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PADave got a reaction from Uma in Time To Fess Up
Since analogs have been around for so long, there has been a lot of testing done on nicotine content vs. absorbtion. The accepted rule of thumb seems to be that each analog contains about 5mg of nicotine and approximately 1mg is absorbed through the smoking process. (can't accredit this) For me, that meant when i was smoking 30 cigarettes a day, I was absorbing approximately 30mg of nicotine through smoking.
Now, as a vaper, I usually vape about 3-4ml of 12mg juice daily. That equates to about 36-48mg of nicotine intake daily. Based on this I figured that I was virtually 'no worse off' even if almost all the nicotine ingested was absorbed. The question I have always had is 'how does absorbtion with ecigs compare to analogs?'. At a vape meet last year, I had the opportunity to broach that question with Kurt Kistler (AEMSA subject matter expert) a chemist with experience in ecigs and nicotine. According to my conversation with him, his professional opinion is that the way ecigs are designed (to maximize vapor production) is not the most condusive to nicotine absorbtion and that only approximately 10% of the nicotine is absorbed. Now, this is one person's opinion and I know of no specific scientific studies to back this up ......but WOW! If that is even close to accurate that means i am only absorbing approximately 3-5mg of nicotine a day! Far less than with analogs and giving potential additional credence to the Wiki article stating that nicotine intake is the most important thing.
Just my $.02 as I celebrate 2 years analog free!
PADave got a reaction from Tam in Time To Fess Up
Since analogs have been around for so long, there has been a lot of testing done on nicotine content vs. absorbtion. The accepted rule of thumb seems to be that each analog contains about 5mg of nicotine and approximately 1mg is absorbed through the smoking process. (can't accredit this) For me, that meant when i was smoking 30 cigarettes a day, I was absorbing approximately 30mg of nicotine through smoking.
Now, as a vaper, I usually vape about 3-4ml of 12mg juice daily. That equates to about 36-48mg of nicotine intake daily. Based on this I figured that I was virtually 'no worse off' even if almost all the nicotine ingested was absorbed. The question I have always had is 'how does absorbtion with ecigs compare to analogs?'. At a vape meet last year, I had the opportunity to broach that question with Kurt Kistler (AEMSA subject matter expert) a chemist with experience in ecigs and nicotine. According to my conversation with him, his professional opinion is that the way ecigs are designed (to maximize vapor production) is not the most condusive to nicotine absorbtion and that only approximately 10% of the nicotine is absorbed. Now, this is one person's opinion and I know of no specific scientific studies to back this up ......but WOW! If that is even close to accurate that means i am only absorbing approximately 3-5mg of nicotine a day! Far less than with analogs and giving potential additional credence to the Wiki article stating that nicotine intake is the most important thing.
Just my $.02 as I celebrate 2 years analog free!
PADave got a reaction from drummerjims in Do You Vape In Public Places?
I am a little over a year vaping now, and have stopped hiding my vaping whatsoever. I vape openly in stores, restaurants, amusement parks, airports, my desk at the office, and yes was even vaping with one hand while they stitched the other at the urgent care center. I am actually surprised at how seldom i get questioned or confronted about it. I do admit to getting a lot of odd looks, but since what i am doing is not prohibited by any state or local laws, I feel I am perfectly within my rights doing so. I often carry my Provari in my hand as i shop and unabashedly take toots at my leisure. Most commonly people that do ask what i am doing are perfectly happy when i say its my electronic cigarette. This type of unabashed vaping has actually resulted in the conversion of at least 3 people to vaping and have had more than a dozen more to whom i have given one of my custom cards that explains about vaping and provides resource information to learn more (including this site). I am of the firm belief that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission due to the lack of understanding that is generally exhibited when i have tried to ask and explain, i find that just vaping away is now my primary choice! I am proud to be a vaper and equally excited to tell others about vaping when they gather up the courage to ask. By not stealth vaping and doing so openly, i feel this encourages others to ask about what i am doing since i am not trying to hide it.
To each their own, but for me, i have gotten over any stigma involved in vaping and I am PROUD TO BE A VAPER!
PADave got a reaction from kgoallthewaygo in Do You Vape In Public Places?
I am a little over a year vaping now, and have stopped hiding my vaping whatsoever. I vape openly in stores, restaurants, amusement parks, airports, my desk at the office, and yes was even vaping with one hand while they stitched the other at the urgent care center. I am actually surprised at how seldom i get questioned or confronted about it. I do admit to getting a lot of odd looks, but since what i am doing is not prohibited by any state or local laws, I feel I am perfectly within my rights doing so. I often carry my Provari in my hand as i shop and unabashedly take toots at my leisure. Most commonly people that do ask what i am doing are perfectly happy when i say its my electronic cigarette. This type of unabashed vaping has actually resulted in the conversion of at least 3 people to vaping and have had more than a dozen more to whom i have given one of my custom cards that explains about vaping and provides resource information to learn more (including this site). I am of the firm belief that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission due to the lack of understanding that is generally exhibited when i have tried to ask and explain, i find that just vaping away is now my primary choice! I am proud to be a vaper and equally excited to tell others about vaping when they gather up the courage to ask. By not stealth vaping and doing so openly, i feel this encourages others to ask about what i am doing since i am not trying to hide it.
To each their own, but for me, i have gotten over any stigma involved in vaping and I am PROUD TO BE A VAPER!
PADave got a reaction from pearlyvictoria in Vietnam Veteran Suffers Horrific Burns As Electronic Cigarette Explodes Inside His Mouth And Blows Out All Of His Teeth
While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed.
The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take.
I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident.
I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise.
Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery.
PADave got a reaction from DarthVaper in Vietnam Veteran Suffers Horrific Burns As Electronic Cigarette Explodes Inside His Mouth And Blows Out All Of His Teeth
While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed.
The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take.
I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident.
I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise.
Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery.
PADave got a reaction from Jeffb in Vietnam Veteran Suffers Horrific Burns As Electronic Cigarette Explodes Inside His Mouth And Blows Out All Of His Teeth
While i generally only visit this forum, with such a potentially negative Ecig story out there, i have been looking at other forums as well trying to gather information. First, I will commend the moderators here for not closing or deleting this thread (as has been done on other forums), I think it is important that real information is shared as well as having the ability to share our own concerns with fellow vapers. That being said, I would like to share a quote posted on that 'other' forum from a registered vendor (saveasmoker.com). Since I cannot personally attest to the validity of the post, the moderators are welcome to delete or alter my post if needed.
The quote from 'MaxxVapor' was "I just spoke to the Chief at North Bay Fire District in Niceville. The incident happened 2/13/12. The battery that failed was unrecognizable but they found several 3.0v (Cr123a) lithium ion batteries and a recharger so it strongly appears the man was using a MOD." If this is accurate information, it should help give peace of mind to some. I am by no means an expert in batteries or battery safety, but I am certainly comfortable continuing to use both my Egos and my Provari without fear. After all, there is almost a certainty that analogs would have eventually killed me and if there is a one in a million chance of injury using my Ecig, it is a risk I happily take.
I agree with a poster on another thread that a negative incident such as this could 'undo' a lot of the positive steps the ecig industry and vapers in general have been doing at bringing vaping closer to public acceptance. I have had several friends ask me about the story and have shared that anytime a battery is used, there is a potential danger, but that I personally know over 100 vapers who have been vaping for a long time and never know of a similar accident.
I hope that accurate information will be collected and shared as time goes on, but I am highly doubtful that this will come from the 'sound byte media' as they will likely only look at this as another opportunity to slam Ecigs without concrete information to back it up....surprise, surprise.
Lastly, my thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and his family and i wish him a speedy and complete recovery.
PADave got a reaction from Uma in Almost 9 Months In And My First 'vaper In The Wild"!
Been vaping for almost 9 months now and so very happy about it! Using an Ego 900mah with a 1.5 LR atty and I am a direct dripper all the way!
I spent the last week in Orlando with my family....vaping all the way! I vaped in the airports, on the plane (stealth), all the way through Seaworld, Kennedy Space Center, and all of the Disney parks. I vaped walking through the crowds, standing in lines, in restaurants, and even on the occassional ride! (Its a small world after all!...lol) I was only 'confronted' twice, both times in Seaworld where employess said 'Excuse me sir, the park is non smoking.' and as soon as i showed them my Ego, they said 'Oh, that's okay'. I handed out two of my homemade cards with information and websites to smokers who were interested. I was never overly blatant, blowing big clouds, but nor was I total stealth, I would say i was 'discreet'. All in all, it was a very encouraging trip!
I returned to Harrisburg airport and was waiting for the shuttle to the off site parking when i bumped into a flight crew waiting for a cab. The co-pilot lit a cigarrette, and the Captain whipped out an Ego T-tank and started vaping away! I was so excited to see my first Vaper in 'the wild'. He explained he had been vaping for about 20 months and that 'a lot' of the flight crews have taken up vaping so they can vape in the cockpit!
It was a very fun family trip as well as encouraging to me as a vaper! It really made up for the fact that the trip fell over Vapercon weekend. Those of you that went please post some stories about your trip!
PADave got a reaction from Sharon in Founder Of The White Rose Vapers Club - South Central Pa Vape Meet-Up
The loss of such a young and vital person will be felt by all who knew him, even those such as myself that only knew him from vape meets.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
PADave got a reaction from Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up
You are wonderful as always!
PADave got a reaction from Sharon in South Central Pa - Vape Meet-Up
I will be bringing a brand new vaper to the meet on Saturday. She is also in a little tough financial position at the moment, so i will be giving her my old Smoke 51 setup to get her started, but if anyone has any "retired" equiptment that they are no longer using and would be willing to donate, it would be appreciated. If i can get her a 510 set up of some kind...i can hook her up with atties, cartos, juice and all the goodies, but i dont have a 510 battery/charger of any kind that i can spare at the moment.
PADave got a reaction from pbiendeachzemanun in Liberty-Flights.com (Us)
A GREAT customer service experience! I am a relatively new vaper and just changed from a crappy mall type Smoke 51 to a Riva 510. My new Riva arrived March 16th (within 3 days of my order from Liberty Flights). Late this Tuesday evening, both batteries crapped out! Different symptoms, but both stopped working. (luckily I had talked a friend into ordering one too and he hooked me up with his spare battery so I didn't have to buy analogs) I dropped a late night email off to them, and when I had not heard anything by their lunch time on Wednesday I gave them a call. I talked to Jacob and explained my plight. He was very helpful and professional and indicated he would ship out two new batteries right away. They arrived today (East Coast) and included was a pre-paid return sticker for sending the old ones back. BRAVO! And thanks for keeping me away from the analogs! (Now I know...backups, backups, backups!)
PADave reacted to Kazzoo in Non-Smokers, Now Vapers?
One of the things I am convinced is that we who vape should not apologize. We should celebrate our recreation of choice. Vaping is not smoking. Vaping is just...Vaping. It is its own thing.
If we get in the habit of thinking what we do is shameful how could it not be construed as shameful for others to do as well? Ok for me but not for you? Do I have to Vape because I am a damaged being in someway and this is my burden?
Shuffling around in rags Wailing out: "Vapor! I am a Vaporer do not come near me, or you will want to get a Ego and some really delicious juice as well?" Stop that thinking right now please. Should we be emulated and impress those around us? Or are we evil/harmful/examples of what not to be? Shun! Shun!
Are we not then putting Vaping in the same social catagory as smoking is now? To be avoided at all costs by those who do not vape. We will be our own worse enemy and society at large will follow our example for good or ill.
So what about that "non-smoker"? Are they still not a "non-smoker" if they Vape. Is the product illicit and illegal? Will we now speak of others as "non-Vaperers" as if they are pure as the driven snow and their maidens cavort with unicorns? I trow not...
Are the product and the devices cool? yeah. Is there a trend to be seen using one? yeah. Do we want only informed adults using it? yeah. We are on the rise of popularity of it and many will join in. Is that not the hope of every vendor and maker of devices and juices dream? Can't have it both ways folks.
We are in a time of transition because Analogs and PV's exist side by side now. I hope PV's win and the Analogs go the way of the Dinosaurs. The reality is that people will Vape who never had a analog. I dont think it can be stopped now. My fellow Vaporer's do you really want to see it go away? (Silly Daddy, tell us the story again how people used to burn tubes of paper and leaves and made themselves sick..)
Let the next generation make up their own mind like we did about Vaping. We can tell em what we know when they ask.
We would do ourselves well to get on the side of considering Vaping as "a good and pleasant thing" if we wish to continue to do it everywhere we want.
PADave reacted to kitsune in Need An Ego Cone
I have a black cone just collecting dust if you are interested. free to a good home. Just PM me if you still need one. happy to send it out to you. unfortunately, I only have the one.
being broke sucks.