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    Erowid got a reaction from Fib in Biggest Drawbacks Of Vaping?   
    Anyone find any drawback to vaping? Particularly in comparison to your experience to analogue.

    I was expecting to find enough drawbacks to push me back into analogue immediately after getting my 510... but I really haven't found any. Feels like a cig but I can smoke it all day long without that regret of throwing out 60¢ every time I reach for a cig (yep packs of cigs in NYC are really $12... still can't believe that) and really it just feels like an accessory that really resonates with me...

    I have found one pretty significant drawback (if you can call it that!) from the switch to vaping though. Ever since I got it, it feels like every day is show and tell! haha

    No matter where I am, people want to grab and try and get a full explanation. I don't mind it, I just find it funny and kind of embarrassing at the same time. Each day I tend to work in a studio with the same people and even though they've seen it before and gotten to try, they still want to see it and see how they like it.

    A little background, I've been vaping for somewhere around 2 weeks now, so I'm expecting this drawback to settle down soon and hoping that within a couple of years e-cigs will be so popular that they'll be a very common substitute for analogue and more people will recognize and understand what they are and how they work. : )

    What drawbacks have you noticed?
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