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Everything posted by bawbzor

  1. I've had a ego 510 for about 2 months and I direct drip with 510 low resistance atomizers. Something I've noticed is that after the first few days of using a fresh atty I lose nearly all of the throat hit & flavor. After I add some fresh drops I will get some flavor for the first hit or two but after that it's just like smoking air. I get a good amount of vapor but it's not really satisfying at all. I'm wondering if maybe this is caused by buildup inside the atomizer? I usually try and blow out any excess fluid each night before I go to bed but it almost feels like maybe it's clogged up or something. I was thinking about trying to soak a couple of them in vodka or diet pepsi to see if maybe that helps. Any ideas? Thanks.
  2. Hey guys, I ordered a standard 510 kit from Vapor Talk this weekend before I realized that the Ego probably would have been a better fit for me. Just have a couple of questions regarding the mixing and matching of parts. 1. I'm a little confused as to the differences between the normal 510 and the Ego. I know that the battery is larger on the Ego but other than that do they use the same atomizers? I'm wondering if I can buy a ego passthrough (for larger battery) + some low resistance atomizers and use them with the Normal 510 kit that I ordered. 2. I plan to try direct dripping from the getgo as it seems cheaper than buying carts. What I'm wondering is, can I go from dripping one flavor to the next on the atomizer or will I need to clean it out/use a different atty before each new liquid? 3. If anyone can recommend some good eliquid flavors to start out with I would appreciate it. I've smoked Marlboro reds for about 10 years but I'm okay with trying strange and different flavors. So far I've ordered Samplers From Freedomsmokeusa: Blueberry Pancake, French Toast, Banana Nut bread, Thin Mint Cookie, RY4 Premixed, Cappuccino Smooth, Wyatt Earp Signature Cowboy. From Vapor Talk:Dulcis, Sweet Dawn & Tobacco. Am I missing any must-try liquids? Thanks for your help.
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