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Everything posted by sekret2

  1. Aside from Johnson Creek , where else can i buy juice ? Preferrably a US distibutor but i'd be willing to try anything . Actually , can someone provide a list of world wide E juice distributors ? Thanks
  2. http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4809530/12833291
  3. Where's the link ? What happened ?
  4. Happy B day , Chris . All the best
  5. I've got wood
  6. Just the plain old tobacco flavour . Sean from e cigz , sent me carts in various flavours a few weeks back . The only one's that i liked were the menthol and peach cobbler flavours . The cherry flavour was raunchy and the chocloate made me nauseous .
  7. You're absolutely right about the NJOY taste , it sucks ! I was actually going to start a thread asking if anyone knew what kind of Juice NJOY uses . Fyi , i rcvd 2 bottles of Johnson Creek smoke juice (tobacco flavour) last week and the taste is so much better . And as for finding a juice that tastes like a Marlboro , i don't believe that it exists . But again , the JC smoke juice is quite good .
  8. Thanks Royce . Much appreciated
  9. Thanks for the tutorial . Question for you ; what's the stuffing called and where can i buy it ?
  10. I have never vaped more . Does this stuff make you go blind? Cuz everything is kind of fuzzy , but a good fuzzy
  11. Wanted to let you know that i finally got onto the juice bandwagon . I rcvd the Johnson's Creek original smoke juice today . A much , much better smoke , great vape and for some the reason , i enjoy the taste alot more . My only complaint ; when i take my first few drags , the juice comes spilling into my mouth . Any suggestions on how to avoid this ?
  12. My sarcasm tends to get me into trouble . Sorry guys .
  13. I was joking , Chris . Simply joking
  14. You changed the thread title , ***** .
  15. I bought carts at a local tabacco shop today and it's working beautifully . Vaping like a mad man again .
  16. As per my last thread , i cleaned my Npro atomizer the other day , let it dry for 24 hrs , dripped in some juice but wasn't able to vape . So i put it down for 5 days hoping that it would dry out and instead used my M401 (electronic-cigz.com). 5 days later and i'm bouncing off the walls because i'm dry on juice and carts . So i decided to test out my Npro again to see if my atomizer is able to heat up by sucking on it , and it does . So here's my question ; based on the fact that the atomizer is heating up , will i be able to vape on it again when my juice arrives ?
  17. http://uk.sys-con.com/node/895651
  18. I soaked my atomizer in warm water for an hour , let it dry over night and now it's dead . I took about 20 strong drags but still no vape . Any suggestions ?
  19. www.cjad.com . Right now
  20. You're the Julia Child of vaping .
  21. The problem with e smoking for me is that i can vape all day , non stop . If i did that with analogs i'd be dead by now . I smoked just over a pack of analogs/day , but 90% of them would consist of 3-5 drags and then out the window . I needed(past tense) my analog/nicotine fix many times throughout the day , but after 3-5 drags i was done , that is , unless i was drinking .
  22. That's alotta carts !!!!! How many analogs were you smoking/day ?
  23. I thought i did but when you emailed me my new password , that didn't work either . So i re-joined
  24. Cocktail hour started a little earlier than usual today . It's cold up here in Canada .
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