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Everything posted by xLowEndx

  1. This is only for me. I'm not trying to sell it. I'm actually toying with a PEZ dispenser. With slight modifications the inside of the PEZ fits well opposite the battery but nothings set in stone yet. Still designing....
  2. Hi everyone! I have this idea for a very portable 14500 box mod that I'm still trying to engineer but I have too many variables to consider before I can start tinkering. I've made the basic Nicostick mod a few times but I'm really trying to make it my own. I originally wanted to make a AA box so that opposite the battery I could lock the atomizer/cartomizer in place, similar to the way an SD card would lock in a camera. This would allow the atty to be "stored" in box. I like the push in push out design but I need to tear something apart to see how it works. I was also thinking that I could make it so when I push in the atty this disables the switch so this makes it pocket friendly. I thought of using a pen but the clicky part isn't long enough to allow the atty to protrude enough. The idea i have stuck in my head is creating a rail that the atty connector could slide on. I could make the slide part of the circuit when it is in the "down" position the rail could be made of a nonconductor so the flow of electricity would cease to happen if the button is pushed. Follow me? This part seems to make sense and be "doable" but now to other things to overcome. I will need something to lock the connector in place along the rail, in both the locked position and firing position. Any ideas? This seems quite integral. I thought of using a spring to push the connector up along the rail but when it gets pushed down but I may lose my "hiding" space. I thought of using bnc connectors to lock them in place but I just dont think I'll have the room. Any ideas? I would love to have it work like a sd card but I can't picture how it works... Another problem I see is if I want to use this with an atty instead of a carto it may leave the inside exposed to leaking juice from the atty. This is a definite design flaw. So now I'm picturing a sort of tube that is a few millimeters larger than a 510 atty so I can put an o-ring around the battery connector just below the air slots. This should allow the juice to stay in the tube and not in the components. This may interfere with my slide design but its still an idea. the next issue is that I would like this to be able to use different atties with this, 306, 510, 510 cartos. This means where they lock will really need to be "movable". Maybe a rail on either side so I can twist it to lock it. see what I have to deal with? lol All things considered I also think I'll need to use a small switch and I've been reading about mosfets but I'm really confused. Whatever locking mechanism I choose will kinda be the deciding factor do to size restraints. So after all this I would really like everyone's opinions and insight. I could really see this being used with a 2ohm 510 carto so if anyone wants to try and tackle this start there for me. The least of my worries is the juice well / surrounding tube. Oh, last minute idea to get rid of the possible mosfet.... Mechanical swith!!! Thanks for reading this, sorry i made it so long. My mind is just going crazy.... Low
  3. Huh, I'd be upset too. Anything to say 99Vapors?
  4. Once you find an atty / carto that works the next step is trying more juice. There are so many greats vendors...
  5. Just remember when u blow it out you need to drip again because you won't have any juice left and it will taste really bad, burnt, and dry.
  6. I like LR306 and LR510 for dripping....
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