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Posts posted by StringDancer

  1. I got an 801 from DietSmokes.com last week, but instead of the typical unified batt and auto-switch module, the switch was in a separate piece... and the kit had two switches, one auto (normal) and the manual, where you press a button to activate the atomizer. I think it's basically a Janty KISS, isn't it?

    Anyway... I didn't think I'd like the manual switch for some reason, and so the 801 began its life with the auto switch module. Only tonight did I try it in manual mode, just on a whim.

    Man, this seems the way to go! One of my beefs with vaping was having to suck so hard on these things sometimes just to get the atomizer firing. With the manual switch, you just press it, and take a nice easy draw. Mega hit, as long and deep as I wanted, and no wasted juice and lung power getting the damn thing primed and vaping.

    I could see having to top off the cup more often this way.

    So if it has a manual switch, that makes the microchip unnecessary, doesn't it? Or does it also need a chip to control the temperature of the coil?

    The way this thing vapes, it reminds me of the old saw, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Also: here's a solution for which there is no problem. Seems to me the added bother of the auto-switch component is not all that desirable. Whada y'all think?

    I'm think I'll be getting more of these things.


    BTW... Parker... I'm still waiting on my replacement battery. Email me.

  2. Take the penstyle, f-instance. I see it advertised as a DSE-801, and another site calls it an RN-4072. They look identical. Is one a knock-off brand, and the other the real deal? Which one should one buy for quality?

    How many actual designs do we have? Lessee...


    • the penstyle (some with battery and switch components separated, in both auto-switch and manual models)
    • the workhorse 901 (can sometimes resemble an analog)
    • the mini (aka RN-4081, the ones with the slip-over style cartridges that DO resemble analogs)
    • the "pee-wee" (don't know much about these... but Sean loves his pee-wee, I hear ;-)

    Then the e-cigars and e-pipes:

    • the cigar ("Bada Bing", aka RN-4062... there's also disposable units, but who cares)
    • the small pipe ("Lady Pipe", aka mini-pipe, aka RS-888)
    • the big pipe (looks bigger than the mini-pipe (duh), have seen it advertised as a DSE-601)

    I'm sure there are some I neglected to mention.

    We need to assemble a no-crap model ID chart of what these things are and where they come from. I'd like to know manufacturers, which model is a spin-off and/or of lower quality, the whole nine.

  3. Be very carefull, and if I may make a suggestion start with superlow or no nicotine Ejuice, those herbal vapes are desinged to vape quite a large about of herbs or whatever don't want to see you OD on nicotine and risk hurting yourself

    Well now, bripod... here's an item that sounds like what you're talking about:


    Says here it will function as an "essential oils diffuser". Now wouldn't that cover smoke juice, gang?

    There's a huge range of vaporizers that cater to the herbal enthusiast, units that would appear to be much more advanced than the e-cig market. Of course, the cost is higher, but you get what you pay for in this world, do you not?



  4. I ran across this ad and thought I'd post it.

    $29.99 is a damn good price on a 901, and the shipping isn't bad. They say FREE but apparently that's on bulk orders. When I went through the checkout there was a $3 shipping option, so the total order was $41 and change.

    Caveat emptor, of course.

  5. Does anyone know the temp of the atomizer when it's in use? What temp does it take to vaporize smoke juice?

    Seems I recall reading the atomizing temp is 450-500 F. As compared with, what... 1500 F or so for the combustion temp of a cigarette.

    But don't quote me. My memory's shot. HA

  6. To date, I've bought 6 vaping devices: a standard mini 306 (the one that resembles a cigarette), two 901s, an 801 penstyle, an RS-888 mini-pipe and an RN-4062 Ruyan e-cigar. Thinking the Ruyan had to be the bad boy, with a bigger battery (looks to be a standard AAA rechargable) and a bigger cart, I anticipated liking it the most. My take on it? Not so much.

    My beef with the e-cigar is the draw, oddly enough. The cart screws on, unlike the slip-on design of all the others, and I see no holes anywhere on the device for external air to enter the unit when you draw. So if the cart is screwed in snugly, the draw is very hard. If I loosen the cart a bit, I can get an easier draw, but the amount of vapor never approaches that of the penstyle, or even the 901. Battery life seems superb (still on the first bat), and the cart will clearly go a long time between topping off, but the tough draw and the lackluster vapor are disappointing.

    Maybe it's just a funky unit I received. Can't say one way or the other. But so far, I'm the least impressed with the e-cigar out of all the devices I've tried. I think I may use it at home, sitting in the big easy watching TV, and keep playing with it to see if the performance improves.

    So far, I concur with Chris... the penstyle is the vapor king. The DSE 901 comes in second in terms of vapor, and first in terms of style. There seems to be one or two models I haven't tried (including the larger pipe design), but at this point it's hard to imagine anything as ***-kickin' as the penstyle. And since the penstyle atomizer also forms the backbone of the mini-pipe, it's twice the motivation to buy penstyles at this point.

    That's my state of research at this point. Oh... and e-cigs have made it possible for me to quit smoking. So anything I spend on devices and juice is well-worth the investment.


  7. So, if the penstyle atomizer fits the mini pipe, carts can be re-restuffed w/fluvan, and stringdancer can figure out the battery problem, and juice locally, it sounds like the perfect situation for me. Sorry, Royce, as much as I like my pee wee it just doesn't seem to last as long as the penstyle for me. Even though I get spurts of great vapor from it. I vape like I smoke a pipe and the penstyle seems to give me constant vapor. The only thing that bugs me is the cut off time and trying to figure out how to clean the atomizer properly. (I'm going to try the Pepsi O way)

    And don't forget that there are USB pass-throughs for the penstyle. This is a major plus, as well.

    The Extended Janty Classic Kissbox package from JantyUSA looks good, considering all the accouterments you get (pass-through, car charger, case, etc). This may well be my next purchase.

    EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention... the mini pipe has a kind of rubber whistle mouthpiece, not hard plastic as with the penstyle. So dangling the little pipe from your mouth is very comfortable.

    Will get out to the battery shop as soon as I get a minute. I gotta think there are higher-quality rechargables that would fit the mini pipe.

  8. I got my 801 penstyle today, and on a whim took the barrel off my Mini Pipe and attached the pipe bowl/battery unit to the new penstyle barrel. Perfect fit.

    This confirms Chris's assertion that the Mini Pipe is just a penstyle with an alternative battery unit.

  9. OK, what appears to be the two best US-based sites for acquiring hardware, puresmoker.com and dietsmokes.com, are out-of-stock on virtually everything, and have been for a couple weeks now. And I notice other sites (many of them one-trick pony sites offering only one model of e-cig) are also apparently waiting for supplies to come in from China.

    I've heard a rumor that US Customs is holding up releasing e-cig imports for some reason, even though there's no ban on the devices at present. Anyone know more about this?

    And is there a US manufacturer of e-cigs at all? I swear I'd pay a couple of Benjamins to get a high-quality, dependable unit made here in America. There's no excuse for crappy batteries, and the dependability of atomizers is almost as bad. Just got a new penstyle today (from DietSmokes), and one of the bats is DOA.

    Are there any European manufacturers? Gotta think those Germans know how to make a vaporizer that works, by gawd.

    I feel good about vaping. But keeping track of all my stupid hardware is getting me down. Am I looking at a constant stream of purchases just to keep myself in devices that work? I swear, quitting smoking altogether is looking better and better.

    OK... I'm done venting. Back to vaping. LOL

  10. Well there are two models, you want the one known as "The Lady Pipe" aka Mini Pipe aka whatever other names they came up with. I'm not sure what the model number is.

    I've got what DietSmokes calls the Lady Pipe or WidowsBead calls the Mini Pipe. It vaps great. The batteries that come with it are kinda lame though. If you're puffing on it steadily, you'll exhaust the bat before the spare is fully charged. I need to take it into the local battery store and see what kind of better rechargeable bats are available. Will report back.

    I got this one from http://widowsbeadwork.com/EcigaretteStore.html for $61, shipping included.


  11. Eagerly awaiting the results. I have a dead 901 atomizer I could experiment on if there's a chance of success.

    I also heard that vinegar works great but I hear it leaves a weird after taste. I have a few penstyle atomizer laying around at home, I'll give the vinegar method a try.
  12. I got my e-pipe from WidowsBeadWork.com today ($61). It's not the bigger e-pipe you see out and about that sells for $250 or so... it's smaller, and the presentation box calls it a "Mini Pipe". Not sure about the origins, the box side has this on it:


    Here's a size comparison to a regular e-cig:


    The cart is about the same size as the penstyle, so it has a little more capacity for dripping. The battery, of course, is huge compared to any e-cig, so I'm hoping for better battery life (comes with two and the charger).

    The draw is very nice, smooth and easy. Much easier to hit than the DSE901. You can get a pretty impressive hit of vapor without sucking too hard for comfort. The mouthpiece is a kind of resilient rubber-like substance, so you can dangle it from the mouth without a lot of pressure on your teeth.

    Since taking up vaping, I find I don't draw on an e-cig the same as I would an analog cig, anyway... I hit it more like you would a ganga pipe... pull on it, then a quick inhale, pull and inhale, 2-4 times till I fill my lungs nicely. So working this e-pipe feels very natural, and I'm getting nice strong hits on it without a lot of work.

    At $61 (shipping included, BTW), I'm liking it so far.

  13. Well, my take on this is healthy skepticism. The extreme left predicted a lot of Orwellian disaster from Bush... well, a lot of that did turn out to be true, actually... but a lot didn't. Now we have the extreme right lambasting Obama and spreading all kinds of rumors, predicting the end of civilization and all that.

    Then we have those all wrapped up in the December 21, 2012 thing, the end of the Mayan calendar foreshadowing the end of the world, yada yada. I'm expecting a LOT of people to quit paying their bills in 2012, just on faith that 'the end is nigh'. Absurdity runs rampant in our species.

    Personally... if I'm stocked up on smoke juice, wine and a good guitar, I could deal with no internet for awhile. Then maybe I'd practice like I used to before I got all snagged up in cyberspace. LOL

  14. Just the plain old tobacco flavour . Sean from e cigz , sent me carts in various flavours a few weeks back . The only one's that i liked were the menthol and peach cobbler flavours . The cherry flavour was raunchy and the chocloate made me nauseous .

    I like JC's Tennessee Cured. A more robust tobacco flavor than their Original Tobacco. That's going to be my main vape, I think. And their Wild Cherry is right up my bailiwick, too. I have a couple of large bottles of the Tennessee and Wild Cherry (both non-PG) on their way to me now. Will report.

    I also liked the Peach Cobbler, and most of them, in fact, except the minty ones... never cared for minty stuff, myself.

  15. Yea the setup is very nice.

    I personally enjoy the Vanilla Ice cream, tastes more like French Vanilla. I also like the Strawberry and Peach Cobbler.

    I bought the Johnson's Creek sampler, been huffing it for the past week. I'm loving' it.

    Started with the new coffee flavor, thought I'd like it, didn't really take to it at first.

    The Peach Cobbler is super smooth. The Wild Cherry sits on the throat so deliciously. Most of them are "very nice", at least. The chocolates are also good.

    I later went on their site and ordered a full bottle of non-PG Tennessee Cured-24 for my primary vap, and a full bottle of the non-PG Wild Cherry-24 for my "break-flav".

    Next investment of the cash I'm saving lately (by not buying so many analog cigs) is either a PureSmoker Penstyle or a Bada Bing, not sure which. Right now PureSmoker's out of everything, almost.

  16. I'm guessing you'll be getting a Bada Bing before long, Christopher. It'll be fun to see you rip it up with Sean over the thing, either way it goes.

    hell yea that's what I'm talking about. The truth behind all this is that these things are just crap. Until america starts making them though this is all we have.

    I vape like a madman and I have to say the Penstyle isn't to bad it handles very well.

  17. So far with vaping, my thing is not so much battery life (what do ya expect, they're batteries... get a pass-through for home us), but with the frequency of dripping. To get consistently good vapor, you have to keep the thing topped off every few minutes. I want a unit that will go 30 minutes at a hard suck without crapping out. Damn it, I'm an American... I deserve the best!

    The BadaBing looks VERY interesting. Economy of scale at work.

    Then again, here's FH's follow-up vid:

    Nuff said. LOL

  18. Just had a fun live chat with E Smoke Talk's own Christopher. They've just launched an occasional live streaming video feed using uStream.com. Chris was very cordial, endured all my smart-*** comments, and we had a good time talking about basketball coaches (he being such a heavy sports fanatic and all).

    Well OK... Chris apparently isn't really into sports much... he never heard of Bobby Knight. Here in Bloomington, IN, them's fightin' words, by gawd.

    But we DID have a nice chat about e-cigs, and since I'm fairly new to the phenomenon, his input was welcome. Sean wasn't there, though. So of course we had a good time slamming him mercilessly.

    Anyway... besides giving the uStream show a boost, another reason for posting this was to link up a research paper by a Mr. Andrew Gobel I found online regarding e-cigs:


    Vape safe.

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