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Everything posted by Genet1c

  1. AWWWWWW, the puppy is so cute, how old is she?
  2. Yeah, I just tried to order the penstyle from puresmoker.com and it wouldnt let me. They still have plenty of juice apparently though. Cant wait for my new flavors to come
  3. same here, dont have the pipe, just vape away with my dse103. Ihave an extra atomizer and a 1 year warranty. Ima vape till it dont vape no more!
  4. If and when my atomizer goes cold, this is gonna be the first thing I try. (NOTICE: He uses pepsi 0, no sugars, hopefully no buildup. Still curious as to what he used to heat up atomizer though)
  5. yo, ive been chain vaping too, has that happened to any1 besides pappa and me?
  6. if any1 wants to check out the 404 page and doesnt know how just type http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/{INSERT ANY STRANGE COMBINATION OF KEYS HERE} eg. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/gdakfsdhkjfwyeurg7u3gifbsda
  7. Thanx for all the info, should help every1 out $89 is INSANE Still nowhere near smoking everywheres ridicoulous prices though
  8. http://www.myecig.eu/en/pipa-electronico.html this site has em for cheap, as well as plenty of parts (dont let the euros throw u off!!!)
  9. He's definitely nuts. I wonder if he goes out of his way to drive through these checkpoints. Although I totally agree with what u said about or forfathers nd stuff chris, I just dont get why he couldnt roll down his window, or give the guy his driver's license. Don't they have to see your face to identify you with your license? If so how can they do that accurately through tinted windows. But what happened to him getting beaten and thrown is jail is totally outrageous. But if he was giving those officers as hard of a time as he was giving the ones in the second video, he had it coming. It was totally illegal what the officers did but thats why you dont f*** with the law. For the most part, they wont ask you to do anything outrageous. They mightve lied about the dog, but that wouldve been a valid excuse if they had found something in the car. If i was one of the officers, i obviously wouldnt have taken it that far as to lie or beat the guy, but I definitely wouldve suspected the guy of hiding something.
  10. what happened to the penstyle you had from puresmoker? Just curious. Lemme know how you like the m401, my brother was takin a look at some and hes thinkin bout buyin that one too. How long is the shipping supposed to take from that site?
  11. joined twitter, now following you guys. I dont really get the site, but just being supportive you know? Anyways......actually, thats it
  12. ive just been makin sure that the atomizer's outside casing stays dry, and only the heating element gets the juice. I just wipe it off with a tissue if i get some on the casing. Works for now. Just hope it doesnt die in the future, im really tryin to take good care of these things
  13. chris told me he hasnt see this anywhere else so im just posting the site. They have usb passthrough for superminis. Im not sure if all of them work. I believe its meant for the RN4081 but the dse103 is completely compatible with RN4081 parts and it works on my dse. Just make sure your ecig is 93mm wide. Thats the width of the battery. I believe they have parts for almost any model as well. http://www.myecig.eu check em out, its in euros though so dont let that throw you off
  14. Just a few mods I have in progress Just a case made from the foam that came in the box and an old glasses case Left: removed the ash tip to see the gizmos inside, going to replace orange led with super bright blue one and do a hot glue ash tip, also going to sand down and paint matte black Middle: Polished off paint(Scott's idea) and polished down tip to make smoother and sleeker looking Right: Standard battery, not changing, just for comparison front view for better look at inside left battery, little plastic thing in front of it on the desk is the blue led that i have to manage to solder into that thing(wish me luck) will be posting more when i get around to finishing them
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLg3m0_XVM8&feature=player_embedded Just a quick review.
  16. i have bf2142 if u ever get a chance to play lemme know, and definitely post some pics, i love computers
  17. btw, if any of you play computer games including but not limited to, CS:S, Garrys Mod, farcry 2, cod4, Left 4 Dead, Starcraft, pretty much any steam game or others lemme know. Also, is any1 as excited about d3 as I am?!?!?
  18. Thanks, I didnt know this feature existed. Two thumbs up man.
  19. Hey guys, I just want you to check out my comp. You get a better feel for what the lights look like in the dark in my video review of the dse103 which should be up shortly. Lemme know what you think. Turtle Beach HPA2 5.1 surround sound headset Logitech G15 keyboard(the original) Thermaltake Armor case, AMD Athlon X2 5400+ 2.8ghz processor, Mushkin 2gbs ddr3 ram, Western Digital 240gb HD, EVGA 8800 GTS 654mb video card, ASUS sli-deluxe mobo Acer 22" monitor and the whole setup (also have a tv tuner card so i can watch tv and play xbox through my comp screen)
  20. btw, when are u gonna be on next, i hope my vid is processed by then and i wanna see what u guys think of my review
  21. just made vid, and posted on youtube. I will put it in the vids section as soon as its processed
  22. yea, u can just go to theis videos section, and click on live from there
  23. Great review scott, like always, keep it up man. The vids are really helpful.
  24. Pretty much the youtube vids are crap quality taken with digital cameras at their live shows, but a bunch of em are linked on their myspace page
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