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Everything posted by Genet1c

  1. im exclusive to my ecig, im not vapefree
  2. so i had three batteries for my dse103, all worked great out of the box. It's 1:15 am here, and my last battery died. The first battery broke on its own, just stopped workin one die, the blow/suck technique didnt work, neither did a paper clip. Second batt i shorted when soddering(fixing custom led and paint job). My last one worked great until just a few days ago. It would get stuck on or off. Chris's technique work great. Then yesterday, i had fix the switch almost everytime i used it. I just picked it up today and it was stuck on(like always) so i tried the technique nd it didnt work. So i used a paper clip and it worked. I got one drag then it flashed green and now doesnt light up, and doesnt charge at all. So currently, my ecig batts are my custom usb battery, and my homemade usb passthrough. Both with manual switches. Ughhhhhh. What really bugs me is that I'M better at making batteries than these dumbass manufacturers who cant come up with a better designed pressure switch.
  3. I have to agree with the manual switch. It's a lot nicer bein able to take looooong slow drags for as long as i like. I took huge drags off of analogs and the cutoff always stopped me from gettin the amount of vapor I wanted. Plus the pressure switch can be a pain. It'll will get stuck eventually. Liquid will get in it. And it will break. Guaranteed. May take a while for some but it'll happen eventually. I dont see that problem with the manual batteries at all.
  4. Yeah, if its a dse901, its the same that every1 else has. From what I've heard you'll be very happy with it. And good luck quittin analogs, it took me a lil while when i first got it but I'm smokefree now
  5. I think you should have a "homemade" contest. Whoever has the best homemade ecig parts or accesories with the best functionality. Like cases, usb passthroughs, batteries, liquid, or whatever is useful to our e-cigs. And u should give away like a penstyle or a 510. But the user voting could be a good idea. And even if you do vote for yourself, it's only one vote and most ppl will vote for themselves anyway, so its pretty much a guaranteed one vote. But it would be a very open contest, like, just anything homemade for ecigs at all. You could judge on appearance, functionality, ingenuity, and stuff like that. And I'm pretty sure that almost every1 has at least something homemade for their ecig. It's hard to resist when you have something like an empty glasses case lying around to make a case mod.
  6. I agree with every1, everything looks legit. Just dont buy the carts. Cartridges are always ridiculously overpriced but this place is definitely a lil bit more pricey. Just get the liquid. I'd recommend electronicstix.com for their 30 ml bottles. Theyre only like $20 now so get em while u can.
  7. I bought the exact thing ur talkin about for my usb passthrough. Heres what happened... I had three batteries in total for my dse103. One battery got a lil wet, I dried it out and it worked alright, not as good as new but it worked. Eventually the pressure switch got stuck and i tried blowing in it and sucking and everything and nothin. Its stuck. Tried pokin it with a safety pin, and broke the switch alltogether. ONE DOWN 2 TO GO!!! You've prolly seen my battery mod, where i painted it black and changed the LED from orange to blue. Was workin great, then LED was gettin shaky and I had to play with the tip to get it to light so I tried re-doing my soddering. Accidentally soddere + to the side of the casing and wound up shorting something. TWO DOWN 1 TO GO. The last battery still works and i refuse to take it apart. So I bought a LENMAR portable phone charger and tried it with my passthrough. It SUCKED. It worked but just wasnt pushing enough voltage to get a throat hit at all or enough vapor for me. Plus 3 second cutoff didnt even give it a chance. So i made my own passthrough without the cable so i could have a lil hand held battery with a switch. WORKS GREAT. After a couple of days of that, i took apart the battery and ripped out the usb input plug. Soddered the switch and atomizer screw in piece thingy inside the battery and VOILA. Handheld SUPER BATTERY for the ecig. Its really small. comfortable in the hand, and it works. Best of all, it lasts about 10-12 hours. Ill make a post with pics and stuff. I didnt take pics while making it(prolly shouldve) but I'll show you guys all the parts and everything you need for this to work.
  8. Thats insane. Id prolly enjoy it just as much as you though
  9. how often do u guys get quakes out there? im on long island so ive never been anywhere remotely near one.
  10. Nice idea, but how do u vape 30 mls in 3 DAYS??? Im like halfway done with one bottle, its been about 4 weeks
  11. Thats incredible, I cant w8 for the new tech to hit cells, ipods and especially, the e-cig . Maybe one battery would last a whole day
  12. Watermelon is BY FAR my favorite flavor. It tastes like a jolly rancher. But my top flavors right now that im definitely gonna buy more of are (in order from most favorite) watermelon, turkish blend, energee, coca cola, and riskee.
  13. Could u elaborate? I just dont know what an alternator is or does
  14. Just incredible. Absolutely Fantastic. I took lessons on the piano when i was like five, but i think ima start playin again and see if I can top that (doubt it ). I mainly just play guitar and sing but WOW, you are really good, you should post some more videos.
  15. i would sue that cop for everything hes worth, thats messed up
  16. That sux, ill deff post if anything happens to mine
  17. Really?? All three of my batteries work great. The light never flickers or anything. The only one that has a problem is the one I left white. Every like 20-50 drags, it doesnt activate when u pull on it. But if u pull again it works fine. So 2 are perfect and one is ok. Does that happen with just your PeeWee or all of your ecigs?
  18. Whats wrong with the switch? (keep in mind this is my first and only ecig....for now)
  19. Thanks, soddering this thing was a pain but so worth it
  20. i always heard about people cooking atomizer to clean it. And i heard that involves getting it red hot but how? Do u plug in a diff battery or somtin?
  21. Thanks. About the LED, its ridicoulously bigger than the one that was in it to begin with, but so far so good The new led is sooooooo bright AND IM SO HAPPY WITH IT
  22. Just imagine if som1 put enough money into a BIG one of those, prolly impractical, but a ferris wheel size device to power a microwave or some **** would be sweet.
  23. I figured this deserved its own post Lost the original LED, but u can kinda see that the new one is freakin huge Soddered into place You can see it sticks out over the edge(took me 3 hours just to get it like that) Painted matte black with hot glue holding LED in place and working as a pretty nice tip Used soddering iron to melt the tip and give it an "ash" finish(not as yellowish as it looks in pics) FINISHED!!! And in perfect working condition Ima post back soon and let u everyone know if the larger LED has any noticeable effect in battery life Any questions dont hesitate to ask. Also, LEMME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK
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