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  1. it's usually 6-7 drags also you will get a burnt taste.
  2. wow wished I lived closer need some dfw meets
  3. I just made that plunge lol after a month of vaping. I went with the big kazoo 5v with batteries and charger it was 64.99 not bad I thought
  4. i just hope they dont try to jack up the prices on everything like juices and different mods i think thats why vaping is such a great thing because of the variety
  5. not only that but I can see big money hungry companies trying to get their piece of the pie smh !!
  6. Welcome glad to have you here joye ego kit you can not go wrong wish the best of luck if you have any questions ask this forum is full of great ppl with advice and tips
  7. me being only 3 weeks in can tell that i feel alot better even though i vape more than i smoked i guess its that freedom you get on not having to go outside and smoke i say vape on as long it doesnt effect you , i would deff. slow down if your feeling sick or bring your nic mg down
  8. i would suggest though im still a newbie too but get some samples from diff. vendors ..thats what i started doing when i began vaping kickbassvapor ivape.net sweet-vapes the list can go on and on
  9. thanks alot guys ...awesome anwers now on my way to find the best LR atty's
  10. as you can see im also a newbie to vaping but i found 3 drops will give 5-7 puffs remember always keep your atty wet prolong the life of it
  11. What is the difference between the Atty and the LR Atty and the ohm 's ? been thinking about getting a LR from hearing all the hype about them
  12. Natas

    Upgrade ?

    alright then !! im ordering the ego battery 900mah i think thats it what else do i need with it ? i already have my atty's and some cartomizers ...brand new bottle of Bobas Bounty
  13. well not that experienced but i have two favorites already and they are Boba's bounty and Gorilla Juice from http://www.avejuice.com/BobasBounty awsome stuff but i did at first got some samples and wow got hooked so bought a big batch of both .... deff. get some samples first
  14. Natas

    Upgrade ?

    well i have one more question before i order the ego battery . Do i need a charger that fits the battery or the one i have will do ?>
  15. Natas

    Upgrade ?

    ego it is lol ... still kinda new to this so am i looking for a certain ego batt, ? or it dont matter as long if its an ego thanks for all the replies
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