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Everything posted by Erowid

  1. Haha, great replies. It seems like a lot of the drawbacks stem from vaping becoming a real hobby (or obsession :p ). But the physical negative effects I haven't seen... I hope you guys with skin bumps/acne/excessive earwax will get that checked out for all our sake and post back.
  2. Anyone find any drawback to vaping? Particularly in comparison to your experience to analogue. I was expecting to find enough drawbacks to push me back into analogue immediately after getting my 510... but I really haven't found any. Feels like a cig but I can smoke it all day long without that regret of throwing out 60¢ every time I reach for a cig (yep packs of cigs in NYC are really $12... still can't believe that) and really it just feels like an accessory that really resonates with me... I have found one pretty significant drawback (if you can call it that!) from the switch to vaping though. Ever since I got it, it feels like every day is show and tell! haha No matter where I am, people want to grab and try and get a full explanation. I don't mind it, I just find it funny and kind of embarrassing at the same time. Each day I tend to work in a studio with the same people and even though they've seen it before and gotten to try, they still want to see it and see how they like it. A little background, I've been vaping for somewhere around 2 weeks now, so I'm expecting this drawback to settle down soon and hoping that within a couple of years e-cigs will be so popular that they'll be a very common substitute for analogue and more people will recognize and understand what they are and how they work. : ) What drawbacks have you noticed?
  3. Thanks to everyone for their input. I recently received my order and am enjoying my new toy. If anyone wants to read my writeup, you can see it here.
  4. Wow plenty of feedback. Thanks everyone for your input, I just ordered a 510 starter kit from electronicstix.com because I saw a few people reviewing their products over at the Reviews subsection of this forum. It was only $40 for a starter kit, but if the batteries don't last long enough like the people here are saying, I'll have to try the eGo! Too bad about truesmoker.com, but I didn't have my heart set for the m401 anyway, I was just considering it as an option When I get the ecig I'll post back with what I think. Thanks again for all the input, I'm sure I'll be back asking about how to fill carts or some other type of newby question. Cheers everyone.
  5. Hey vaportalk! I'm new and began searching the web for the best options for e-cigs. It seems like the 510 or 401 would be suitable, as they are light and are probably the closest feel to a real cigarette that I'll be able to find. I've just got one issue. Based on this site and some associated youtube reviews, the Dragon m401 is a very popular choice, however the website truesmoker.com seems to be down for good. The truesmoker rep (?) on this site, I think his handle was Krakkan or something along those lines, hasn't been active since last year. That website seems to be the exclusive vendor of the Dragon, and unfortunately I can't find the thing on amazon or ebay or anywhere else. I would really like to see more about this product before giving up and settling with the 510 or something else. Does anyone know what happened to truesmoker.com? Is there anywhere else that I could find myself a Dragon m401?
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