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Everything posted by birdievk

  1. I think I have mostly all the info I need.. but how often does one need to clean an atty.. and also.. how long do 510 attys last? Last question.. how do I know when my atty is bad.. does it just not work? thanks
  2. This may be a dumb question but I just got my refillable carts and I would love to fill some so I dont have to stop everytime I need a new one and fill it up. If I were to fill them now and put the cap back on, will they still be good later or do they dry up? Also being new to vaping, I would appreciate any helpful tips or ideas. thanks everyone
  3. Right now I have a regular tornado from TW and I have credit available and want to get another kit for some variety> I was looking at their videos of the Mega 510 Titan ( a bit expensive for me at 99.99.. and the regular 510 titan a bit more my style on sale for 44.99. But I heard here that I wouldnt like the regular titan since I already have the tornado. I do like how the titan looks.. it seems nice and petite but I guess that doesnt matter.. any suggestions please?
  4. I think I have most info that I need, thanks to vapor talk. Except cartomizers.. I watched a video here that showed me easily how to direct drip but he specifically said to stay away from things saying low resistance. I have a regular tornado and I see they sell cartomizers for it and also 1.5 ohm low atomizers.. Can someone please explain. I was under the impression you can't use juice with a cartomizer. thanks
  5. I can't believe how much more I just learned.. thanks alot. I dont think I need those low resistance atty's though, right? I love the throat hit I get with this. I The TW juice is so expensive though. 29.99 for 3 ml.. Maybe I am looking wrong but I could swear I saw 30ml elsewhere for 13.99.. so that is a huge difference. But since I love the throat hit maybe the TW juice is really good.. I like the throat hit better then any cigarette I ever smoked.. I have only used jsut the regular tobACCO OF theirs and I loved it. They actually sounded like you in their claim that they tried so many different suppliers looking for the best juice and so therefore decided to start looking for the best manufacturers of nicotine fluid worldwide. After many false starts and sampling fluids from over 30 different suppliers and manufacturers,they found the fluid they had been looking for…Thus T.W. E.Smoking Liquid was born. I think I saw somone on youtube talk about them and that is why I tried it. I do have to try one of those sampler packs. Thank you for your help
  6. Cheshyl, You have, by no means, given me a headache.. You helped me so much. I researched for about 2 weeks before I got one. Believe me, if I had the money, I would try all of them.. But I am on disability income and I am lucky my sister bought me the Tornado.. But I know I am going to love direct dripping so that is what I will do tomrorow when I get my juice. Now I dont know if it would be worth it for me to order the Mega tornado with the credit or not? What do you think? I really wanted to try the 510 because it looked nice.. but that is a dumb reason. I just dont know what the 510lr or 306lr are and how are they different from other attys.. they are attys right? At TW the juice is double the price of other places so I am wondering if they could actually be any better then others? I think of this as a hobby as well. I really enjoy it and I think I am just thrilled to have quit smoking.. I never could do it before. I can't believe how many people I found, however, that won't even try it. They think it looks stupid and I say, "I think you will look alot more stupid with a respirator on your mouth." I am not embarrased at all. I feel proud that I found a way to quit... but so weird how I enjoy it so much though. lol So what about the 510lr and the other one? What do you like about them and anything else you want to offer, I am here to learn it all. I am like you in many ways, I can see. thanks
  7. Hi again, cheshyl, thanks for the advice. I think I would like to try a sampler. I love cheesecake.. I just cant imagine, for the life of me, what it will be like to get it in vapor.. What is your favorite now? I am not sure how much money can really be saved here. The batteries for the regular tornado are 19.99 and then there are the atomizers.. Can you, or anyone tell me how long I can expect these to last tilL I need new ones. If they have to be bought all the time, it can get quite expensive.. But I enjoy this and I was NOT enjoying smoking at all anymore. I hated the smell and the taste as well.. but vaping, I love it.
  8. Is the tornado tank much bigger then the regular Tornado? I would like to hear how anyone likes the Tornado Tank and also is 76.49 a decent price for it. It sure seems easy enough for dripping. I just watched the video on Totally wicked but it just seems kind of big for a woman. I dont want to look like I have a cigar in my mouth. I just love this forum. I am learning so much today. Also interested in the flavors of juice and what you think of them. I have only used tobacco and I like that flavor just fine. thanks everyone!
  9. Everyone is so nice here.. Guess we get nicer when we get rid of that dirty habit. I don't know if it is because I don't fear my lungs getting worse when I am vaping butI just love it and I dont miss cigarettes at all! I am glad you told me about the 510 because I was going to get one. My sister bought me all this stuff from Totally Wicked that I dont really need and I am returning it. They dont do refunds so I will have credit. But they are very high priced for the tornado batteries and accesories. I dont see Tornadoes anywhere else. Is that strictly from Totally Wicked? So anyway I figure since I will have about $100 credit there.. I will get another kit.. That is why I was going to get the 510 because it is only 44.99.. How much different is the battery life? Do you have a recommendation? I am out of juice and that order will be here tomorrow with 2 30 mls of juice.. but they are 29.99! I see them so much cheaper everywhere else. Is there much of a difference? I have to keep one of them and return one because I am totally out and I am going nuts without it.. I Know this is alot of questions but are the juices much different in just the tobacco brand? Also, I cant comprehend vaping with watermelon or chocolate.. etc.. How is it to vape with those kind of juices? thanks to everyone.
  10. Got it.. so the juice would go around that little wic looking thing in the atty.. I cant wait to get my juice today and try it. I smoked for 40 years and I cannot believe that I quit smoking 11 days ago. The same day I got my tornado. No more smoke smell on my clothes.. I dont even want a cigarette at all. I tried many times to quit. I just wish this had been around 20 years ago.. Thanks for all the help
  11. The video was very informative. I thought direct dripping was so complicated. They make it sound like you need a bunch of directions. lol So in the video he said 2 or 3 drops.. How long will that last and also can I put more then 2 or 3 drops.. So glad I found this site. One more question please. I used regular tobacco tasting liquid.. and for some reason, I cant see using watermelon or chocolate ..it seems so weird. Do you like the other flavors?
  12. I just got the regular tornado.. so are you saying a tornado is the same as a joye ego then? Please don't think I am stupid, although I do feel very stupid about this.. So I have the cartridge here with the filler removed.. so I put the drops of liquid in the empty cartridge and then just put the atty on top of it.. connect it to the battery and that is it? Is that what you are saying? Does that use the liquid up alot faster? I am waiting for more liquid today.. I am all out and I really dont want a cigarette so I have to wait it out.. thanks so much
  13. Thanks for quick reply. Hope I am doing this right.. I am a bit confused now..Are you saying I can use 510 atty's with the tornado? There are so many out there and I am so new to this that I just dont know what to do.. please explain what you mean by using the tip that came with the atty? Is that the black empty cartridge looking thing? it has a tiny hole, so other then using a syringe how would I get the liquid through? I probably have confused you cheshyl, and I do apologize. thanks.
  14. Hi just got my first e cig and it is a tornado from Totally wicked. I am very interested in direct dripping which I am not sure, but I think it is putting the liquid directely into the atomizer.. I am tired of filling up the cartridges all the time. However, when I look on the website where I got the tornado, I dont see any drip tips for a tornado e cig. Do I have to have a tip? Can this even be done with a tornado? I would appreciate any help.. Also I see a nice price of 39.99 for a Joye 510 at e-cigexpress.com.. is this a good e cig? thanks
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