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Everything posted by J45Hartman

  1. OK, I am officially opening the debate: Ninjas vs. Pirates. If there was a war that enveloped the Earth and there were two sides, ninjas and pirates, who would kick the **** out of each other?
  2. I want some free doritos!
  3. Ok, so this is just one more thing that is pissing me off about the e-smoke, my e-smoke was working perfectly with no problems at all; then I went to take my one battery that works off the charger and tried to use my e-cig and nothing happened. I tried washing the atomizer out with warm water and its drying right now. Anyone had this problem before.
  4. That was ridiculous! I wonder if any cops showed up, that was a rather large explosion, I have had cops show up for way less...
  5. Well it probably doesn't help that I only have one working battery the other one that I got is defective. But I am using the 24mg coke and the menthol wicked juice is 18mg. So I don't think that its the strength of the liquid maybe I just like analogs that much more? Oh yeah, since the menthol taste lingers in the atomizer i had the pleasure of tasting minty coke--its not half bad I actually like it.
  6. So I don't know about anybody else but I don't get a very strong coke taste from the cola flavor from puresmoker.com, despite this I still enjoy the flavor and as previous posts have said it does have a strong "throat kick." Also the methol wicked e-juice liquid is tasty. Has anyone kept smoking analogues along with using their e-smoke? I still crave the taste of a real cigarette every day and just use both.
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