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Everything posted by birdievk
Wow you know this stuff well. I am really confused here. a few quesitons please 1. What is ever clear and where can I get it? 2. My e liquid is 70^% Pg and 30% VG so that is not too thick, right? 3.which end do I blow thru on the atty? the end that attaches to the battery, or the other end? 4. I just put a drop of my juice inside the atty and that seemed to take away the burnt taste. I hope that is alright? 5. Have you used the lr attys with this? I read that they do wonders for the tank
First time ever using a tank and I bought 2 attys/ One was ok but the other one has a nasty burnt taste. Should I send it back? I don't know what to do with it and I don't want to call TW if it is not broken. It gives the vapor and all but it tastes awful.. Also, how do I clean these attys? Can I boil them in water?
I checked your link and they are 14.95 for an atty.. So high! Actually right now TW has a 15% off on everything and the atty is 14.44. I was told that a lr atty works better for a TH. Have you used one?
thanks/./ Since you use the tank.. maybe you can tell me if you get a TH from them? I think it is awful. I get a better one from the regular tornado.> Also, one of the attys I just got, has an awful burnt taste.. Should I send it back or can that be fixed?
Hi I recieved good advice a few days ago from one person and I want to ask that person another question.. Now I can see my post and the reply I got, but since that was days ago.. he may not see what I write now. Is there a way I can send another question so he gets an alert in his email or somethin like that? I know I did recieve some replies to other questions right in my email but I don't know how they did that?
I have a tank system from TW. Their prices are outrageous so I want to shop somewhere else. Can I buy attys for my tank at any store? IF so, what do I look for? I am not sure if they are just called tank attys? I know this is a dumb question but there is just so much to learn about these things.
I had a TW tornado and I really liked it but I wanted to try the tank. I recieved the tank and was so upse that I cant get a TH hit on it. I am using 24mg liquid so that cant be the problem.. and I am getting a ton a vapor.. Any sugggestions? Also one of the attys I have, has this awful burnt taste to it and it is brand new. What can I do about that?
I didnt know that.. How do I get rid of it? I do see some oily stuff but I dont know if I can put these tank attys in water or how to clean them.. I really need some help here. Also even though the one atty doesnt have that taste.. I am back to using my regular tornado because I get an awesome TH from it. I wanted to convenience of the tank but no TH at all.. I wish Inever bought it.
I hope someone can help me. I am almost ready to go back to smoking although I don't want to. I can't keep spending like this since I am on disability income.. I was hoping to save some money. In any case, I just got a tank from TW. I am not getting a good throat hit.. so that is aggravating enough.. But I just tried my second atty that I bought for the tank and it has an awful burnt taste to it.. Does that mean it is broken and I should contact TW? Also, how do you clean these attys? I am so afraid of breaking one. ANy help on these questions would be so appreciated.
I am so disappointed. I want a good TH and from what I read and heard.. the tank gives a good TH. So I just got my tank today and it gives great vapor.. but absolutely no TH at all. I am using 24 liquid so that cant be the problem.. Any help would be appreciated. I am getting a better TH with just the tornado.
I didnt realize it till now, that it is too expensive. I dont want to ruin the taste of it.. so I dont know what to mix with it. I really dont care for any of the flavers I got in the sampler from awesome vapor.. Cinnamon gives a bit of a TH at least.. but I dont like any of them much. Just like tobacco I guess. t
thanks Beans.. It is a shame that I had to buy my first juice from the most expensive place. I really like it.. But 30mls is usually 29.99! Right now TW has everything on the site at 15% off since they stopped coupons.. This is till May.. so I can get it for 24.99.. How bad of a price is that for 30ml? I think maybe it might not be too bad with the 15% off? thanks
Cheshyl, I am ordering my tank later today... so I can buy lr attys for it? I didnt want to buy them because they say they can break faster.. what do the lf attys actually do for you? I want to get one if it will help.
I have a tornado and it seemed like I was getting a good TH witht the juice I got from TW. It was tobacco so I got a sample pack from awesome vapor and I am not too thrilled with any of them. Not only don't I care for the flavors but I dont feel like I am getting a good TH and that is important to me. I have been free of smoking for 26 days now and I dont want to smoke. I think I can hold off a few days till I order something else. So How do I get a good TH? Is it the amount of nicotine in the juice? or is it the juice or the e cig? Also I was thinking of getting a tank since I have the tornado batteries etc. But I read a few negative things about the tank. Anyone here actually really like the tank and does that give a good TH? thank you all
I have been reading alot here and many seem to really like the caromizers.. Being new, I bought a regular tornado and I dont know much about cartomizers. Can someone please explain the difference/ such as which gives a better TH , which is very important to me.. and I dont quite understand the difference between a LR cart and a regular one.. anything would be helpful since I am ready to buy more items.
Someone here told me to get this blue filter filler stuff for fish tanks at Petsmart to replace the inside material in the carts. I just called petsmart before I get a ride over and they said they dont have the blue only the white.. IS this the right stuff to buy? I have reused all my original fillings and I need something badly. Trying to go soon so please help if you can. thanks
Yes Beans has been a great help.. just confused on what is a boge carto? Also, I am thinking some juices are not as good as other right? I dont want a juice that won't give me a good throat hit. I smoked since I was 15.. so 43 years! and I quit the day I got my e cig.. so it is important that I feel like I am smoking.. Would like to buy the best juice for the cheapest price.. so where can I get that? thanks
I never thought about getting an extra charger.. but I guess I better get one.. Wondering if it would be cheaper for me to just buy a tank kit.. it is 76.99 fo rthe kit and I would get all this.. 2 x 3.7V / 650mAh Black Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries (Manual Operation) with clip-on switch protector. 2 x Cone Shaped Black Tank Atomizers. 1 x Mains to USB Wall Charging unit. 1 x 5V / 450mA High Speed Tornado USB Charger. 5 x Prefilled Tank Atomized Cartridge's (2 x 18mg (High), 2 x 11mg (Med), 1 x 8mg Low)). 2 x Blank Cartridges. 1 x Pouch. I bet if I figure the cost that this would be the cheapest..Also it gives me 2 more batteries which I wouldnt have bought and then I have 5 batteries tota. that this would be the cheapest.. What do you think, Beans.. Also can you put juice in cartomizers and what is the difference besides one less piece?
I have one 30ml juice. ok more questions Beans.. so sorry. I will try to make it easy. 1. So do I only need to buy one of those $14 cone atomizers.. or should I get 2 just in case. 2. Where can I get the best priced juice and what should I get to have the best throat hit? right now I am using the TW pillbox medium 11 mg. It gives a really decent throat hit.. but then after a few hits.. it doesnt taste as good. 3. If I buy the items you suggested, then I am ok with what I have .. the charger I got with the tornado kit and I the mega battery and regular batteries.. Is that right? 4. How do you like the tank compared to the regular way? and do you only use the tank or to you alternate? thanks so much for your help> I couldnt do it without you.
thanks http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/tornado-tank-ecig-products.html That is the page I am looking at.
I vape alot too. now sure what you man by a tank and an atty. I see a tor tank 1.7 ohm lr cone shaped atomzier for 11.04 or a cone shaped tank atomizer for 14.44. I also see the tank pre filled and empty cartridges.. which of these do I need to turn my tornado into a tank? thanks for your help. I need it Beans
Thanks so much.. so I can go to a craft store and just ask for Polly fiber/filler, right? Now in a pet store I would ask for blue filler.. I think I reused them too many times. Maybe that is why I am getting that burnt taste.. I think they are falling apart..How do they sell this polly fiber? Does it come in a big wad and we just have to cut it? I guess it doesn't cost much, right? Also what is the best juice and the best way to get a good throat hit? that is what I am most interested in. thanks
So glad you mentioned the tank because that was my next question. I got the regular tonnado kit from TW.. and my sister sent me a mega battery for it as well. I was jsut checking out the tornado tank kit and I think I would like to use something like that. I do have some credit coming from TW and since I cant afford a wh0le new kit my quesion is: Would I be able to buy the Tank Atomized Cartridge's and use them with my mega battery. I am hoping I can turn this into a tank system but not sure if my charger and battery will all work with it. this is very confusing at times.. but I think I like the idea of the tank which in the video on TW it says it lasts for 100 "puffs" which would be really nice.
Is there a name for the white cottony material in a cart? How many times can it be reused? Also do they sell that white material anywhere? I am on disabiliy income and I am just trying to save a little money because I can't afford to keep buying all the time. I am so happy that I quit smoking but this can be a bit expensive as well. I also don't seem to get alot of time out of a cart and I am worried about that. Seems I should be able to go out for 3 or 4 hours and not worry about changing a cart.. Or am I wrong about that?
I have a regular tornado and something doesnt seem right. I fill up the cart the way I am supposed to and I start vaping.. But it seems after about 10 min.. I get a burnt taste and I have to refill another cart.. Shouldnt they last longer then that? I have a friend that has a cheaper e cig and she can use it off and on all day without it going bad. Last night I was at a function and I didnt use it much at all.. But before I was halfway thru the night, that awful burnt taste came again. What am I doing wrong? thanks