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Madness last won the day on September 2 2011

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About Madness

  • Birthday 03/13/1960

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  • Location
    Valencia Ca.
  • Interests
    Vintage Motorcycles

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yep, Have one... Quality 1-10, a Strong 9, (I have 4 other Box Mods), Best Carto: Boge 510 2 ohm.w/J Tank (so far), Voltage Set: 4.5-4.6V (with above carto & tank), Drop test: (Not recommended), Drop distance: 3.5 feet, (don't ask LOL) Sound level of the OH Sh** produced as the Box fell: 95dB, Contact surface: Tile floor, Sound level of the VV Box landing on Tile floor: 60dB. Box bounce back height Aprox 3.0 inches, Battery scatter 2.5 feet (including the roll factor), Battery door location from Main Box: 3:00, Battery door distance from main Box: 5.25”, Reassembly time: 15 Sec, Box/door/electronics damage (other than pride): None. Really can't say anything bad about it, it just works! It fits well in a cell phone case. For the price it is great..
  2. It's just a Jump to the Left......
  3. Nice! The skin looks good and that was always was a problem, the good moving skins did not last long. She is electric, not as much power as pneumatic or hydraulic. I did that stuff for 13 years, it was indeed a lot of fun, but the travel got really old! The computer facial (copy) technology has come a long way Here is a robot I worked on back in the day, you may recognize him. I'm the dude in the chair operating him, look at the stuff I had to put on my face as well as the mechanism I had to operate. This was used for real time; he could be programmed for an entire show to be run later… Old School... http://www.youtube.c...u/2/3Fq8m-353cc
  4. Hey all... Playing with some old files, I found this one.... Ahhh the old days.... Really can't say I miss the travel, but some of it was fun. See if you can find Mr. Madness.... http://www.youtube.c...h?v=3Fq8m-353cc
  5. Greetings all.. Wow, this was an Xmas to remember! Started off at the LAX Airport (yes stealth Vaping at the Airport), First flight to Denver (Stealth in-Flight Vaping all the way), Did the Xmas thing in Colorado with the family (Good times indeed)... Headed to the Denver Airport Saturday at 1PM, First flight was delayed beyond the possibility of making the last connecting flight back to LAX. Vaped like a Mad Man at the Denver Airport trying to figure something out to get home.... Tons of people stuck due to flight delays, cancellations and weather related problems. Hey look... a flight to Santa Barbara but there was no way to connect from Santa Barbara back to LAX that late.... Hell, lets do it anyway.... Vaped from Denver to Santa Barbara on a small Puddle Jumper.. Now what? a Hotel? No way on a Holiday weekend, How to get back to LA and get my car at LAX Airport Parking? Hell, lets rent a Mustang and rock it back to LA... It was about 2 Hours north of the House of Madness and another Hr. beyond that to LAX, who cares, and off we go. Made it back to LAX, got my car out of the parking jail, returned the rental Mustang and began the journey home. Made it back home at 1:45 AM Sunday... Moral of the story? Stealth Vaping is a good thing, having extra charged Batts is great, holding enough Juice to keep me from getting way pissed and living up to my nick name….. Priceless!
  6. I'm In... This could be fun. Valencia here, by Tragic Mountain...
  7. Vape This Way - Vaposmith. Hot for Vapor - Van Vapen. Crazy Vape - Ozzy Vapeborn.. Bat out of Vape - Vapeloaf.
  8. Thank you! Too Much Fun Indeed... So far in the Garage of Madness... 1962 Honda C105 Non Domestic. 1964 Honda CA77 305 Dream. 1969 Honda S90. 1972 Honda CL100 K2 Scrambler. 1976 Honda CB360T. 1983 Honda CM450A Hondamatic. (Madwomans first Bike) 2004 Honda VTX1800 Neo. 2007 Yamaha Vino 125 (Madwomans first Scooter) My Lil Madwoman on her Vino 125 and a 100W Mod from Madness: Madwoman Rocks Her first ride on the CM450 Hondamatic Hondamatic Rocky Point on the way back from Big Sur on a VTX1800 Neo. Rocky Point I'm always looking for more "Toys" LOL
  9. Really Can't say why, but I'm way into the Vintage stuff, old Honda's.. Have 8 bikes in the garage of Madness and still looking for more LOL But Not all are old...
  10. Anything you guys do is normally funny as hell! Just keep them posted up! VP2.............is it in yet? I have been on a holding pattern with my mouse over the "Add to Cart" button pending your review.
  11. Ok, I'll chime in... I have a SB V1 that uses an 18500 Batt, it will last me all day/night and then some. In regards to size, it is 3.735" long X 1.100" Dia. The newer tubes will be longer due to the use of the 18650 Batt that is 2.660" long compared to the 18500 at 2.250" (I have the new Longer lower tube on order). So far I have only used it at 3.7V and I really like it with a 510 Atty, I also got the adaptors for 901's and 801's and it is cool to change up. I had all the components so I only ordered the Tube itself so the cost was not all that bad. As a machinist, I can say it is well made, and very robust. Could I have turned one out myself? In short, the answer is yes, however, my time is limited and the price I paid is worth having it arrive completed ready. No need to order Batt's from China, I get them here: Batts Performance; it has a long battery life, so that Rocks! My V1 uses an 18500 3.7V 1500 mAh Battery, and I have 18650 3.7V 2600 mAh Batts ready for the new lower tube... Size, The V1 fits nice in my hand, the entire body is covered in my closed fist, but then again I have large hands. (Who needs Brass Knuckles LOL) The V2 will be longer in length and battery life. I use a Mag Light case to keep it on my belt for transport. Vapor, it will produce (IMO) as much or more as a good working 510, 801 or 901 running at 3.7V. I have no comment on running it at 6V, as I have not tried that yet. Bottom line... I like it, I don't care about the size, and it works well. It is good to see lots of Mod's out there now, lots of good stuff to chose from, pick what you like anything that uses a larger battery will be an improvement. What's next for Madness? God knows, but I'm leaning towards making a dual Atty attachment with a single mouthpiece.
  12. Very good post, Thank You!!!
  13. Congrats Chris!!!
  14. Ok, after I came home from work I had a package from TW. The new Batts are here, each packaged in a small box. Much longer than any of my 510 Batts (original and new style) as a matter of fact about 1/4 inch longer than a Pen Batt. I placed one on a charger for 3 hours and gave it a try.... This rocks! More vapor more hit, I made it through a movie and then some, got up this morn and it is still hitting great. As far as overall Batt life I really can't say definitely as I did not "Time" my use... To keep things short, two hours later I tried to order more, but TW was already sold out If you like the feel of a Pen style you will like this, assembled it is aprox 3/4 inch shorter than a Pen Style, but hits like a 510++. 510 Batt Sizes: (Sorry I run a Machine Shop) Original 510 Manual Batt, no LED: 2.704" (Fits a PCC but you really have to force it closed) Auto 510 Batt with LED: 2.650" (Easy PCC fit) Newer 510 Manual Batt, no LED: 2.558" (Easy PCC fit) New Mega 510 Batt, with LED: 3.556" (Forget using a closed PCC) So far I really like them, would I buy more? YES!
  15. Will Do! I have 2 sizes of the Manual Batts now, the first 510 kit I got had slightly longer batts, and are a tight fit in a PCC, the original batts are about 1/8 longer than my new ones. I have not seen any difference in longevity with them. The new "Mega" batts looks much longer, we will see. I have a 400-mile ride this month and like to keep a 510 around my neck, hope the new batts are worth it! Another Big Sur Run! Last Year was the first time I tried to shoot a Vid from the bike. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=7w4Hk0Okrdk
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