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  1. My Green Smoke was a good starter e-cig, but the cartridges are not refillable - believe me, I have tried everything. I gave up after a couple of weeks and just ordered the Ego like everyone else and if I had done that in the beginning, I would have saved a couple of hundred. I still use my Green Smoke when I'm in a real hurry to get out of the house and just want to throw something in my pocket - especially since I can't return mine as I'm past the 30 days and I ordered some extra cartridges anyway. I guess it depends on your taste buds and your wallet - but I needed a good tasting e-cig to keep me away from the tobacco - now I'm going on three months without cigaretts. I just tell people that vaping is my new hobby.
  2. The second atty that you tried - did you get rid of the oily stuff it had in it when you first unpacked it? I hear that taste pretty nasty - they pack it at the factory sometimes with a substance that makes them taste bad at first until they get broken in.
  3. Thanks for the info - I blew this thing out and tried a newer battery on it - seems to be back up to par now. So maybe my question is really - how do I tell if my battery is gone? Because this one just came off the charger and the light was green - I only had two of the short batteries in my original kit - this is one of them, so it is five weeks old with some swapping out with back up etc. I have been really using it a lot though, since I am new to vaping and just quit "analogs" two months ago.
  4. Thanks - I am going to try that right now - nothing to lose right?? At least now I know the noise means there's still life after cleaning. Dishona
  5. My atomizer is still making noises "sizzling" on the inside, but I'm not getting much vapor at all. If I take the cartridge off and push the button, I can hear the sizzle, but it's not turning red, or white hot or anything like that. Does this mean it's time for a burial? How do I tell for sure? I just cleaned this atomizer by soaking it in alcohol, blowing it dry and letting it sit out for about ten hours, so it should be clean. Same question I guess, how do you know when your atomizer needs to go in the "bone-yard"?? I also should tell you that I just took the battery off the charger - both are about five weeks old. Dishona in CA.
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