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Everything posted by FloridaKracker

  1. I have a VP Pearl and it has two icr15270 3.6v 450mah batteries. I have one that will shut off even after being full charged if I take too long of a drag I can put it back on charger and take right back off and it will reset the circuit and will work just fine with short drags. My question is will these work are they the same size ultrafire 15270 3.7 600mah. I would like to get these due to higher mah. I also see alot of cr2's that say 15270 but are 3.0v would those work even though 3.0v example.VT Wow just noticed I joined VT two years ago today.
  2. Cinn-a-Bun from Electronicstix.com A 2.4% nic or 24mg 50/50 blend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQwXEkPBQ8Y
  3. VP Pearl AV from Vaprlife.com My first battery mod. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRwk4SyM4Vw
  4. You can heat up the battery connector and try to pull it out but I use a Dremel and a cut-off wheel and cut the casing off the battery do not cut into the battery inside could short.
  5. JuicyVapor.com all my juices are 24mg reduced Pg VG mix handmade the day you order them. They offer fair prices and great service they have a nice sample size specals going on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSEHKuvHaM4
  6. Thanks guys and any one who wants to do some gaming just hit me up on xBox live just put VT in message so I know my gamer tag is my sig
  7. Couple words about Sweet Dawn and Cola from Vapor Talk Store http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeIjS1-tOxk
  8. Didn't they go after Cheerios for the same thing about a year ago.
  9. Looks like someone pre-ordered COD Black Ops I cant wait looks sick.
  10. About a month on the v3 and 6 on the v2 they work great. I used a 801 penstyle atty cut it a apart and used the connector then soldiered a + pos and - neg wire to a 510 battery connector and used alot of hot glue to shape it.
  11. I use a 510 atty and carto with my Janty Stick v2 and v3 with an adapter I made both work great but a LR 510 atty on it is the best.
  12. Thanks for the fast replys guys Joe hit me up on some xBox live if you want to get up on some games gt is x FL Kracker x
  13. Ya I know that it's a 10440 I didn't know if they made a kind of battery to replace a 10440 so I just saw those when my friend was about make a order and for the 510 cartamizer I made a 801 to 510 adapter for my stick and just used my first cartamizer and a LR atty last week I like both and I just saw a LR 510 cartamizer and wanted to know what people thought of them. Also my friend wants to order a mega 510 battery can you use a regular 510 battery charger for it the one that came in the kit. thanks for the links Joe
  14. My buddy is going to make a order with Electronicstix and I was going to order with him my question is I have a janty stick and I lost a battery so will any of these work with the stick http://www.electronicstix.com/BATTERIES-AND-CHARGERS-FOR-MODS_c57.htm and anyone use a LR cartomizer how are compared to a regular.
  15. I've been looking into getting one myself I like how universal it is but I also want a VP PT but can't afford both so having a hard time deciding any input.
  16. Couldn't agree more I've ordered 3 or 4 times from him all were great
  17. Hey man I live right outside Tampa I can make you an adapter for Jant Stick to take a 510 I made mine and it works like a champ just hit me up and we can set something up I will just need a old 510 battery for the connector I have the 801's.
  18. VT colada and dulcis for me
  19. I found a 12volt car usb adapter at Walmart for $12 and decided to do a vid on it so here y'all go. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=SDcBBhLTjoI
  20. Build a cart fill it with coconuts and make it to the end. http://www.ingenuitywelcome.com/game/
  21. My review of Vapor Talks Pina Coloda a very good vape http://www.youtube.c...h?v=SQD2kB0YSqM
  22. Dam I missed all the fun.
  23. I have a DRZ 400 supermoto here is a cruise around town.
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