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Everything posted by Genet1c

  1. Heres a quick diagram i drew of what the circuit should look like
  2. Looking good dude. Are u sure 3.6 volts is gonna be enough? My usb battery runs at 5v and it works great. Im not sure of the proper functioning voltage, but i do know that 5v works fine. Good luck, I cant wait to see how everything turns out Keep up the good work
  3. First off, Im agreeing with chris, its totally unecessary to type in all caps. Pleas in the future, use caps only when needed (eg. i HATE eating biscuits). Just as an emphasis on a cetain word. Also what the hell are you trying to ask about the pull? What kind of suggestions are you looking for?!?1?! And what do u mean by "who cares how much vapor comes out of your mouth". I think most people want it to seem damn close to a real cigarette, so less vapor....less realistic. Just sayin
  4. I doubt u'll get "hooked" that much more than you already are. Ever since I got the 36mg, ive been vaping a lot less. Because now i can get my nicotine buzz, and enjoy it for a lil while. Im not constantly picking up my ecig all day anymore. Im using it when I really need it, which is closer to how I was with analogs.
  5. well, i prefer 30ml bottles, but only if I like the flavor. But i did just dr pepper 30ml, not worth it, but ima vape it anyway. And the 36mg is FANTASTIC. Everytime im smokin mine, i get a really nice nicotine buzz, just like cigarettes, soooo PERFECT
  6. O and whats the voltage output of the battery?
  7. From what I can see of the circuit, the positive from battery is going to button, then atomizer positive. Then the negative is going to resistor(prolly 5v) then to LED positive, then LED negative is going back to battery negative. I'm not sure, but I dont think the LED will work . Im pretty sure u need to wire the positive from the button to the resistor and then to the LED, then negative from atomizer to LED negative, then back to the negative on the battery.
  8. Finally a "big" organization willilng to test em. I hope they have some pull in the government.
  9. I might have to steal that idea
  10. Hey chris,quick thing I wanted to point out if ur remaking this guide. The dse103 is different than most super mini models out there. Its 103mm long, compared to 98-101mm. And the stripes on it are vertical. So im not positive, but I believe it's different than the rn4082. Also, Ive heard vapor production and battery life is a LOT better. And the dse103 has a high bridge on the atomizer, compared to being insside a little casing. Thats an old pic of my batteries. So you can see the stripes.
  11. Are u gettin 60ml bottles or 2 30mls. And if ur gettin 60ml bottles, where??!? And good choice on flavors. Cashcap and Riskee are still 2 of my favorites.
  12. Is it gonna use just one battery? If so, you should prolly try to inlay the atomizer screw part a lil more. It looks like you have plenty of room inside that case for it. And you could make it the same length, if not shorter, as the stick. Keep up the mods. Looks really good so far.
  13. Wow, now i'm curious to find out what just plain ol tobacco tastes like. I wonder why they feel the need to have all these additives to analogs.
  14. I cared when I first saw the mysterious "coming soon" thing when I clicked on the maserati link at dietsmokes. Then I checked back every few weeks, and still nuthin released so I just got bored and stopped caring. I think I'm gonna go with a 510 as my second ecig unless parked pulls somtin crazy out his *** and soon
  15. You know how we do ! Keepin it real and vaping away, all the while tryin to kick the crap outta ur server
  16. Gahhh I'm still so excited. I heard vg is supposed to be a lot smoother, and thicker, but not as harsh. And this is also the first 36mg flavor I'm trying so just one more thing to be excited about
  17. Well Dr Pepper is my favorite soda, next to the energy drink Monster(THAT WOULD BE AN AAAAWWWWEEESSSOOOOMMMMMMEEE FLAVOR), so does it really taste like dr pepper, or like flat dr pepper, how the cola flavor kinda tastes like flat coke?
  18. Hey everyone, I just ordered a 30ml bottle of 36mg(vg) 23 flavor from liquid(or the dr pepper flavor). Im just curious if anyone has had any experiance with this, like, what they think of the flavor and all that. Only cost me like $22 so I'll be happy regardless. And also, what is the difference between PG(propylene glycol) and VG(?!?!??). Thanks, and Ill post back to when I get it to let every1 know what I think
  19. Another WOW... from me. That is by far the most moving speech/story Ive ever read...ever. You should totally be the spokeperson for ecigarettes. Hell I'll get u drunk and put u on a stage if u can memorize that passage. Thanx for this. Just like Sean said, I feel like its reignited my need to spread the word. I, too, recently have turned a friend of mine onto the electric cigarette. I recommended a model(510 ofcourse) and gave him the sites, and for the past week since he's had it, he's been a non-smoker. Everyone I know who smokes cigarettes, will soon hear about this device, and hopefully be intrigued enough to try it, and maybe end up saving their life as well. P.S. You should prolly see my friend richie (the now ex smoker) on the forums within the next couple of days. He's ecstatic with his 510, and im sure he cant wait to brag about it
  20. thats awesome dude. Keep it up. Spreading the word and everything. Its exactly what we need! And your neighbor sounds exactly like my neighbor. Shes so sweet and old and adorable
  21. sweeet find vacker, glad to see ur back too
  22. Looks good, cant wait to see the finished result
  23. Its plugged into a usb extension cord. The original design, was to have this passthrough plugged directly into the Lenmar usb battery. But i needed to make it smaller, cuz this just looked like crap. So i just grabbed an extension cord from something else and now have a working manual usb passthrough
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