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Everything posted by khissha

  1. I got a few different battery colors from them but my newest one is black stick with a purple LED light it is also an auto sealed no drip battery and I love it so much.. I love the fact that I can refill my cartridge without having to worry about it leaking into my battery
  2. HI All, I just wanted to give a short little review or should I say recommendation for the Volt.. I starting vaping about 7 months ago and so happy it finally helped me kick that nasty smoking addiction.. YUCK!! I started with the bloog maxxfusion witch i absolutely love then someone on this forum told me about the smokelessimage volt.. I checked it out and it looked just like the bloog but cheaper so i ordered it and I must say it is the exact same thing as the bloog but cheaper so I have been using it for about 3 months now and i am now a faithful user..lol... I highly recommend checking them out.. If you do here's a 10% discount code.. MYVOLT19 http://smokelessimage.com/?a_aid=4eb06aae0c574
  3. HI All- Has anybody tried the bloog maxxfusioin?.. If so what are your thoughts on it...I've seen alot of good youtube reviews. Thanks, Khissha
  4. Thanks everyone for the help.. it looks like i'll br ordering ego basked on everyones advice.. Ordering it today I can't wait for it to get here Petersmith- I didn't mean almost everyday i was stressed i meant i smoked more on the days i had more stess nothing major or personal just work and things like that.
  5. Hi All.. I need some help I smoke less than a pack aday (marlboro menthol lights) sometimes a whole pack depending how stressed the day is..i'am very new to this and don’t know where to start i am looking for something easy to use and as close to the real thing as possible taste wise.. If i choose one with nicotine where should i start?.. Iam willing to spend up to $100.00.
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