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Everything posted by james

  1. I think you might have to go out and do a lot of it yourself. You could also consider doing skype interviews and putting a picture of the person on while you play their voice - we did this with an excerpt of our interview with Dr Joel Nitzkin. I'm travelling at the moment but I will happily do a couple of minutes of video when I get home in September.
  2. We are holding a survey into the smoking habits of e-smokers as well as their experiences with smoking problems since using the electronic cigarette. We have had a lot of help from the Tobacco Harm Reduction project at the University of Alberta in constructing the project, and they will be analysing the results of the survey. Paul Bergen has advised us that other e-cigarette surveys in the past have been deliberately disrupted through the use auto responders. For this reason, to take the survey you need to submit an email address. After submitting the email address, you will be sent a link with a unique id ensuring that the link can only be used once. While we realise this will decrease the number of responses, it seemed worth it to guarantee the integrity of the data. We've had 89 participants so far, but obviously the more the better - and the more likely the results are likely to be taken seriously by legislators, health campaigners e.t.c. The survey takes about five minutes to complete. Any feedback would be welcomed! The link is here: http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/research/survey.html James ADMIN EDIT: Link Fixed
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