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Saabdrifter last won the day on October 17 2011

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About Saabdrifter

  • Birthday May 6

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    Tube Mods!

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  1. I have flown 4 times with my stuff. First time I was worried so I left my mods at home. After reading TSA regs I bring most everything with me. I keep them in a ziplock in my carry on and take it out for screening. Only asked about them one time, I just said they are ecigs and they moved me on. TSAs website has a section that says the batteries should be carried on, not in your checked bags.
  2. AVE is my go to vender Flue Cured Boba's Gorilla Juice
  3. I think this season is going to be way better than the last. The last season sucked pretty bad.
  4. I got a HH357 in on a trade. I was skeptical at first, that is until I tried it. I holds way more juice than a regular atty. I have been using cartos for months and the change back has been great. So I had to order a couple more. I like the longer version, the short version makes very warm vapor. If they last as long as people say they do, they will be worth the extra cost.
  5. How about the classic NES controller? LOL
  6. I will! I have 3 of them and they work great. Waiting on new version to match my Precise +
  7. Congrats. Going on a year myself. I love my ecigs and my body loves me for not smoking!
  8. Ordered some today, no problems.
  9. I only use dual coils for 5v vaping. I did not find them any better at 3.7. At 5-6v they work great.
  10. SS GGTS w/Odysseus or UFS. Kick coming soon, possibly different VV module. Provari is still good to go also!
  11. Its the top part of the tank.
  12. Its a tank, made by an ECF member. They are very nice and hard to get.
  13. Had the same thing. My dentist told me it was my mouth healing. Lasted for 2-3 weeks. Now my gums are better than they have been in 15 years.
  14. Sweet! I have wanted to get one, but always miss out. Love the color!
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