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Posts posted by FloridaKracker

  1. Ya I was really surprised not one person said anything I was vaping right in the middle of crowds nothing I was almost disappointed. Bye the way its always beautiful in FL. And even though I'm born and raised in FL I'm a UGA Bulldog fan I get alot of crap from FL Gators fans so got to go against them.

  2. Just got home after long day at Disney for my Mom and Sis's b-day since on your b-day you get in free always a nice thing they did get free drinks and snacks throughout the day cause they give you a b-day button with your name on it so all I herd all day is happy b-day. All you have to do is sign up on there web sight and you don't have to be FL resident pretty good deal.

    I also put the 510 and PCC through a good test I got the PCC a couple days a go but wanted to wait for today to kinda review it and from today's experience if you have a 510 and are away from a charger for long this is a must have. I woke up today at 8am and took everything off the chargers and I'm still vaping at midnight with same battery never had switch over to second battery.biggrin.gif

    As for the vaping experience in Disney not what expected at all last year at Epcot I was yelled at twice for smoking outside of sections but I would need a cig just to walk to the smoking section since they were in the four corners of the park same at Disney they must really hate smokers.

    Not this time not one worker even looked twice I got a couple weird looks from other guest walking around the park and a few questions in the smoking sections of the park from other smokers my mom still smokes analogs so I would join and just vape with her.

    But I did vape throughout the whole park in the streets in lines for rides but I was cupping it in my hand got to love size of 510 but still looks like smokes on exhale but maybe since if it was a real cig you would be burned. I stood right next to and in front of workers not a word then I would put it back in PCC go on the ride by the time it would be over it would be fully charged awesome.

    I did bring 3 full carts since my other 2 are for dripping and had to fill them up a little over half way through the day. I felt like some kind of crack head filling the up this strang device with some kind of wierd liquid Ry4 yumm in the middle of the park but I dont give a you know what.

    Over all what a great day of having fun with the fam and being able to vape all day with no problems what so ever with the trusty 510 and its sidekick the PCC.

    And here are some pics. Sorry none of me vaping I was in control of the cam.


  3. Ya thats where I got my 510/yeti. He also has some great liquids the grape is fantastic its just like grape soda. About the leaky cart I always keep the mouth piece strait up so I don't have that problem I guess you can set it down in a small glass I usually have a shirt pocket.

  4. Ya I don't know why he went with such a big battery I have found a lot smaller battery's with same volts but if you don't mind a wire you could buy a remote control vehicle battery pack http://www2.gpmd.com/imagel/s/lsumc5100.jpg get a female usb end and the red plug is called a deans plug you would need a male and just solder it together. I plan on making this just need to get the battery cause if we can get around 3hr on regular 300mah e-gig battery just imagine 4000mah thats like a 40hr battery I think not good at math.

  5. I cant tell if he has those battery's wired in series or parallel cause if he had it series he would get 7.4volts and that seams to high but it looks like parallel so that he gets only 3.7volts but increases hes mah to 18000

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