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About ancientpuffer

  • Birthday 02/11/1946

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  1. This is just my personal opinion, anyone who differs with me is free to do their own research. But... Dr. Eissenberg actually particpated in a question/answer discussion re: his study, on another forum. As best I can recall, he used untrained subjects (no previous experience with PV's), and "standard" (lol) cigarette style vaporizers (like you might get from the 7 Eleven). No information to substantiate whether any protocol was followed to ensure that the cartridges were properly filled, or filled at all. No instruction was given to the subjects whatsoever, except something along the lines of "take a few puffs, wait a few minutes, take a few more" While he presented himself as a serious researcher, what I gleaned from the discussion was that he knew little to nothing about how PV's work, little to nothing about what constitutes a quality device, nor any of the myriad of factors (type of juice, atomizer functioning properly, batteries charged properly, etc.) that affect the "experience", and little to nothing about how to use such devices efficiently. I don't believe there have yet been any scientifically sound and unbiased studies on PV use/function, and there probably won't be, until the industry itself commissions them. Relying on the "establishment" to fund and conduct such a study is tantamount (sp?) to having the fox guard the chickens. Let's not forget that virtually ALL of the misinformation about regular cigarettes was promulgated by the scientific/medical "establishment".
  2. Jon, welcome! I have to say, the ego isn't noted for being harsh at all, so I want to ask, have you tried a different carto/cart with it or are you using just one? How much are you putting in when you fill it? (8-12 drops is about normal to fill a new one) If you haven't completely saturated the filler material, you'll get a dry harsh burnt taste that will kill your throat. Just a thought. One more thing, the sample you got, was it PG or VG? Its *possible* you're allergic to one or the other, how does the sample compare to the other juices you don't like?
  3. Sheesh, its all going downhill for me. Just when I thought I had some control over my PV spending (what? a new type of PV? Where's that CC?), I found an article on building a mod that was so simple, I figured even I could do it. Unfortunately, it worked and I'm pleased as can be....BUT, there's a thread on how to modify it to become a bottom feeder, and hey, only need another LED, a switch, couple of battery boxes, a bottle, some tubing, and, and, and .... Will it EVER end? :)
  4. This is just me, and may not be applicable to anyone else, but I thought I'd share it anyway. I quit completely for 3 years (after smoking for 50 years). It was hard but I needed to do it. THEN, I found vaping. I purposely made the choice to vape, because I missed the "ritual" of the hand to mouth, coffee, etc. thing. I started with 0mg of nicotine, but tried some 6mg and realized I missed the nicotine as well (not the other 4000 chemicals, though ). After almost a year of vaping, I've settled into 18mg nicotine, and really enjoy some of the nice flavors (Banana Creme is great with morning coffee). Everyone is different, but I really enjoy vaping for its own sake and I've never regretted taking it up. BTW, even though I vape now, I *never* have the cravings for it that I had for analogs. If its available, and I'm in the mood, I vape. If its not convenient, its no big deal. One last thing. My wife, who was also a long term smoker, but developed severe allergies to cigarette smoke (smoke of any kind, actually), tried vaping first and discovered it didn't bother her. (She had been off analogs for 7 years) We are both very happy vapers now
  5. Just a note about harshness. With the tank attys, its also possible that your wick isn't getting juice to the coil properly. This can also result in a "harsh" burning of the throat. If that's a possibility in your case, try switching the atty and see if the harshness goes away. I had one of my 2 original attys that was like that and it killed my throat until I figured out what was wrong. I haven't had the problem with any subsequent attys I've ordered, including the LR ones (which give much better flavor and vapor, btw). The tank isn't noted for much throat hit, so if its a problem, I'd be more inclined to suspect faulty wick. Just a thought.
  6. I'm sorry if this has been covered already, but I spent quite a lot of time looking and couldn't find it. I'm thinking about some DIY, but I've seen photos of vendors "mixologists" wearing all sorts of exotic protective clothing. To me, being completely clueless, it would make sense to take *some* precautions, like wearing gloves (just for example). So what, if any, safety measures do all of you veteran DIY'ers take when mixing?
  7. First, welcome to VT! I'd guess you're right about the nicotine level (low/high), I use 18mg liquid which is sort of medium. However, some liquids/flavors give different amount of throat hit (TH) even if the nicotine is the same. Also the "base" (PG or VG) makes a difference, VG= more vapor, PG=more TH and flavor. You'll probably do well to order some "samples" from various places and try different ones until you hit pay dirt. Most people vape about 2-4ml per day, so once you find a good one, order more of that accordingly. I use cartomizers and top off or refill as needed. They have the additional advantage that when you replace one, you have a fresh new atomizer too. I find it cheaper that way, instead of buy separate atomizers and carts. Plus the atomizers hold more liquid so they tend to last longer. Just as an aside, its common for your tastes to change as you go longer and longer without regular cigarettes, so don't completely rule out the flavors, both sweet and fruity. Good luck to you and if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask. Good and helpful folks hanging around here.
  8. I've found that the throat hit (that sensation you get in the back of your throat when you inhale smoke) is hardly noticable at 12mg. I can really feel it at 18mg, and 24 is almost too much. If your battery is capable of handling it, you could also try Low Resistance (LR) atomizers or cartomizers. They tend to give a warmer vape and more flavor, but do require more from your battery. I know the standard cigarette style batteries can NOT use them, but the eGO/Riva type (650 mAH) batteries can. Low, med and high aren't consistent from one vendor to another, but usually "high" is 18mg (at least it has been for me) I also find that juices based on PG rather than VG deliver more TH.
  9. In case you haven't seen them, they've come out with 3.5 ml cartomizers that will fit the egos you have. see this --> http://shop.nhaler.com/New-Jumbo-510-35ml-Cartomizers-510jumbocart.htm
  10. Congratulations, Lady. You can be very proud of yourself, before you know it, it will have been weekS, then months
  11. Gah! That's what I get for posting when I should be sleeping *hangs head in shame*
  12. Yes it will work with the Riva. The Riva is 510 threaded, so any device that's 510 will fit, however, you should avoid the LR attys, since the batteries can't handle the increased load.
  13. Hi Debbee and welcome to VT Vaping is different than smoking analogs. I find that taking a nice slow draw into your mouth, then inhaling it into your lungs works best, although its a matter of preference. I've heard a lot of anecdotal evidence of nicotine absorbtion rates, but most folks average about 3-5 ml per day. The discomfort you've felt (sick feeling) might be due to the way you were vaping at first, nothing wrong with slowing down a bit, its very common to "over-vape" when you first start. And do drink lots of fluids, PG and VG both will dry out your mouth and throat. A few folks drop the analogs (regular cigarettes) immediately when they start vaping, but my guess is that most sort of "ease into it", vaping and smoking both at first. I think you'll find that as you smoke less, you'll like vaping more and more, and once your taste and smell return, the myriad of flavors available can be a real adventure.
  14. Welcome to VT, Da1plumber. Just curious, because I have one too, how do you like the SD? Is it the MKII?
  15. You can let it sit for a while so the juice wicks down to the atomizer coil (the part of the atomizer that heats the juice), OR, most people just drip 1 or 2 drop down into the atomizer onto the little "button" part that you see when you look down into it. That's actually what people do when they "direct drip", too, and you can try it that way by using the "blank" (no filler material) cap that came attached to the atomizer (if there was one), or remove the "filler" from a cart and use that. BTW, most atomizers come with some sort of primer on them which tastes AWFUL. Normally, you can blow through the atomizer (from the battery end) into a paper towel to get rid of that, then when you start, just don't inhale the first 3-5 puffs.
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