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  1. Right, ummmm..... I was just trying to hide the fact that I felt stupid by asking a question.... but the question was stoopid, so now I'm back to the original feeling... lol
  2. I'm with ya Poppa, That's what I was saying... if you grew up with twist tobacco, which I'm familiar with, the tobacco probably wasn't treated with chemicals, fertilizer, insecticides.. etc. Now a days I'm sure it is! And therefore even worse for you than it use to be... I know some chew now has fiberglass in it to help the nicotine into the bloodstream, I use to use the leaf style chew on occasion like Red Man..(in company vehicles, or airplanes), and even that is worse than "backyard grown" tobacco. All the big tobacco companies use additives to make the tobacco as addictive as possible.
  3. Without researching, I would suspect that there is a chance some of the carcinogens come from crop treatments, and probably most from cigarette production, paper production, glue... etc. ? I don't think that the tobacco from yesterday as Poppa speaks of is even in the same category as tobacco of today, it's just how it goes... as with everything that continually becomes more process and less natural.
  4. Not sure of the bottled liquids, but my Npro carts came stamped with an ex. date of 2012 I believe... Actually, I just looked at my bottle of TW and on the bottom right corner of the warning label (next to the dead fish) lol it says: "use by 01-10-2011"
  5. Cool! It was just a thought... What are the atomizers actually made of?? is it stainless?
  6. Makes sense to me... The acid in soda is weak.. more time to eat away at carbon... only thing is: Acid is corrosive to metals, anyone seeing any rust?
  7. LOL Poppa! I'm in that boat too! hell of a smoker that is..... Maybe the patch and straight glycerin for habitual! :P
  8. Puentekidd There is much to be said for just being kind!
  9. cool! I'll look through your vids, and dig through our database of music.... see if anything meshes!
  10. I think it's called "Tesla"....uses "Cuda".... might as well be hieroglyphics to me, but seems cool! and ONLY $10,000.00! lol
  11. Well, we can compose all kinds! Metal, Rock, psychedelic & Jazz mainly... "stoner rock" is kind of our bag, only things I'm not sure about (because I don't think the other band members would do it) is Rap, or Country.... lol
  12. Hey, have you seen the Nvidia "personal supercomputer"? 960 cores.... etc.
  13. Hey! Sorry Chris, Didn't see this one.. I posted the same thing under the FDA thread......
  14. lol! no problem.... I'll just call you Bond then. :P
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