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Posts posted by Genet1c

  1. That thing is pretty damn cool man. If I may, I would just suggest that you sand down flush all the silicon or glue that you used to seal everything and then re-paint it so it looks clean. Although, I'm probly just saying that because I'm a perfectionist and have a mild case of OCD, so to me that's important, when for most people it probably doesn't matter whatsoever.

    Oh, lol and who's John O.?

    Yeah, if u take a look at the first battery i made, (top 2 pics) it looks like total crap. Thats why i cleaned up the second one, but i was planning on painting it. Im the same way with making things perfect. Thats why I usually end up breaking them, but still, it doesnt stop me from wanting them to look good

  2. looks good, in the future please resize the pics you post to 640x480 as the board can take a long time to resize them for members with slower connections

    Thanx, and sorry bout the size, i didnt realize how big they were gonna be when i was typing the post, thats why i did the thumbnails in my passthrough pics

  3. This was a LENMAR PowerPort mini portable charger and battery. Basically, a usb batter used to charge ipods and cell phones on the go via usb. I bought it at radioshack for $20 since all three of my batteries died. It takes about 1 and a half hours to charge, and will last 12+ hours. If u have the time and are good at soddering, this thing is totally worth it. I just ripped out the usb plug, took the battery pack apart, and soddered in a button. Works great, even better than my passthough. Any questions, feel free to ask.

    I know it took a LONG time to post but its finally here. (I GOT A NEW CAMERA!!!)

    The original(looks like crap)



    New and improved(moved the button over, soddered a lot better, and sealed together with apoxy)


    Button is now inlayed




    Quick little size comparison(excuse the looks of dse103 battery, its broken, and dented to hell)


  4. Ive been boiling my atomizers for once every 2 weeks after use for 2 months now, and both are still working great. After I dry them overnight, and drip about 6 drops on em, they work like brand new. I boil them for like, a half an hour, then take em out. BTW, im using the dse103, and the atomizers are still goin strong.

  5. I would say just dont bother looking for one that looks like a cigarette. I have the dse103, which looks like one, and ive modded it so much that its not even close to an analog. My recommendation would be to get the 510, just because it works the best out of all the ecigs from what ive heard, and is the most reliable. It didnt matter to me as much as I though it would to look like a cigarette. It feels like a cigarette and thats all that really matters. In my opinion at least. The dse103 is really good though.

  6. As far as "3 hours" goes, it all pretty much depends on how much u smoke it. I, personally, dont like to put the thing down. So one battery of my dse103 will usually last about 3-5 hours. If u were to smoke it like a regular cigarette, u could go almost the full day with just one battery. It is ALWAYS a good idea to carry around your two batteries though. Since you're looking to quit, you should always have a backup battery when you need your nicotine. You dont want to have to resort to lets say, bumming an analog off someone. If you have to go to work, you should bring your charger with you, or if you sit a computer almost all day like I do, you should get a manual usb battery. Your other question, about the vaping like 5-10 minutes or intermittently, I pretty much vape it whenever. I smoked a little bet less than a pack a day, and I'll vape for like, 2-3 minutes, every 20 minutes to an hour. Sometimes ill smoke it for like an hour straight, but there is less nicotine per pull than a normal cigarette, even in the high level. I believe its the 36 mg thats a normal strength cigarette. Personally I like the 18mg, and 24mg, and I used to smoke camel lights. BTW, im glad you got the black one, you'll realize soon enough how much it really wont bother you that it doesnt look real. It still feels real so its not much of a bother at all. Good luck with quitting, I really hope you do :D

    O and any questions at all, just feel free to ask, honestly, even if u wanna message me, go for it.

  7. congrats on gettin the 901. I hope u like it. I got the 103 myself and im totally happy with it. From what i heard the 901 is slightly better, but mine is no where near as crappy as the first one u got(i watched ur videos just now :D ) so im completely satisfied. I think dse are some of the better models, so u definitely made a great choice. Happy vaping and i hope ur able to completely quit. BTW. Just curious, what tobacco did u used to roll with? Im a bugler man myself.

  8. I just had pancakes for breakfast and now you are thinking "why does she think I care?" I was just thinking that a maple flavor would be pretty good. Hmmm wonder if I can vape maple syrup? It's probably got glycol in it as a preservative? Tell me I am not crazy :blink:

    I saw in the mall the other day pancakes with syrup flavor e-juice. I dont remember what brand it was, and i was too broke to buy it but deff something to look into. Maybe if I vape that with my cappucino flavor, i could sop eating breakfast all together :D

    As far as my flavor goes, I'm using Turkish Blend(18mg) from truevapor.com. Thats my second favorite. My first choice is watermelon that i got from electronicstix.com but unfortunately i vaped it all :( . Its ok though i got more on the way. And i cant wait for the vapor talk store to open. Thats gonna be my main supplier!!!(as long as you guys get watermelon)

  9. I'm using Avant Browser, in 1680x1050 res, everything from what i can tell is working great. btw avant browser is the BEST web browser in my opinion, simple, looks good, nice layout. If yer sick of IE or firefox, check it out, ive been using it for 6 years? i think

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