzy in Help! Vaprlife Nightmare
Thank you for sympathizing with my issue jeffb =) I had been so upset about the hassle and unfairness that I definitely lost focus on what was important; smoking less and vaping more. Ever since I had to switch back to regular cigarettes, I have been more tired, my chronic bronchitis is back, and I get headaches along with all the other unpleasantries of smoking analogs.
I really want to give in and just take the spade or the vp2 (they offered one or the other) so that I can vape again as soon as possible...but on the other hand i'm afraid that the unit won't work when it gets here. Also...on principle, I really-really feel like I deserve my money back so that I can spend that money on a working unit from another company. I could get the spade of vp2 and sell them...but I would feel really shiesty selling a product at high risk of being defective to another unsuspecting person. Gaaah.
Btw, I'm sorry if this post should have gone in the mosh pit! I didn't even know that forum existed until a moment ago! Wow a lot has changed with vaportalk and the world of ecigs! I close my eyes and log off the forums for a couple months and everything is re-arranged and expanded, top suppliers are now bottom suppliers, and new units have come out. Man did I miss the bus. I guess I'm back to newbie "I have no idea what's going on" status. XD
bmwjen got a reaction from Sharon in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
wow, i've had some rough experiences with some vendors, mostly because everything coming out new is trial & error. I've had pretty good luck with all vendors & returns.
Reo Mini- fixed no problem
pyrex drip tip- broke in my hand, still have a shard of glass in my finger, sent me a new one
cisco 306 LR atty- arrived DOA, promptly sent a new one.
most vendors are pretty good about working with. I'd love to know about those that aren't though.
bmwjen got a reaction from nana in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
wow, i've had some rough experiences with some vendors, mostly because everything coming out new is trial & error. I've had pretty good luck with all vendors & returns.
Reo Mini- fixed no problem
pyrex drip tip- broke in my hand, still have a shard of glass in my finger, sent me a new one
cisco 306 LR atty- arrived DOA, promptly sent a new one.
most vendors are pretty good about working with. I'd love to know about those that aren't though.
bmwjen got a reaction from mwsmith1778 in You Sent Me Corroded Junk
wow, i've had some rough experiences with some vendors, mostly because everything coming out new is trial & error. I've had pretty good luck with all vendors & returns.
Reo Mini- fixed no problem
pyrex drip tip- broke in my hand, still have a shard of glass in my finger, sent me a new one
cisco 306 LR atty- arrived DOA, promptly sent a new one.
most vendors are pretty good about working with. I'd love to know about those that aren't though.