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    Handthatfeeds242 got a reaction from Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up   
    Der this summer we may go over to Columbia to an outdoor venue or possibly mount joy. Just a few ideas I'm thinking about
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    Handthatfeeds242 got a reaction from Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up   
    Thanks for adding this here...This is Felt from ECF. I just wanted to update it for you. Some of us will be getting there around 7. But whenever you all show up is fine. Look forward to meeting you all. Sorry for the short notice but I now have a liaison here to keep you all updated on future meetups.
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    Handthatfeeds242 got a reaction from Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up   
    Just want to say thank you to everyone that came out this evening. You all made for a great night. To bad the service sucked but we should have a better time next month. I believe we are going to shoot for a few hours earlier. Possibly around 5.

    A big thanks to red for giving away all those DIY supplies. I know they will go to good use and what is left over is going to be brought back for the next meet up.

    Also sharon for bringing a giant pack of napkins to blow out those juices between Flavors.

    Rob from blue mist. Thanks for the horrid crab juice. It was time for a new atty And drip tip anyway. (sharon I wish you the best of luck on removing that stuff from both. Hopefully it doesn't get ripe like crabs sitting out to long)

    And everyone else for sharing your juices. Means a lot to have the community that we do.

    I hope everyone enjoyed themselves, I know I did. Great juices and great company always make for a good time.

    Again thanks to everyone for making a great evening and hope to see all those who were unable to make it this time at next months meetup.
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    Handthatfeeds242 got a reaction from Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up   
    copying my posts from ECF

    I am looking at the calendar and it looks like the 28th is the last saturday of the month. As I mentioned earlier I would like to try for a earlier time. I will talk with Cobblestones this week and see about 5 PM on the 28th of May. I will keep everyone posted as I get more info. Also If anyone else is a frequent visitor of other forums please let me know. I would like to have some presence on those as well.
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