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Everything posted by Debbee

  1. Hello fellow "noobies" (don't particularily care for that term but whatever) I have been struggling with Ecig vs. Analog for 3 weeks. There is no "concrete" information about the level of nicotine while vaping whatever mg you vape. This worried me, as a result, I know that if I smoke so many "analogs" I am safe but if I throw "vaping" into the mix I might get ill and actually threw up a couple of times - so, this is the main reason why I am still using analogs, to "modify" my nicotine intake. I also had severe throat burning on anything I tried to vape other than a fruit version, but ya know, as a menthol smoker it's just not cutting it. I decided today to just use my 18 mg juice and vape as often as I wanted and to stay away from the analogs and not worry about ALL OF THE MEDICAL INFORMATION NOT PROVIDED IN THE VAPING COMMUNITY as far as nicotine overdose. I have done "o.k." so far by trying this today but I really think that my question needs attention--"why is there no "clear-cut" information about how much nicotine one ingests from switching from analog to vape? I understand that vaping tastes a lot better, well, that means we may be taking in more nicotine than usual, especially since it is accepted in a lot of public places. I think the "vaping" endorsers should come out with some type of guide line as far as nicotine levels, this is just bad business and I personally do not want to gamble with my health even more. If anyone has any information (not comments) about nicotine levels compared to analog, please reaspond to this. I'm sorry, I am trying very hard with the Ecig but this needs enlightenment.
  2. Hey "Asleep", thank you very much - I am VERY new at this. Anyway, someone posted on my question about nicotine levels and what I "think" I figured out is that 1 mL of juice is equal to the nicotine level you ordered in your size bottle. I measured 1 mL by "dropping" into a baby-medicine dispenser (for lack of a better description, it was a suction device, almost looks like a shot - sorry, don't know what it's called) and about 20 drops equals 1 mL. The person that posted on my question earlier informed me that you get about 1 mg of nicotine in an analog, so if you smoke a pack a day you are getting about 20 mg of nicotine - sooo, if someone was a "pack-a-day" smoker and has an 18 mg solution, 20 drops of that through the day would equal the same amount of nicotine. I want to post this as "general forum for noobies" but hesitate due to the fact that none of this is very researched and I am formulating this off of info from this site-let me know what you think of this information. Also, the other thing I discovered is that I was "vaping" wrong. I don't smoke "weed" but know how it's done, I was trying to "vape" the same way. I started vaping in the same manner I smoke and there's no more throat burn - let me know what you think of this too! I really appreciate everyone's help on this site. You were the last person that posted on my question, so LUCKY YOU, you get all of this "so-called" information!
  3. Thank you everyone. I think I have had a "bit" too much nic while trying to vape, have gotten sick a couple of times but you all have given me the best information available so far. Truly appreciated - Debbee
  4. Thank you everyone!! Another question if you don't mind? I am worried about nicotine overdoes and don't understand how much nicotine I am getting if I am using 18mg and vaping all day, for instance. There doesn't seem to be any clear-cut information on nictotine levels via vaping as opposed to traditional analog smoking. Currently, I am still on the analogs because I am "afraid" to vape constantly instead. Much appreciated once again!!!
  5. Hello fellow vapers! I am struggling to get off tobacco cigs because every time I vape any flavor e-liquid it burns my throat and I gag. Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong? Also, I used to (well still do at the moment) smoke Newport 100's, a strong menthol cig. I started with 18mg of nicotine in my liquid, is this a good level for me? I am finding myself not completely satisfyed and still craving the Newports. Thank you!
  6. Debbee


    Thank you! I just ordered a Ego and juice - I got the ego with the pre-filled carts but the juice hasn't even shipped yet so I am kind of in a dilemma for a bit. I've got 2 prefilled carts left and they obviously don't last without refilling for very long.
  7. Debbee


    How do you know when it is time to refill your cartridge to avoid vaping until dry?
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