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Everything posted by Toth

  1. This is great, and very well written. Good job. Cheers, Toth~
  2. Alright sounds good. Thanks a lot beans and everyone else who posted. Cheers, Toth~
  3. I do have one question pertaining to the drip tip. For some reason when I am dripping I seem to get some fluid back into my mouth. Is this normal? I am only using 2-3 drops at a time. I have spent a few more hours with my eGo now and the battery is still going strong after 7 hours of vaping, this thing is incredible Cheers, Toth~
  4. So today I got my eGo, I had to go to work and I couldn't take it since I needed to charge my batteries. When I got back and dripped my 24mg Mentha it was amazing. The taste was way better than anything else that I have tried so far. I am very pleased. The only problem I noticed was when I dripped regular tobacco flavor in my other atty. It was DoA, but I sent a message to support and they shipped out another one for me in under 5 minutes of giving them my order number. So far Vapor production is intense. I am highly pleased with my purchase. Now I just have to try a bunch of flavors and buy a few low res atty's. Cheers, Toth~
  5. This is something that I can really get used to
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