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    Pittsburgh PA

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  1. Wow you know this stuff well. I am really confused here. a few quesitons please 1. What is ever clear and where can I get it? 2. My e liquid is 70^% Pg and 30% VG so that is not too thick, right? 3.which end do I blow thru on the atty? the end that attaches to the battery, or the other end? 4. I just put a drop of my juice inside the atty and that seemed to take away the burnt taste. I hope that is alright? 5. Have you used the lr attys with this? I read that they do wonders for the tank
  2. First time ever using a tank and I bought 2 attys/ One was ok but the other one has a nasty burnt taste. Should I send it back? I don't know what to do with it and I don't want to call TW if it is not broken. It gives the vapor and all but it tastes awful.. Also, how do I clean these attys? Can I boil them in water?
  3. I checked your link and they are 14.95 for an atty.. So high! Actually right now TW has a 15% off on everything and the atty is 14.44. I was told that a lr atty works better for a TH. Have you used one?
  4. thanks/./ Since you use the tank.. maybe you can tell me if you get a TH from them? I think it is awful. I get a better one from the regular tornado.> Also, one of the attys I just got, has an awful burnt taste.. Should I send it back or can that be fixed?
  5. Hi I recieved good advice a few days ago from one person and I want to ask that person another question.. Now I can see my post and the reply I got, but since that was days ago.. he may not see what I write now. Is there a way I can send another question so he gets an alert in his email or somethin like that? I know I did recieve some replies to other questions right in my email but I don't know how they did that?
  6. I have a tank system from TW. Their prices are outrageous so I want to shop somewhere else. Can I buy attys for my tank at any store? IF so, what do I look for? I am not sure if they are just called tank attys? I know this is a dumb question but there is just so much to learn about these things.
  7. I had a TW tornado and I really liked it but I wanted to try the tank. I recieved the tank and was so upse that I cant get a TH hit on it. I am using 24mg liquid so that cant be the problem.. and I am getting a ton a vapor.. Any sugggestions? Also one of the attys I have, has this awful burnt taste to it and it is brand new. What can I do about that?
  8. I didnt know that.. How do I get rid of it? I do see some oily stuff but I dont know if I can put these tank attys in water or how to clean them.. I really need some help here. Also even though the one atty doesnt have that taste.. I am back to using my regular tornado because I get an awesome TH from it. I wanted to convenience of the tank but no TH at all.. I wish Inever bought it.
  9. I hope someone can help me. I am almost ready to go back to smoking although I don't want to. I can't keep spending like this since I am on disability income.. I was hoping to save some money. In any case, I just got a tank from TW. I am not getting a good throat hit.. so that is aggravating enough.. But I just tried my second atty that I bought for the tank and it has an awful burnt taste to it.. Does that mean it is broken and I should contact TW? Also, how do you clean these attys? I am so afraid of breaking one. ANy help on these questions would be so appreciated.
  10. I am so disappointed. I want a good TH and from what I read and heard.. the tank gives a good TH. So I just got my tank today and it gives great vapor.. but absolutely no TH at all. I am using 24 liquid so that cant be the problem.. Any help would be appreciated. I am getting a better TH with just the tornado.
  11. I didnt realize it till now, that it is too expensive. I dont want to ruin the taste of it.. so I dont know what to mix with it. I really dont care for any of the flavers I got in the sampler from awesome vapor.. Cinnamon gives a bit of a TH at least.. but I dont like any of them much. Just like tobacco I guess. t
  12. thanks Beans.. It is a shame that I had to buy my first juice from the most expensive place. I really like it.. But 30mls is usually 29.99! Right now TW has everything on the site at 15% off since they stopped coupons.. This is till May.. so I can get it for 24.99.. How bad of a price is that for 30ml? I think maybe it might not be too bad with the 15% off? thanks
  13. Cheshyl, I am ordering my tank later today... so I can buy lr attys for it? I didnt want to buy them because they say they can break faster.. what do the lf attys actually do for you? I want to get one if it will help.
  14. I have a tornado and it seemed like I was getting a good TH witht the juice I got from TW. It was tobacco so I got a sample pack from awesome vapor and I am not too thrilled with any of them. Not only don't I care for the flavors but I dont feel like I am getting a good TH and that is important to me. I have been free of smoking for 26 days now and I dont want to smoke. I think I can hold off a few days till I order something else. So How do I get a good TH? Is it the amount of nicotine in the juice? or is it the juice or the e cig? Also I was thinking of getting a tank since I have the tornado batteries etc. But I read a few negative things about the tank. Anyone here actually really like the tank and does that give a good TH? thank you all
  15. I have been reading alot here and many seem to really like the caromizers.. Being new, I bought a regular tornado and I dont know much about cartomizers. Can someone please explain the difference/ such as which gives a better TH , which is very important to me.. and I dont quite understand the difference between a LR cart and a regular one.. anything would be helpful since I am ready to buy more items.
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