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Everything posted by J45Hartman

  1. I second that motion.
  2. I love watching people doing horribly stupid **** like this, it always makes me feel better.
  3. Pretty cool video, was that your brothers squad?
  4. Chris, you said that you were about to try out the pineapple. how was it? That's my favorite fruit so i think it should taste really good but when i used to smoke hookah all day every day i used to get flavors that sounded good and tasted horrible.
  5. I think that Royce is right about the fact that Sean + life = fail lol, i think its funny that sean got owned by himself cause he was messing with someones camera and didn't erase the evidence that he has epically failed....lmfao
  6. Yea, one of my buddies from class told me that the new trailer (this one) was cool so i figured id check it out because i loved the second one but didn't really like the third one and thought that this one might be bad, but it looks awesome!
  7. This is the new Terminator Salvation trailer. Movie looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  8. Regardless of whether it was excessive force, she really got the sh1t kicked out of her
  9. Well ninjas win this one because there are three pictures with more girls than in the pirate pics and that gives ninjas a higher guy to girl ratio further proving that pirates are gay...
  10. Wow, that takes anal crevice conquistador to a whole new level... Although it does explain a lot about Sean...
  11. I got the fact that it was broken, when Chris said it was broken but thanks for telling me that it was broken like eight more times...lol
  12. There are soo many things wrong with this statement I don't know where to begin. I'll begin with this: THIS IS AN ARGUMENT OF WHO WOULD WIN A FIGHT YOU DUMPSTER DIVING, COCK JUGGLING, BALL SUCKING, DOUGHNUT PUNCHING, FUDGE PACKING, ANAL CREVICE CONQUISTADOR. NOT WHO HAS A BETTER (OR MORE FUN) LIFESTYLE. Second, you kill an immortal pirate by cutting all his limbs off and taking his coin away. Third, where is this so-called chest where these coins can be found. Fourth, who the **** wants to spend there life on a boat with only guys...sounds like a bunch of queers to me. Fif, ninjas eat whatever the hell they want, their favorite food is the still beating heart of the pirate they just killed. Also, Ninjas travel the world killing all sorts of important people and get to see the whole world not just places on the shore like faggity pirates. And lastly, ninjas get drunk all the time, you just better be really really careful, cause drunk ninjas are more dangerous than sober ones; they have all the same powers but they're drunk and think that it is funny to blow **** up and kill people all the time.
  13. Obviously the product has no tobacco in it, all I was saying is that they can put a sin tax on it. Also, e-cigs will probably never ever ever take a big enough dent out of relative tobacco sales. Everywhere in the world people smoke Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds product, on a scale that e-cigs can't get to. Think about it, every shanty town with a mini-mart sells tobacco products, mostly all of them carry big name brands (Camel, Marlboro); and not just in the US, this is worldwide. If the tobacco companies ever feel that e-cigs will threaten them, they'll buy them. Tobacco generates billions of dollars a year and e-cig companies would be bought and either destroyed or they would stay pretty much the same.
  14. You know how I know those aren't ninjas? Ninjas would never wear white; they only wear clothes of the darkest black, the dye for these clothes come from the hearts of dragons that the ninjas kill.
  15. Battery light comes on, atomizer does not heat up at all, battery works perfect with another atomizer, but mine just stopped working and i washed it with warm water let it dry out, dripped and nothing happened. So i guess i pretty much am trying to say that it doesn't make heat anymore.
  16. Ninjas can't be banned from anywhere, they leave of their own accord when they feel that the time is appropriate or if they are bored; and Ninjas don't believe in god therefore powers provided by or akin to "God's" powers wouldn't work on a ninja, so the ninja in question has nothing to fear
  17. The funniest part about this is that Ben Stiller did such a great job acting like Joaquin... I was so disappointed when I saw the Letterman show, hope he doesn't shove off like his brother did....
  18. more like a 24" black dildo... Oh and Chris, for further reference "nina" is unacceptable if a ninja were close to you he'd probably kill you for the disrespect of mispelling "NINJA"
  19. I dont think that the US government will ban the e-cig, its just another thing they could place a sin tax on, they will probably say that since it has nicotine in it, it can be classified as tobacco and slap some taxes on it and call it a day...
  20. Ok, coming from the guy with a donkey as an avatar... Ninjas can't get tired, that's like saying that gravity is nonexistent... Jackass
  21. I am also a big menthol smoker and have heard that the "true menthol" cash e liquid didn't really taste like a menthol cig but really like mint leaves. I have the totally wicked e-juice liquid menthol and I get that minty taste but no taste of tabacco as in a cig. Do you taste any tobacco flavoring in the "true menthol"? I never really smoked Kools and dont know heavy the tobacco taste is.
  22. I agree with Chris. If he is a die hard smoker like my dad then I think that he will be *vaping* way more than using cartridges because I have found that cartridges do not give as heavy and full of a vapor as cartridges and is closest to smoking an actual analog. It also might take him a while to make the switch. I have had trouble switching from analogs to e-cigs and currently use both. Although I have severely cut back on analogs.
  23. Well obviously ninjas. But I wanted to see if there are any jackasses out there that still think some drunk *** with a rusty sword could actually kill a ninja.
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