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Everything posted by monster

  1. I received my order today! Pretty quick shipping I think. I knew I would have to sign for it from reading other posts, but is it normal for the Postmaster to make the delivery? He showed up about 15 minutes before are mail lady showed up. I got camel and it's not bad at all, even though it stinks when you smell the bottle. The vapor is pretty good also. Now I have to pinch some pennies and order a few bottles at a time.
  2. The banana I got from Widows Bead Work had a crap-ton of "umph", it was great. The orange dream from Juicy Liquid continues to suck for me. Very little flavor and not much vapor.
  3. I could not wait and ordered from them Monday. Checked on it today and it is now in customs. I decided to only do a test order and ordered only one bottle of juice, maybe that's why the shipping seems fast?
  4. Happy days when the mail lady puts some juice in your mailbox! I got the Orange Dream JuicePak and so far......it's ok. The flavor isn't there enough. I first made it per their instructions and then I added a few more drops of flavoring. I'll have to play with it some more since I've only had it about 15 minutes. The vapor isn't that bad, about the same I am getting from JC.
  5. I'm interested where you got that info from (nice to have handy). I didn't see anywhere that would give a hint as to who his host is. I checked out alexa and I didn't think he was doing bad. I don't think he has been promoting it that long and he doesn't have the big budget like youtube. I would be happy to have my site doing as good as his. At any rate, I wish him luck! I think we derailed the thread.
  6. +1 I got to level 6 last night before I went to sleep. I'm pretty sure I didn't need anything else that distracted me from the "real world". :P
  7. There is a guy here in Missouri that has a website called KidsTube.com. I can't remember the name of the software but found it at one time. He has to be using a crap ton of bandwidth and cpu. I've been watching the site and it's growing fast. You could always find out who his host is.
  8. We need to start a little e-cig cafe with our own flavors. We got the morning rush flavors. What about the lunch crowd?
  9. I'm still pretty new to the e-cigs but I'm trying to branch out a little on the flavors.
  10. I'm not going to tell you that you are crazy. The more I think about it the more I want BACON!
  11. I got ya, most of the time I don't think before I post. I had looked into making a video site at one time and knew I didn't have the money to make it work if it even became somewhat successful. I don't have the 200.00 (ish) a month for a dedicated server.
  12. Thanks guys! I went ahead and ordered a kit from Juicy Liquid. I hate paying 5-6 bucks for shipping on one or two 10ml. bottles (it's all I can afford today). I might be trying Wet Your Stick soon as we get our state tax. Missouri will not give the damn money back, should have had it two or three weeks ago.
  13. OK, help me out. I have a few almost empties and one full Johnson Creek (15ml.) left and need some more quick. Who has something in stock with cheap shipping and fast shipping? I prefer 24mg and don't want Johnson Creek this time, it seemed a little thinner then my last order from them.
  14. I'm not sure about CPU but I pay 9.99 a month for unlimited bandwidth and (add on) domains.
  15. Very true. The best thing about them is they have some movies that are in HD. Hulu had a few shows in HD but last time I looked they had 1 and that was it.
  16. I only watch t.v. on the laptop when I'm going to sleep because it's just to noisy any other time. So I figured I would share my two favorite sites for t.v and movie viewing with you. The first is hulu.com and I'm sure you have already heard of it and the second that I found the other day is crackle.com. Maybe you guys will get a use out of these!
  17. Glad ya signed up. Who else? It takes no time at all. You get three fights a day and you don't actually control the fights.
  18. I look forward to it!
  19. Hey, wanna fight me?! Bring it on!!! Click Here.
  20. My current juice for the next few days is Johnson Creek's Original Tobacco. I thought I would try to get back on topic you naughty people! :P
  21. Someone let me know when they have Bacon!
  22. OK, I'm thinking I will order from them as soon as I sell my reel mower. Who wants it? 100.00 and it's yours!
  23. Thanks for the info Darth. Ya, I read if you pick the cheap shipping it can take even longer than the 4 weeks it took your package.
  24. My wife does not like the look of it. If it was in pink I'm positive I would hear her saying she wanted one.
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