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Everything posted by Genet1c

  1. Completely and utterly ridiculous. If ecigs are banned, why arent analogs?
  2. Ummm, yeah, my brother wants me to try to publicate his band so i figured you guys might wanna check em out. Theyre name is All Thee Above, and theyre like rock/alternative and really kick ***. He has a sick scream, especially live(I just saw him play friday for the first time). He's the singer btw. I also have a lil story. The first place in public that i smoked the e-cig was at the bar they played at called Prohibition. About halfway through the show, the bouncer waltzed up to where I was sitting and was like "HEY, BRING THAT F***ING THING OUTSIDE". So I wound up having to explain to him the inner workings of the electric cigarette until he finally cooled down and was like "my bad man, that thing is cool". So yeah, first encounter with a Non.Educated.Real Smoking.****, N.E.R.D. for short. I just came up with that , i know its stupid but whatever. So yeah check out All Thee Above. They myspace url is: myspace.com/alltheeaboveband (***IMPORTANT*** DO NOT JUST PUT myspace.com/alltheeabove, ITS GOSPEL CRAP, make sure you put 2 e's in thee and "band" at the end)
  3. Thats disgusting, does any1 know how long before that happens? I heard on the live talk today that cleaning with coca cola works great, and could possibly revive a dead atomizer.
  4. That thing is completely ridicoulous, it looks the something you would strap to your back. I just cant picture any1 using that for nicotine. At least the inhaler looks like a freakin inhaler. This is like a wierd desktop gadget. So no i would not smoke that thing. Im perfectly happy with my ecig. And HOW MUCH MONEY WAS WASTED DEVELOPING THAT THING. Could have gone to making more effective us ecigs.
  5. Try using the liquid. It usually puts out a lot more vapor than the carts. The higher nicotine level ones also produce more vapor. Was it working better before? It could also just be bum carts. Some of them are just plain dry when u get em. If your already using the liquid, or tried many different cartridges, that's definitely the atomizer. Replacement ones are inexpensive and most sites come with a warranty anyway. Lemme know how it goes
  6. Howdy, I have the dse103. It's about 2 days old now, and I LOVE it. It's my first e-cig so bear with me, I dont really have anything to judge this against besides the smokingeverywhere one which is a piece of crap. I'm not going to use a rating system yet because, like I said, I have nothing to compare it to besides something that would probably be a 1 or 2 overall(making mine a 10). I was, like everybody, unsure about this product and how effective it was gonna be. But it is GREAT. Vapor production is good, especially when I drip(TrueVapor 18mg turkish blend). One battery wound up lasting me the whole day without pretty much any reduction in performance. I've seen in some reviews that you can cover one of the holes on the atomizer to make it vape better, but this one actually works best when you don't. Also, I've noticed it produces the most vapor and most realistic throat hit when you pull on it exactly like a normal cigarette. I take pretty long drags to begin with, but it's literally exactly the same. It also works fine without an initial primer puff, which is great. I would definitely recommend this model to anybody thinking about getting one as a starter and to stay away from SmokingEverywhere. THEY ARE A WASTE OF MONEY. This one cost me around $50 w/o s&h. If I have any problems with it, I'll repost it in this thread to let everyone know. Also, I will be posting a video with a more in depth review shortly.
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